Zone1 Roma lives matter - Respect

No the blacks were slaves but there was never a genocide against them. 2/3 of the gypsy population was exterminated, last century so they were never killed off? You dont know history dude. And it was not the first and even maybe not the last genocide which happened or will happen. There were many genocides including ethnic cleansing, like being shipped to colonies and deported etc. "hunts" etc. you heard of the witch hunts, but not of the gypsy hunts. The blacks were slaves, and discriminated segregated but they were not genocided at least not in america. In africa there were some genocides by the colonial powers against blacks though. You dont know shit.

Dont care about the past.
What are YOU doing to make yourself worth shit today?
You dont have a job,you dont have a home,and you dont have a car.
You're a classic example of a leech,you dont produce jackshit that benefits the rest of the population.
ANSWER my one simple question,do you have a job,do you have a home,do you have a car?
Obviously you dont have any of those things. In America that makes you a piece of shit who lives off the labor of working Americans.
Am I wrong?

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