Ron Paul says we need to stop free education because its a magnet for mexicans

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
First of all its not free. I pay personal property taxes ever year to fund the education of our children. I'm still paying now despite my girls being grown. So let's say we listen to Paul and end "free" (tax funded) education. Is this his way of trying to underhandedly support the voucher system?


I just got home and rewatched this portion of the debate. He did frame it in a fashion that ment to stop educating the illegals for free. I misunderstood the first time. My mistake, but let me add this. Ron Paul jumps around so much when he is talking and can't seem to stay focused on one subject at a time its no wonder I misunderstood it the first time. His answer bounced all over the place but after watching is a second time I realized I got it wrong.
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First of all its not free. I pay personal property taxes ever year to fund the education of our children. I'm still paying now despite my girls being grown. So let's say we listen to Paul and end "free" (tax funded) education. Is this his way of trying to underhandedly support the voucher system?

I have lost all respect for you over this post. Your so fucking stupid. A true ignoramus.

Looky here dipshit, when Ron Paul says end free education for mexicans he is talking about free education for illeagal aliens. Which it is free for them, but out of the wallet of taxpayer dollars.

Most trolls hide under bridges, why dont you take your insignificant, moronic, stupid, and flat out poorly formed opinions and hide under a bridge where you belong. None gives a fuck what an anti-american dirt bag such as yourself thinks. You just bitch about everything and you flip flop your opinions and concerns depending on what candidate your refrencing.

The truth is your a socialist spender looking to eat the children of this nation by spending there money. Learn to live within your means and fuck you very much.
First of all its not free. I pay personal property taxes ever year to fund the education of our children. I'm still paying now despite my girls being grown. So let's say we listen to Paul and end "free" (tax funded) education. Is this his way of trying to underhandedly support the voucher system?

I have lost all respect for you over this post. Your so fucking stupid. A true ignoramus.

Looky here dipshit, when Ron Paul says end free education for mexicans he is talking about free education for illeagal aliens. Which it is free for them, but out of the wallet of taxpayer dollars.

Most trolls hide under bridges, why dont you take your insignificant, moronic, stupid, and flat out poorly formed opinions and hide under a bridge where you belong. None gives a fuck what an anti-american dirt bag such as yourself thinks. You just bitch about everything and you flip flop your opinions and concerns depending on what candidate your refrencing.

The truth is your a socialist spender looking to eat the children of this nation by spending there money. Learn to live within your means and fuck you very much.

Well look at the new young pup on the board trying to pee all over everyone and establish his territory. How's that working for you? Does being disrespectful to people who are trying to have a conversation normally get you places in life? Lots of dates? No? Oh, that's too bad.

To answer the OP, which is a legitimate question, no, I don't think Paul supports the voucher system. What I've read of him, coupled with his desire to eradicate the ED, I would say he is in favour of no property taxes and no tuition-free schooling. Just a hunch.
That's one of Paul's sillier statements. The reality is, we aren't going to end free education for anyone.
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First of all its not free. I pay personal property taxes ever year to fund the education of our children. I'm still paying now despite my girls being grown. So let's say we listen to Paul and end "free" (tax funded) education. Is this his way of trying to underhandedly support the voucher system?

I have lost all respect for you over this post. Your so fucking stupid. A true ignoramus.

Looky here dipshit, when Ron Paul says end free education for mexicans he is talking about free education for illeagal aliens. Which it is free for them, but out of the wallet of taxpayer dollars.

Most trolls hide under bridges, why dont you take your insignificant, moronic, stupid, and flat out poorly formed opinions and hide under a bridge where you belong. None gives a fuck what an anti-american dirt bag such as yourself thinks. You just bitch about everything and you flip flop your opinions and concerns depending on what candidate your refrencing.

The truth is your a socialist spender looking to eat the children of this nation by spending there money. Learn to live within your means and fuck you very much.

First of all your not the kind of person who's respect I try to garner. Second of all it is you who is misrepresenting things. If I have misunderstood Paul I will correct my post. I have the debate recorded so I will check the comments again when I get home from work. If I got it wrong ill correct it. If I got it right ill post a vid for you to suck on. Until then you can return to Pauls teet.
This is a brilliant idea, start charging money flat out for kids to go to school, if we do that we'll end up with thousands of kids just roaming the streets during the day with nothing to do like the Middle East and Latin America. People with barely any money won't pay for their kids to go to school if its between that and food on the table.
This is not true, this is an outright LIE posted by a NEOCON shitbag troll!

