Rudy Giuliani: Obama Was Influenced By Communism At An Early Age


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Friday explained why he believes the president of the United States has no love for his country -- and it's a line of attack Republicans have been employing for years.

“Look, this man was brought up basically in a white family, so whatever he learned or didn’t learn, I attribute this more to the influence of communism and socialism” than to his being African-American, Giuliani told the New York Daily News.

“I don’t [see] this president as being particularly a product of African-American society or something like that. He isn’t," Giuliani said. "Logically, think about his background ... The ideas that are troubling me and are leading to this come from communists with whom he associated when he was 9 years old.”

President Barack Obama lived in Indonesia at that age with his mother and stepfather.

“From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist,” Giuliani told the New York Post.

Giuliani pointed to Obama being introduced by his grandfather to Davis, a member of the Communist Party, and his former membership in the church of activist Rev. Jeremiah Wright as reasons why his assertions were correct.

Rudy Giuliani Obama Was Influenced By Communism At An Early Age

Giuliani claims Obama has been influenced by communism - NY Daily News

Oh my, so now President Obama is a communist. What's next...?
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Why don't you read Obama's books where he names the important people in his life. Then look them up. Why do liberals want to ignore so many things when it comes to Obama?

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Friday explained why he believes the president of the United States has no love for his country -- and it's a line of attack Republicans have been employing for years.

“Look, this man was brought up basically in a white family, so whatever he learned or didn’t learn, I attribute this more to the influence of communism and socialism” than to his being African-American, Giuliani told the New York Daily News.

“I don’t [see] this president as being particularly a product of African-American society or something like that. He isn’t," Giuliani said. "Logically, think about his background ... The ideas that are troubling me and are leading to this come from communists with whom he associated when he was 9 years old.”

President Barack Obama lived in Indonesia at that age with his mother and stepfather.

“From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist,” Giuliani told the New York Post.

Giuliani pointed to Obama being introduced by his grandfather to Davis, a member of the Communist Party, and his former membership in the church of activist Rev. Jeremiah Wright as reasons why his assertions were correct.

Rudy Giuliani Obama Was Influenced By Communism At An Early Age

Oh my, so now President Obama is a communist. What's next...?

Giuliani is a New York Italian, so based on this logic, he has obviously been strongly influenced by the Mafia.
Rudy is right. Its very sad but the president was raised by a muslim father and stepfather, attended muslim madrassas in indonesia, and does not understand the culture and values of the USA. He sees the USA as an oppressor who only got wealthy at the expense of the rest of the world. He is determined to punish the USA for that.

At least Rudy and many others are finally speaking out about who and what this guy is. Its too bad that the media did not do its job in 2007.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Friday explained why he believes the president of the United States has no love for his country -- and it's a line of attack Republicans have been employing for years.

“Look, this man was brought up basically in a white family, so whatever he learned or didn’t learn, I attribute this more to the influence of communism and socialism” than to his being African-American, Giuliani told the New York Daily News.

“I don’t [see] this president as being particularly a product of African-American society or something like that. He isn’t," Giuliani said. "Logically, think about his background ... The ideas that are troubling me and are leading to this come from communists with whom he associated when he was 9 years old.”

President Barack Obama lived in Indonesia at that age with his mother and stepfather.

“From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist,” Giuliani told the New York Post.

Giuliani pointed to Obama being introduced by his grandfather to Davis, a member of the Communist Party, and his former membership in the church of activist Rev. Jeremiah Wright as reasons why his assertions were correct.

Rudy Giuliani Obama Was Influenced By Communism At An Early Age

Oh my, so now President Obama is a communist. What's next...?

Giuliani is a New York Italian, so based on this logic, he has obviously been strongly influenced by the Mafia.

when he was mayor he crushed the mafia in NYC.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Friday explained why he believes the president of the United States has no love for his country -- and it's a line of attack Republicans have been employing for years.

“Look, this man was brought up basically in a white family, so whatever he learned or didn’t learn, I attribute this more to the influence of communism and socialism” than to his being African-American, Giuliani told the New York Daily News.

“I don’t [see] this president as being particularly a product of African-American society or something like that. He isn’t," Giuliani said. "Logically, think about his background ... The ideas that are troubling me and are leading to this come from communists with whom he associated when he was 9 years old.”

President Barack Obama lived in Indonesia at that age with his mother and stepfather.

“From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist,” Giuliani told the New York Post.

Giuliani pointed to Obama being introduced by his grandfather to Davis, a member of the Communist Party, and his former membership in the church of activist Rev. Jeremiah Wright as reasons why his assertions were correct.

Rudy Giuliani Obama Was Influenced By Communism At An Early Age

Oh my, so now President Obama is a communist. What's next...?

Giuliani is a New York Italian, so based on this logic, he has obviously been strongly influenced by the Mafia.

when he was mayor he crushed the mafia in NYC.

Yes I know. What about it?
Rudy is right. Its very sad but the president was raised by a muslim father and stepfather, attended muslim madrassas in indonesia, and does not understand the culture and values of the USA. He sees the USA as an oppressor who only got wealthy at the expense of the rest of the world. He is determined to punish the USA for that.

At least Rudy and many others are finally speaking out about who and what this guy is. Its too bad that the media did not do its job in 2007.

What do you mean finally? They've been at for six years with no let up in their childish rhetoric.
It's sad that President Obama has to also fight domestic terrorists like Giuliani while trying to protect us from foreign terrorists.
Rudy needs to keep pointing out the obvious. Over and over until people hear obama and say "Rudy is right".

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