Romney give it to Republicans


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016

Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNNā€™s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greeneā€™s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the ā€œpro-Putin sentimentsā€ that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russiaā€™s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romneyā€™s response:
Well a lot of those people are changing their stripes as theyā€™re seeing the response of the world and the political response here in the U.S. But how anybody in this country which loves freedom can side with Vladimir Putin ā€” who is an oppressor, a dictator, he kills people, he imprisons his political opponents. Heā€™s been an adversary of America at every chance heā€™s had. Itā€™s unthinkable to me. Itā€™s almost treasonous, and it just makes me ill to see some of these people do that. But of course, they do it ā€™cause itā€™s shock value and it will get them more eyeballs and make a little more money for them and their network. Itā€™s disgusting. Iā€™m hopeful youā€™re seeing some of those people recognize just how wrong they were.
Romney didnā€™t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox Newsā€™ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russiaā€™s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin ā€œsmartā€ while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, ā€œTreasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?ā€
ā€œWell, I said itā€™s nearly treasonous,ā€ Romney answered. ā€œStanding up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.ā€
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™


Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNNā€™s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greeneā€™s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the ā€œpro-Putin sentimentsā€ that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russiaā€™s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romneyā€™s response:

Romney didnā€™t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox Newsā€™ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russiaā€™s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin ā€œsmartā€ while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, ā€œTreasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?ā€
ā€œWell, I said itā€™s nearly treasonous,ā€ Romney answered. ā€œStanding up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.ā€
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™

Why is it "treasonous" to oppose Sleepy Joe's policies like kissing up to the corrupt Zolenskyy? Just because the Ukraine President has made numerous payoffs to the Biden Family doesn't mean that Americans are bound, on the pain of treason charges,to kiss the Ukrainian oligarch's behind? Or does it?

Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNNā€™s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greeneā€™s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the ā€œpro-Putin sentimentsā€ that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russiaā€™s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romneyā€™s response:

Romney didnā€™t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox Newsā€™ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russiaā€™s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin ā€œsmartā€ while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, ā€œTreasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?ā€
ā€œWell, I said itā€™s nearly treasonous,ā€ Romney answered. ā€œStanding up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.ā€
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™

I have to laugh at the crazy way democrats tie what is left of their minds into little knots and sound off over everything.
44 told Romney that they 1980 wanted their foreign policy back. Democrats defended it.
44 and Hilary gave the Russians a misspelled reset button. The democrats defended that.
44 and Hilary both tried to talk more business into Russia and the democrats defended it.
when we sold uranium to Russia the democrats defended that.
The Clintonā€™s weā€™re buddies with Russians and received millions in donations to their slush fund(charity) and the democrats defended that.
44 told Putin he would have more flexibility after the election and the democrats defended that.
44 told Trump not to be hard or upset the Russians and democrats defended that.
Now suddenly Russia is evil and anyone not wanting a nuclear war with them is just as bad.

Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNNā€™s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greeneā€™s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the ā€œpro-Putin sentimentsā€ that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russiaā€™s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romneyā€™s response:

Romney didnā€™t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox Newsā€™ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russiaā€™s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin ā€œsmartā€ while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, ā€œTreasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?ā€
ā€œWell, I said itā€™s nearly treasonous,ā€ Romney answered. ā€œStanding up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.ā€
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™

It is good for Mitt or any other Republican to speak out against these thing. Otherwise the public is left with the impression all Republicans have turned trumpian anti-American. I do not know the percentage of Republican that hold these anti-American thoughts, but I could never vote for one that did. At the moment, it cuts down the field, quite a bit.

"In early 2012, President Barack Obama was caught on an open microphone telling Russiaā€™s then-President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more ā€œflexibilityā€ after the presidential election in his dealings with Russia. Romney reacted strongly to that comment. Appearing on CNN, the GOP nominee said that the United States should regard Russia as a geopolitical adversary and should work to limit Russiaā€™s flexibility rather than to secure it. His observation was soundly criticized by the presidentā€™s defenders who, at the time, were still attempting to rehabilitate Obamaā€™s floundering ā€œResetā€ with Russia."


But MSNBCā€™s wagons circled particularly quickly in defense of the president. Volley after volley of snark was lobbed in the GOP nomineeā€™s direction.

