Are you a terrorist suspect?Are you a terrorist suspect?
Did you support Ron Paul for president last year?
Do you believe there are people actively working to merge the U.S. with Mexico and Canada?
Do you display an American flag?
Did you ever display a Libertarian Party bumper sticker on your car?
Do you buy gold?
Any of these characteristics might lead law enforcement authorities to conclude you represent a danger to the republic. You are more likely to be a militia member or a domestic terrorist, according to a document distributed to Missouri police and, potentially, law enforcement authorities nationwide.
That is the stunning news from a Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement," which identified these "red flags" or warning signs.
Of course, I want you to notice what are not considered red flags and warning signs by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, which works with resources from the Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies.
You are not suspect if you have an "I like Osama" bumper sticker on your car.
You are not a suspect if you attend regularly attend a Wahhabi mosque.
You are not a suspect if you are preaching hate and anti-Americanism in a church formerly attended by the president of the United States.
You are not a suspect if you are a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Do you get the picture?
This is amazing! This comes from far leftist apologist. They want to take on the Christian establishment to try to appease the Islamofacists! This type of weakness is not respected and appreciated by the Islamofacists, rather they take advantage of it!