Ending free education is in reference to free education for illeagal immigrants. EI ending the incentives to cross the border.
This is not true, this is an outright LIE posted by a NEOCON shitbag troll!

Ending free education is in reference to free education for illeagal immigrants. EI ending the incentives to cross the border.

Rather than spewing crap maybe you could post a video or link or news report or something to settle the matter?
This is not true, this is an outright LIE posted by a NEOCON shitbag troll!

Ending free education is in reference to free education for illeagal immigrants. EI ending the incentives to cross the border.

Rather than spewing crap maybe you could post a video or link or news report or something to settle the matter?

Im not the one saying the lie, the burden of proof lies with the one making the allegations.

Hows all that support of Rick Perry working out for ya? I notice the sig is gone. What a way to change your opinions with the way the wind (TV) blows.
They are now using public funds to pay for illegal aliens college tuition here in Idiotfornia.

Rick Perry believes in free markets and equality so much that he has regulated colleges in texas to force them to charge an illeagal less money then an american from another state.

I guess he doesnt believe in free education for illeagals, just subsidized education. Why?

Cause he is a neocon corporate lap dog puppet that has no thoughts of his own, just what polls say and what his corporate sponsership says.
1:07 in Ron Paul says what the OP has taken clearly wrong.

[ame=]Ron Paul on Illegal Immigration - YouTube[/ame]

Here is Ron Paul from 1988 on Education: [ame=]Ron Paul on the Public School System - YouTube[/ame]

Here is Ron Paul in 2011 during a debate: [ame=]Ron Paul: Abolish The US Department of Education ... Republican Debate (9/22/2011) - YouTube[/ame]

No flip flopping, and the answer is nothing like the OP said, I hope this helps.
This is not true, this is an outright LIE posted by a NEOCON shitbag troll!

Ending free education is in reference to free education for illeagal immigrants. EI ending the incentives to cross the border.

Rather than spewing crap maybe you could post a video or link or news report or something to settle the matter?

Unlike this dude I have some self respect. When I get home I will upload a vid of Paul making the statement regardless of me misunderstanding him or not.
I posted Video, you can be lazy and don;t even have to read anything. I gave a time so you can fast forward to that very moment and the other 2 videos are rather short.

Debate over, thank and your welcome.
They are now using public funds to pay for illegal aliens college tuition here in Idiotfornia.

Rick Perry believes in free markets and equality so much that he has regulated colleges in texas to force them to charge an illeagal less money then an american from another state.

I guess he doesnt believe in free education for illeagals, just subsidized education. Why?

Cause he is a neocon corporate lap dog puppet that has no thoughts of his own, just what polls say and what his corporate sponsership says.

Think he ever runs out of urine?

What I heard Ron Paul say last night is that the Supreme Court mandated that we had to educate illegal aliens and that we should change that because it was a magnet. That'd what I heard.
1:07 in Ron Paul says what the OP has taken clearly wrong.

No flip flopping, and the answer is nothing like the OP said, I hope this helps.

Thank you Avorysuds, I thought I was going to have a total meltdown on this. Fucking people need to get there facts strait before they start shooting off at the mouth.
They are now using public funds to pay for illegal aliens college tuition here in Idiotfornia.

Rick Perry believes in free markets and equality so much that he has regulated colleges in texas to force them to charge an illeagal less money then an american from another state.

I guess he doesnt believe in free education for illeagals, just subsidized education. Why?

Cause he is a neocon corporate lap dog puppet that has no thoughts of his own, just what polls say and what his corporate sponsership says.

Think he ever runs out of urine?


Well he is still pissing all over the constitution and other founding principals that make this country great, so I would guess he doesnt run out of urine.
I posted Video, you can be lazy and don;t even have to read anything. I gave a time so you can fast forward to that very moment and the other 2 videos are rather short.

Debate over, thank and your welcome.

Thanks, but that's not video of last nights debate which is what I'm referring to and being called a liar and a troll over.
This is not true, this is an outright LIE posted by a NEOCON shitbag troll!

Ending free education is in reference to free education for illeagal immigrants. EI ending the incentives to cross the border.

Rather than spewing crap maybe you could post a video or link or news report or something to settle the matter?

Unlike this dude I have some self respect. When I get home I will upload a vid of Paul making the statement regardless of me misunderstanding him or not.

No you dont, and I dont believe for one second that you misunderstood him. I doubt many people around here disagree with that.

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