Romney versus Perry


Feb 14, 2011
I'm starting to look forward to the next few months of debates.

Perry must be enjoying this honeymoon but it will be over soon. Romney is definitely not out of it.

My hope is that Romney and Perry will both make each other better candidates in preparation for Summer 2012.

Anyone else looking at it that way? Or if you like Perry are you hardcore against Romney, and vice versa?
I'm starting to look forward to the next few months of debates.

Perry must be enjoying this honeymoon but it will be over soon. Romney is definitely not out of it.

My hope is that Romney and Perry will both make each other better candidates in preparation for Summer 2012.

Anyone else looking at it that way? Or if you like Perry are you hardcore against Romney, and vice versa?

I'm certainly not looking at it that way. In my view, Romney-vs-Perry is essentially the same as Obama-vs-Perry, which is essentially the same as Obama-vs-Bush. My hope is that Republican voters will realize their folly and pick someone decent for a change, but that would be naive as an expectation.
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I'm starting to look forward to the next few months of debates.

Perry must be enjoying this honeymoon but it will be over soon. Romney is definitely not out of it.

My hope is that Romney and Perry will both make each other better candidates in preparation for Summer 2012.

Anyone else looking at it that way? Or if you like Perry are you hardcore against Romney, and vice versa?

I'm certainly not looking at it that way. In my view, Romney-vs-Perry is essentially the same as Obama-vs-Perry, which is essentially the same as Obama-vs-Bush. My hope is that Republican voters will realize their folly and pick someone decent for a change, but that would be naive as an expectation.

Who would your choice be? Is there anyone anywhere on, near or beyond the horizon whom you would deem "someone decent"?
I'm starting to look forward to the next few months of debates.

Perry must be enjoying this honeymoon but it will be over soon. Romney is definitely not out of it.

My hope is that Romney and Perry will both make each other better candidates in preparation for Summer 2012.

Anyone else looking at it that way? Or if you like Perry are you hardcore against Romney, and vice versa?

I think you're right--Perry is going to flame out a little bit here. Basically what this election is going to come down to--is who the RNC feels can beat Barack Obama--

Perry coming out of Texas has always had a very conservative base--he wins elections there--but is he capable of winning over independents from the east coast--the mid-west--south etc.?

We know Romney can get the independent vote. Then the next thing to discuss--is who is really more experienced in job creation? Romney coming from the private sector as a sucessful businessman versus a governor in Perry that has done very well in his state at creating jobs. However these are oil producing jobs--and we have to ask is he capable of turning this overall economy around?

So personally I think the battle comes down to these two guys--UNLESS some of the others in the field start hitting home runs during the debates.

I know I will be taking my time making a choice--and probably won't make a decision until all of the debates are over. Therefore if someone polls me--I am in the do not know yet column.
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Who would your choice be? Is there anyone anywhere on, near or beyond the horizon whom you would deem "someone decent"?

Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, maybe Huntsman... of these, only Paul stands a chance, albeit a slim one. To be honest, as long as our system keeps producing empty suits for candidates I don't really care who runs. I won't vote or them.
I've never been keen on Romney...he seems fake.

When he was governor of Massachusetts he espoused liberal positions in order to get elected...but as soon as he started his run for president, he cast away those beliefs like an out-of-style wardrobe, and donned a brand new suit of "core beliefs" more in vogue with his target constituency.

How can I support a candidate who changes with each and every shift in the political wind?

Romney will say whatever he thinks you want to hear in order to get elected.

He'll be pro-choice, he'll be pro-life, he'll signed an assault weapons ban, he'll joined the NRA...

Just let him know what convictions he needs to hold near and dear to his heart...and by G-d, he'll hold'em...if that's what it takes to get elected.
I'm starting to look forward to the next few months of debates.

Perry must be enjoying this honeymoon but it will be over soon. Romney is definitely not out of it.

My hope is that Romney and Perry will both make each other better candidates in preparation for Summer 2012.

Anyone else looking at it that way? Or if you like Perry are you hardcore against Romney, and vice versa?

Actually, no, I'm not.

There are only two reasons why Romney, the guy who came in third last time, is considered formidable. The liberal media keeps pushing him, and he is willing to spend the millions he has earned putting working people out of jobs on these failed attempts.

If you look at his electoral history, it isn't that impressive.

In 1994, he lost to Ted Kennedy for Senate by 17 points.

in 2002, he beat a non entity for Governor after spending 7 million of his own money and running unopposed in the GOP Primary.

In 2006, he opted to not run again when polls showed him running behind Devall Patrick by double digits.

In 2008, he lost 16 primaries and only won three. The three he won were Michigan (where his Dad was governor), Massachusetts (where he was governor) and Utah (which is full of his fellow Mormons.) He also won 8 caucuses, but those were caucuses, not primaries, and he lost key caucuses like Iowa.

This time, he is in less favorable a position. First, he is running for the center at a time when the party is heading to the right. Second, last time, Rush Limbaugh and a lot of the Right Wing Media got behind him because McCain and Huckabee were unacceptable for various reasons. This time, not so much.

The only thing Romney is going to accomplish is creating attacks that the Community Organizer will recycle in the fall.
I've never been keen on Romney...he seems fake.

When he was governor of Massachusetts he espoused liberal positions in order to get elected...but as soon as he started his run for president, he cast away those beliefs like an out-of-style wardrobe, and donned a brand new suit of "core beliefs" more in vogue with his target constituency.

How can I support a candidate who changes with each and every shift in the political wind?

Romney will say whatever he thinks you want to hear in order to get elected.

He'll be pro-choice, he'll be pro-life, he'll signed an assault weapons ban, he'll joined the NRA...

Just let him know what convictions he needs to hold near and dear to his heart...and by G-d, he'll hold'em...if that's what it takes to get elected.

Romney reminds me of Jim Oberweis here in IL.

When Oberweis ran for Senate in 2002, he denounced religious conservatives as the "American Taliban". When he realized that got the Republicans to hate him, he ran as an ultra conservative in 2004. He lost the nomination again. In 2006, he ran for governor, lost one more time.

Finally, he found a venue where he could bully the other candidate, Congress for the 14th district after Denny Hastert retired in 2008. He still lost to the Democrat in the special election and again in the general election. Mercifully, he went back to selling ice cream after that.

If only Romney could take a hint.

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