Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Benjy Sarlin

In what his campaign billed as his “closing argument,” Mitt Romney warned Americans that a second term for President Obama would have apocalyptic consequences for the economy in part because his own party would force a debt ceiling disaster.

“Unless we change course, we may well be looking at another recession,” Romney told a crowd in West Allis, Wisconsin.

More: Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy | TPM2012

[ame=]Romney: Under Obama, Congress Will Block Debt Ceiling Increase - YouTube[/ame]
They've been doing that for the last 4 years. And the 8 years of Bush before that.
al Qaeda loves the Republicans. They damaged the country and let the al Qaeda leader go.
Doesn't matter who's elected, those mouth breathers in the house set back bipartisanship for years with there toxic rhetoric.
I'm watching Romney talk about the Olympics.

Now he is talking about Massachusetts where he is behind more than 20 points and had a 34% approval rating.
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Romney says he will get hard on China. He has unknown millions invested in China. Republicans held the unemployed hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts. If China holds Romney's millions hostage, what will he do?
The House GOP, with their pledge never to raise taxes and never to compromise will send the country over the edge. They will pledge allegience to their party before they pledge ellegience to their country.

They need to enjoy their existance. With the changing demographics, particularly in the southwest, this may be their last chance to win back the Presidency. The GOP is doomed...
let me guess, thinkprogress?

it did get the libs panties all in a bunch so I imagine so

In what his campaign billed as his “closing argument,” Mitt Romney warned Americans that a second term for President Obama would have apocalyptic consequences for the economy in part because his own party would force a debt ceiling disaster.

“Unless we change course, we may well be looking at another recession,” Romney told a crowd in West Allis, Wisconsin.

Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy | TPM2012

I told my husband this would happen, but he told me he didn't think the GOP was that nuts.
By Benjy Sarlin

In what his campaign billed as his “closing argument,” Mitt Romney warned Americans that a second term for President Obama would have apocalyptic consequences for the economy in part because his own party would force a debt ceiling disaster.

“Unless we change course, we may well be looking at another recession,” Romney told a crowd in West Allis, Wisconsin.

More: Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy | TPM2012

[ame=]Romney: Under Obama, Congress Will Block Debt Ceiling Increase - YouTube[/ame]

Only a complete libtard partisan hack would take this Romney statement...
Unless we change course, we may well be looking at another recession

and say it equals this...

Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy

Another grand FAIL thread, brought to us by our own resident fake Indian, Shitting Bull.
Only a complete libtard partisan hack would take this Romney statement...
Unless we change course, we may well be looking at another recession

and say it equals this...

Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy

Another grand FAIL thread, brought to us by our own resident fake Indian, Shitting Bull.

Only a complete failure would refuse to read the linked article.

Here's the Romney statement that led to the headline, you utter waste of skin and oxygen:

You know that if the President is re-elected, he will still be unable to work with the people in Congress,” Romney said. “He has ignored them, attacked them, blamed them. The debt ceiling will come up again, and shutdown and default will be threatened, chilling the economy

ONly a moron would miss the implied threat in that statement.

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