Rosenstein Admission


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017

One could be forgiven amidst the protests and continuing coronavirus crisis for forgetting that in Washington, DC, this week, Congress is looking into serious allegations that Barack Obama’s Department of Justice was spying on the Trump campaign. In normal times, it would be the biggest news story in America, and Wednesday’s shocking admissions by former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be an absolute bombshell.

The key moment came in questioning from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who asked, “If you knew then what you know now, would you have signed the warrant application?” referring to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant renewal concerning Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

“No,” testified Rosenstein, “I would not.”
so what else is going on this week?

One could be forgiven amidst the protests and continuing coronavirus crisis for forgetting that in Washington, DC, this week, Congress is looking into serious allegations that Barack Obama’s Department of Justice was spying on the Trump campaign. In normal times, it would be the biggest news story in America, and Wednesday’s shocking admissions by former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be an absolute bombshell.

The key moment came in questioning from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who asked, “If you knew then what you know now, would you have signed the warrant application?” referring to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant renewal concerning Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

“No,” testified Rosenstein, “I would not.”
so what else is going on this week?
So if anyone wanted and needed these riots to escalate, it was the DNC and the players in this scheme to remove the president. We might have a motive now for those mysterious piles of bricks showing up in riot areas.

One could be forgiven amidst the protests and continuing coronavirus crisis for forgetting that in Washington, DC, this week, Congress is looking into serious allegations that Barack Obama’s Department of Justice was spying on the Trump campaign. In normal times, it would be the biggest news story in America, and Wednesday’s shocking admissions by former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be an absolute bombshell.

The key moment came in questioning from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who asked, “If you knew then what you know now, would you have signed the warrant application?” referring to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant renewal concerning Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

“No,” testified Rosenstein, “I would not.”
so what else is going on this week?
So if anyone wanted and needed these riots to escalate, it was the DNC and the players in this scheme to remove the president. We might have a motive now for those mysterious piles of bricks showing up in riot areas.
someone put them there.
someone is intentionally causing race riots.

while this is normally soros - what if the ultra-liberal democrats are doing it as yet ANOTHER method to go after trump?

i hate to think it. i do. but at this point - all bets are off.

we now find out RUSSIA was 100% total bullshit fabricated by the FBI who had to lie to get it through. business as usual or an attack on trump at this point I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK.

shit needs to end. anyone working to overthrow what we've built is the enemy. if you want change, the system is built to do that. if you can't do it within the system then you are against it.


One could be forgiven amidst the protests and continuing coronavirus crisis for forgetting that in Washington, DC, this week, Congress is looking into serious allegations that Barack Obama’s Department of Justice was spying on the Trump campaign. In normal times, it would be the biggest news story in America, and Wednesday’s shocking admissions by former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be an absolute bombshell.

The key moment came in questioning from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who asked, “If you knew then what you know now, would you have signed the warrant application?” referring to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant renewal concerning Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

“No,” testified Rosenstein, “I would not.”
so what else is going on this week?
So if anyone wanted and needed these riots to escalate, it was the DNC and the players in this scheme to remove the president. We might have a motive now for those mysterious piles of bricks showing up in riot areas.
someone put them there.
someone is intentionally causing race riots.

while this is normally soros - what if the ultra-liberal democrats are doing it as yet ANOTHER method to go after trump?

i hate to think it. i do. but at this point - all bets are off.

we now find out RUSSIA was 100% total bullshit fabricated by the FBI who had to lie to get it through. business as usual or an attack on trump at this point I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK.

shit needs to end. anyone working to overthrow what we've built is the enemy. if you want change, the system is built to do that. if you can't do it within the system then you are against it.

These many protests over the years are orchestrated by Moveon/Resist networks, they get their email lists and promo of marches from 'Meetup groups', which Meetup supports & allows to have meetup groups in all locations even though I warned them and meetup members that they are responsible for the groups terrorist inciteful acts done through their web site system.
They are told what to bring and who to target, including giving out politicians addresses.
There always is some excuse march protest during key investigative hearings to smokescreen and take up the news cycle, so my guess the bricks would be to extend the unrest to cover up coverage of Rosenstein and Clinton's testifying etc.
Also to bait & incite police to violence to further blame handling of this on Trump instead of the Dems losing control off their cities.
But they goofed when they protested the military 'consideration', because they openly placed responsibilities on mayors and Governors, and blame of any escalating incidences clearly upon Dem run cities and states and counters the Trump is not handling it narrative.

One could be forgiven amidst the protests and continuing coronavirus crisis for forgetting that in Washington, DC, this week, Congress is looking into serious allegations that Barack Obama’s Department of Justice was spying on the Trump campaign. In normal times, it would be the biggest news story in America, and Wednesday’s shocking admissions by former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be an absolute bombshell.

The key moment came in questioning from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who asked, “If you knew then what you know now, would you have signed the warrant application?” referring to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant renewal concerning Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

“No,” testified Rosenstein, “I would not.”
so what else is going on this week?
So if anyone wanted and needed these riots to escalate, it was the DNC and the players in this scheme to remove the president. We might have a motive now for those mysterious piles of bricks showing up in riot areas.
someone put them there.
someone is intentionally causing race riots.

while this is normally soros - what if the ultra-liberal democrats are doing it as yet ANOTHER method to go after trump?

i hate to think it. i do. but at this point - all bets are off.

we now find out RUSSIA was 100% total bullshit fabricated by the FBI who had to lie to get it through. business as usual or an attack on trump at this point I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK.

shit needs to end. anyone working to overthrow what we've built is the enemy. if you want change, the system is built to do that. if you can't do it within the system then you are against it.

These many protests over the years are orchestrated by Moveon/Resist networks, they get their email lists and promo of marches from 'Meetup groups', which Meetup supports & allows to have meetup groups in all locations even though I warned them and meetup members that they are responsible for the groups terrorist inciteful acts done through their web site system.
They are told what to bring and who to target, including giving out politicians addresses.
There always is some excuse march protest during key investigative hearings to smokescreen and take up the news cycle, so my guess the bricks would be to extend the unrest to cover up coverage of Rosenstein and Clinton's testifying etc.
Also to bait & incite police to violence to further blame handling of this on Trump instead of the Dems losing control off their cities.
But they goofed when they protested the military 'consideration', because they openly placed responsibilities on mayors and Governors, and blame of any escalating incidences clearly upon Dem run cities and states and counters the Trump is not handling it narrative.
til this morning, i never ever considered this could be the democrats. i still honestly do not want to believe that. but someone is telling these kids what to do and as they round them up im positive the police are going to ask who had you do this?

"i do not recall"

One could be forgiven amidst the protests and continuing coronavirus crisis for forgetting that in Washington, DC, this week, Congress is looking into serious allegations that Barack Obama’s Department of Justice was spying on the Trump campaign. In normal times, it would be the biggest news story in America, and Wednesday’s shocking admissions by former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be an absolute bombshell.

The key moment came in questioning from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who asked, “If you knew then what you know now, would you have signed the warrant application?” referring to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant renewal concerning Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

“No,” testified Rosenstein, “I would not.”
so what else is going on this week?
So if anyone wanted and needed these riots to escalate, it was the DNC and the players in this scheme to remove the president. We might have a motive now for those mysterious piles of bricks showing up in riot areas.
The Democrat party is a domestic terrorist group and riots are their terrorist attacks.

They are fascist trying to scare people into supporting Democrats.

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