Rudy's Right: Here's The Real Reason That Boy In The White House Isn't American


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
It's very simple why Obama lacks American values and traditions and why he doesn't appreciate our exceptionalism. It's why he is not a true Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen. It's why he doesn't like America. Facts are facts.

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The real proof is that when he was 9yo, his grandfather introduced him to a possible Communist.
Funny....that is the best they have after six years
That Obama is far more entrenched in Americanism than Steve_McGarrett is what is ridiculous.
I bet his floor has all kinds of depressions from stomping his wittle feeties and putting his foot down....
That Obama is far more entrenched in Americanism than Steve_McGarrett is what is ridiculous.

Steve, how many states in the USA?

Coming from Hawaii, I imagine Obama knew there are 50 states

His statement referred to the wear and tear of 57 primaries which include DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories

But, never let a misstatement go to waste Frankie
Shouldn't the AMA classify Birtherism as a chronic mental disease for which there is no known cure?

Perhaps the Koch bros will donate the millions for a search for the cure.
Shouldn't the AMA classify Birtherism as a chronic mental disease for which there is no known cure?

Perhaps the Koch bros will donate the millions for a search for the cure.

The mental disorder of birtherism will disappear once Ted Cruz announces as a candidate
I believe with the last two elections. the people saw all this with Obama and that's why they voted his party OUT into minority statues. so they can all whine their wee heads off. but Rudy spoke the TRUTH and millions of the citizens agrees with him.
Nothing more than unfounded accusations from a racist crybaby with an axe to grind.

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