ā€œI donā€™t know what decade this guyā€™s living in,ā€ MSNBC host Chris Matthews said with a sigh on March 28, 2012. ā€œIs he trying to play Ronald Reagan here, or what?ā€ ā€œThis is Mitt Romneyā€™s severely conservative problem,ā€ University of Georgia professor Cynthia Tucker opined on-the-air. ā€œIt made Romney look dumb. Heā€™s not a dumb man, but he said something that was clearly dumb.ā€

Huffington Post reporter Sam Stein agreed that Romneyā€™s statement was evidence of an ā€œantiquated worldview.ā€ He fretted further about how Romney, should he become president, would enter the office having severely complicated Americaā€™s bilateral relations with Moscow given his carelessly provocative statement.

ā€œI personally am worried about what it says to the Russian people,ā€ Matthews added to a chorus of sagely nods."

MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Lawrence Oā€™Donnell got in on the self-satisfied ridicule, too. Promoting Maddowā€™s latest book about the ā€œunmooring of American military power,ā€ Oā€™Donnell asked the flagship MSNBC host if Romney was merely reflecting on what he might have read in that book.

ā€œHe read about Reaganā€™s private, outside-the-CIA cabal of team-B zealots who were telling him that Russia had all the stuff they didnā€™t have so he could justify a giant defense budget,ā€ Maddow submitted scornfully.

ā€œIt is amazing that Mitt Romney can flip like that just as soon as he hears something to exploit in foreign policy,ā€ Oā€™Donnell remarked. "

Maddow went on her blog and even wrote this: "
I can appreciate why the Romney campaign would try to make Obamaā€™s ā€œhot micā€ story interesting, but the problem is the former governor just doesnā€™t have any real policy chops in this area. Heā€™s out of his depth, and struggles when the subject takes center stage.

Itā€™s not just that Romney is uninformed; itā€™s that he hasnā€™t figured out how to fake it."

Watch the video in the link....the Demafascist and their propaganda arm having been defending Putin and carrying Russian water for over a decade....they have been the useful idiots that allowed this invasion by Putin.

Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNNā€™s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greeneā€™s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the ā€œpro-Putin sentimentsā€ that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russiaā€™s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romneyā€™s response:

Romney didnā€™t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox Newsā€™ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russiaā€™s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin ā€œsmartā€ while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, ā€œTreasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?ā€
ā€œWell, I said itā€™s nearly treasonous,ā€ Romney answered. ā€œStanding up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.ā€
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™

Mittens is all LIP and no service...

He talks a good game and then stabs america in the back to further his bank account.
Trump forced to walk back

ā€˜Absolutely hammeredā€™: Watch this shocking video of an annihilated Russian armored convoy​


CNN senior international correspondent Matthew Chance aired an amazing video on Monday of a Russian armored convoy that had been annihilated during Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

"Right within the past few hours there has been a ferocious battle here on the outskirts of Kyiv," he reported. "And this is one of those Russian, Soviet-era vehicles, which is completely burned out."
"You can see this is a bridge actually. There's an access point to the northwest of Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital and the Russian column that has come down here has been absolutely hammered," he reported.
He reported Ukrainian commanders said they had been using western anti-tank missiles to attack Russian troops.
READ: Trump forced to walk back his praise for Putin after Republicans recoil from Ukraine invasion
we're in a very exposed situation right now. there is debris, the twisted metal of these vehicles. this is obviously just a truck carrying supplies. we saw the armored vehicle in front there. i mean, looking around --
look at this. what kind of knew admissions does it take to do that to a car, to a vehicle? you know, i know that i've been to the local ukrainian commanders here, they say they were using western anti-tank missiles to attack these
"Look, so recent the battle. this vehicle is still smoking," he reported. "There's still smoke coming out of the back of that, ammunition boxes on the ground," he reported. "A real scene of devastation along this bridge."
It is good for Mitt or any other Republican to speak out against these thing. Otherwise the public is left with the impression all Republicans have turned trumpian anti-American. I do not know the percentage of Republican that hold these anti-American thoughts, but I could never vote for one that did. At the moment, it cuts down the field, quite a bit.

Its good for Brandon and his future prospects at reelection for sure.

