Roger Goodell "We Were Wrong" Over Player Protests


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is very interesting.

Free speech is finally winning in the NFL.

The league will now support players if they take a knee during the anthem.

I support free speech in all forms as long as it's not violent.

This is very interesting.

Free speech is finally winning in the NFL.

The league will now support players if they take a knee during the anthem.

I support free speech in all forms as long as it's not violent.

Kneeling in front the flag backfired big time on Kaepernick, as a LOT of people were pissed over the disrespect of the American flag. Doing it again this year is stupid.....
This is very interesting.

Free speech is finally winning in the NFL.

The league will now support players if they take a knee during the anthem.

I support free speech in all forms as long as it's not violent.

Could you please read through the front page before posting these duplicate threads.
This is very interesting.

Free speech is finally winning in the NFL.

The league will now support players if they take a knee during the anthem.

I support free speech in all forms as long as it's not violent.

Kneeling in front the flag backfired big time on Kaepernick, as a LOT of people were pissed over the disrespect of the American flag. Doing it again this year is stupid.....
What happened to freedom in this country....Why one has to stand for a flag? I go to get entertained not to get a dose of nationalism. No one should be shamed for not standing for the flag.
This is very interesting.

Free speech is finally winning in the NFL.

The league will now support players if they take a knee during the anthem.

I support free speech in all forms as long as it's not violent.

Yeah, and i will turn off the TV when any NFL game comes on. When the stands are empty again, and the revenue just doesnt make it, you will see how the Pissburg Kneelers and other black millionaires will stand up in protest that they arent getting their pay...
This is very interesting.

Free speech is finally winning in the NFL.

The league will now support players if they take a knee during the anthem.

I support free speech in all forms as long as it's not violent.

Kneeling in front the flag backfired big time on Kaepernick, as a LOT of people were pissed over the disrespect of the American flag. Doing it again this year is stupid.....
What happened to freedom in this country....Why one has to stand for a flag? I go to get entertained not to get a dose of nationalism. No one should be shamed for not standing for the flag.
Cuba is open, why dont you take your disrespectful commie ass there....
This is very interesting.

Free speech is finally winning in the NFL.

The league will now support players if they take a knee during the anthem.

I support free speech in all forms as long as it's not violent.

You never know where or when a tipping point is going to come.

How's this for irony: We may look back at the Trump era at the time when the country began to once and for all to address this.

This is why I value freedom of speech so much: This time has shined the light on the Trumpists and their kind. And now we may see real improvements.
This is very interesting.

Free speech is finally winning in the NFL.

The league will now support players if they take a knee during the anthem.

I support free speech in all forms as long as it's not violent.

You never know where or when a tipping point is going to come.

How's this for irony: We may look back at the Trump era at the time when the country began to once and for all to address this.

This is why I value freedom of speech so much: This time has shined the light on the Trumpists and their kind. And now we may see real improvements.
Real improvements in what, exactly.

The Democrats have turned our entire country into a shit show because Trump got elected.

The football players, some of the wealthiest men in America, have decided that left-wing radical politics is so important to them, they will shit on the American flag.
This is very interesting.

Free speech is finally winning in the NFL.

The league will now support players if they take a knee during the anthem.

I support free speech in all forms as long as it's not violent.

Kneeling in front the flag backfired big time on Kaepernick, as a LOT of people were pissed over the disrespect of the American flag. Doing it again this year is stupid.....
What happened to freedom in this country....Why one has to stand for a flag? I go to get entertained not to get a dose of nationalism. No one should be shamed for not standing for the flag.
Thats reverse logic

Drew Brees said he would not take a knee and liberals attacked bim
The football players, some of the wealthiest men in America, have decided that left-wing radical politics is so important to them, they will shit on the American flag.
And this is what you guys lack the capacity to grasp.

He's not shitting on it, he's depending on it.

I don't expect you to understand.

A man named Nate Boyer, who had spent a brief time with the Seattle Seahawks and went on to serve in the Army Special Forces wrote an open letter to Kaepernick for The Army Times in which he said in part, “I’m not judging you for standing up for what you believe in. It’s your inalienable right. What you are doing takes a lot of courage, and I’d be lying if I said I knew what it was like to walk around in your shoes. I’ve never had to deal with prejudice because of the color of my skin, and for me to say I can relate to what you’ve gone through is as ignorant as someone who’s never been in a combat zone telling me they understand what it’s like to go to war.”

Kaepernick found out about it and got in touch with Boyer. They met, about which Boyer said afterwards, "We sorta came to a middle ground where he would take a knee alongside his teammates. Soldiers take a knee in front of a fallen brother's grave, you know, to show respect. When we're on a patrol, you know, and we go into a security halt, we take a knee, and we pull security."

Hmm. Nate Boyer, or a bunch of obedient Trumpsters? Tough call.

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