Ruh Roh: ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It seems, despite what snowflakes claim, the science is NOT 'settled'...

DELINGPOLE: 'Global Warming' Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017 - Breitbart

“Global warming” is a myth — so say 80 graphs from 58 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in 2017.

In other words, the so-called “Consensus” on global warming is a massive lie. And
Donald Trump was quite right to quit the Paris agreement which pretended that the massive lie was true.

By “global warming” these papers don’t, of course, mean the mild warming of around 0.8 degrees Celsius that the planet has experienced since the middle of the 19th century as the world crawled out of the Little Ice Age. Pretty much everyone, alarmists and skeptics alike, is agreed on that.

Rather, they mean “global warming” in the sense that is most commonly used today by grant-troughing scientists, and huxter politicians, and scaremongering green activists, and brainwashed mainstream media (MSM) environmental correspondents.

“Global warming” as in the scary, historically unprecedented, primarily man-made phenomenon which we must address urgently before the icecaps melt and the Pacific islands disappear beneath the waves and all the baby polar bears drown." (Which according to Al Gore should have already happened...)
Of course it is. There is no proof. NONE. Just assumption. They fill in holes with "humans did it" like our ancient ancestors did with god to explain lightning and floods.
That's why they are trying to take over the SCIENTIFIC phrase "climate change" Just like they did "liberal"
Fucking hucksters.
I beleive that there is some truth on both sides of the climate change issue. I beleive that CO2 and urban sprawl do have an effect on the temperature of the planet. How much impact we haven't quite figured out yet.

I have a problem with the predictions of doom from the global warmers. I do not beleive a couple of degrees increase in temperature for the planet will be as catastraphic as predicted. Humanity will adapt.
Ruh Roh!


Not that I need any convincing myself, but I've seen enough evidence presented on this forum, enough arguments against the waste of an Accord expensively chasing after solving a problem that is not real or is being exaggerated, then the people go right back to saying it IS real, quoting Yahoo or somewhere, and still asking why we had to leave the Accord that I know that no amount of evidence will change their mind! Some people just have a certain guilt and insecurity they feel they need to atone for, the same guilt that drove them to vote for a guy with absolutely no credential to lead the country, voting for him anyway just because he was Black. It just makes them feel better.
Ruh Roh!

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Not that I need any convincing myself, but I've seen enough evidence presented on this forum, enough arguments against the waste of an Accord expensively chasing after solving a problem that is not real or is being exaggerated, then the people go right back to saying it IS real, quoting Yahoo or somewhere, and still asking why we had to leave the Accord that I know that no amount of evidence will change their mind! Some people just have a certain guilt and insecurity they feel they need to atone for, the same guilt that drove them to vote for a guy with absolutely no credential to lead the country, voting for him anyway just because he was Black. It just makes them feel better.
I'm not buying into all the votes being legit... It reminds me too much of court cases here where the old abstractor must have somehow got outta his coffin to make those last appearances before the court years after he'd done passed away....
In reality they disagree on the effects of AWG. Not that global warming isn't happening. Many scientist believe that the catastrophic effects will not occur until late in the 21st century.

"What all these papers argue in their different ways is that the alarmist version of global warming — aka Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming"
Climate change is real, man made climate change is BFS.
So the conclusion is what? That NY state and Canada should shut down their hydroelectric plants on the Niagara River and burn more coal?
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is listed on more than 1 million web pages so it must be real

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