There is plenty of room for Mr. Romney, if he was really a Republican, to criticize Leftards for enabling Uncle Pootie and Zelenskyy without his blatant disregard of the 11th Commandment not to speak ill of other Republicans.
Trump forced to walk back

ā€˜Absolutely hammeredā€™: Watch this shocking video of an annihilated Russian armored convoy​


CNN senior international correspondent Matthew Chance aired an amazing video on Monday of a Russian armored convoy that had been annihilated during Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

"Right within the past few hours there has been a ferocious battle here on the outskirts of Kyiv," he reported. "And this is one of those Russian, Soviet-era vehicles, which is completely burned out."
"You can see this is a bridge actually. There's an access point to the northwest of Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital and the Russian column that has come down here has been absolutely hammered," he reported.
He reported Ukrainian commanders said they had been using western anti-tank missiles to attack Russian troops.
READ: Trump forced to walk back his praise for Putin after Republicans recoil from Ukraine invasion
we're in a very exposed situation right now. there is debris, the twisted metal of these vehicles. this is obviously just a truck carrying supplies. we saw the armored vehicle in front there. i mean, looking around --
look at this. what kind of knew admissions does it take to do that to a car, to a vehicle? you know, i know that i've been to the local ukrainian commanders here, they say they were using western anti-tank missiles to attack these
"Look, so recent the battle. this vehicle is still smoking," he reported. "There's still smoke coming out of the back of that, ammunition boxes on the ground," he reported. "A real scene of devastation along this bridge."

CNN? I have doubts about all of their reports.

I'd love to see what Infowars' coverage of the war is saying , before I comment on this. I like to hear the real facts, instead of made up shit designed to make Brandon look heroic and competent.

Trump has Putin grinning like a possum -
There are rumors that NATO is about to grant Ukraine instant membership. How will Vlad react to that?

Trump has Putin grinning like a possum -

How would such a relationship help Uncle Pootie in the least if it was true? Brandon is in charge- and President Trump has no influence whatsoever on US policy.

Were you familiar, ed, with the fact that President Biden has yet to call up Trump for his advice even once, and even scorned the traditions of inauguration day by snubbing his predecessor?
There are rumors that NATO is about to grant Ukraine instant membership. How will Vlad react to that?

I doubt that, not because of Pootie's reaction, but the reactions of Sleepy Joe's fans out there.

If Biden were to deploy recruitment buses to NYU and Berkeley to ship his young liberal fans out to the frozen Russian tundra to die for him, they'd tell him to go to perdition IMHO.

Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNNā€™s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greeneā€™s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the ā€œpro-Putin sentimentsā€ that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russiaā€™s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romneyā€™s response:

Romney didnā€™t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox Newsā€™ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russiaā€™s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin ā€œsmartā€ while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, ā€œTreasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?ā€
ā€œWell, I said itā€™s nearly treasonous,ā€ Romney answered. ā€œStanding up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.ā€
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™

Putin deprived Romeny's son of a nice paycheck when they invaded Ukraine!

Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNNā€™s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greeneā€™s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the ā€œpro-Putin sentimentsā€ that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russiaā€™s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romneyā€™s response:

Romney didnā€™t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox Newsā€™ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russiaā€™s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin ā€œsmartā€ while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, ā€œTreasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?ā€
ā€œWell, I said itā€™s nearly treasonous,ā€ Romney answered. ā€œStanding up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.ā€
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ā€˜Disgustingā€™ Pro-Putin Republicans: ā€˜Almost Treasonousā€™

Weā€™ve seen this tactic numerous times before. How could anyone not see it now?

Slandering anyone who opposes yet another war as pro-Putin, are the tactics of a globalist authoritarian and statist warmonger.

Donā€™t fall for this shit.
Its good for Brandon and his future prospects at reelection for sure.

There is plenty of room for Mr. Romney, if he was really a Republican, to criticize Leftards for enabling Uncle Pootie and Zelenskyy without his blatant disregard of the 11th Commandment not to speak ill of other Republicans.
Now is not the time for 11th commandment. It is kind of like giving Americans a choice between dissolving the country, giving the boot to the constitution that has held us together longer than any other democracy in the world versus Democrat leadership, that would conserve the constitution and process, but rushing forward with nut ball domestic policy and decision-making at least in the short term. I just don't see US voters, voting to basically get rid of the US Constitution and form of government for a pig in a poke that favors top down rule by cabal (possibly chosen by politically inspired mob violence) and no free elections.

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