Rock God

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Hey everybody, I've written an original story that I posted on Wattpad and now I would like to share it here as well. :) (Rated T for language and I saw the rule that we're allowed to cuss on here loosely and I'm guessing that means just like every word and sentence I suppose. Hopefully I'm right.)

First, here's the description: After Michael “Mick” L. Dawson Junior forms a rock band with his father and high school friends, he becomes extremely popular and famous. However, after the death of his father Mick threatens to quit the band forever. That is until a mysterious stranger by the name of DJ shows up and teaches him that he should never give up on his dreams.

Now,.. here's the first chapter. :D

Chapter One: School Bullies

Dedicated to the real Joshua remix as my gratitude for the use of his username and real-life personality and looks,.. you totally rock dude!! :D Also for the band name of Shock Therapy that was inspired by Calemn. I have absolutely no idea who or what that is,.. but he wanted me to mention it lol so I did.

My name is Michael Leonard Dawson Junior or the second,.. but people generally just call me Mick. Last summer when I moved to California I had absolutely no idea that it would be the summer that would change my life. I’ve never been one of the most popular kids in school since if you asked for my opinion, I wouldn’t exactly say that I’m attractive. I have chocolate colored hair, dark brown eyes, bushy eyebrows and I’ve always been a tad bit overweight. I used to have glasses before I switched to contacts.

Anyways, this isn’t my story,.. it David Goliath James’ story, but everybody just calls him DJ and he just happens to be my best friend in the whole entire world, but we’ll get to him later on. For every story has to have a beginning, and mine began one day when my father was dropping me off at high school. I had just turned fifteen the weekend before and was able to stay with him for it. You see my parents are divorced and my little sister (she just turned seven) is only my half-sister since I am a child from my mother’s previous marriage.

Or at least that’s what she likes to tell people as I’m not really sure if it’s true, or if she had an affair. However, that’s not really my business and it’s not important for the story so let’s continue. My father just finished dropping me off at school in his white pickup truck and early that morning at school we had a surprise assembly. We had a new student by the name of Lisa Lin who just happened to be a cancer survivor and so Clearwater Christian Academy (my school just in case that you didn’t already figure it out) was going to have a fundraiser to raise money for a nearby children’s hospital.

I had grown up in a very religious family. We went to church every time that the doors were open. Although my father was the lead singer of our church’s contemporary rock band Trinity. That got me to thinking, since Ms. Wright (our teacher) said that we could choose to help out in the fundraiser if we wished, what if my father and I formed a rock band together? That’s when suddenly I raised my hand. I was shyer in school than I was at home because me and all my friends knew that I had a highly attractive teacher. Blonde hair, blue eyes, total babe in other words.

“Yes Michael?” She questioned me since she always called me by my true first name. Now I had just moved from Texas, so a lot of the kids always used to tease me due to my southern accent.

“Well my father sings in a rock band at church, maybe we could sing together.” I suggested.

“That’s an excellent idea.” Ms. Wright replied with a rather warm and loving smile but a lot of the other boys just chuckled at me.

“Yeah and maybe I could take ballet.” A bully kid by the name of Eugene Douglas (which if I had that for a name, I have to admit that I would probably be a bully too) said with a laugh. He would never be one that somebody would suspect for being a bully since he was rather tall and slender and had big ears, freckles on his cheeks, big teeth and braces. He actually looked like the class nerd instead of bully and somebody that I could beat up if I wasn’t so short. “Shouldn’t you be singing country music cowboy?” He questioned me as I simply just made a face out of disgust.

“Now Eugene, Michael is allowed to sing whatever he wants to. Just give these papers to your father that explains the rules. We need them in by September twenty-first.” Ms. Wright explained to me before she handed me the papers. That afternoon that I rode home on the bus I noticed that several children were picking on Lisa because she didn’t have very much of her hair grown back yet and that made me really angry.

The fact that we even had bullies at all at a school where we’re always supposed to be showing the love of Christ and setting an example for the rest of the world always threw me for a loop. Poor Lisa was in tears and that’s when I had had enough. “Hey!!” I cried out as I quickly got to my feet. “Leave her alone!! What did she ever do to you!? And it’s not her fault that she was sick and lost all of her hair. At least she was born without balls and didn’t lose them like you.” I said right before I realized that I had gone one step too far and Eugene Douglas punched me right in the mouth.

I couldn’t help it though, I just couldn’t sit by and let him and the other boys treat Lisa like that for something that wasn’t her fault. After I got back home I told my mother what happened. “Oh Michael, you should have turned the other cheek. It’s one thing to stand up for somebody, but you didn’t have to insult the young man for it.” She pointed out to me.

“That’s just it though Mom, guys who bully others and treat girls like that really aren’t behaving like men at all in my book. They’re acting like dickheads. I’m sure that even Jesus would agree with me on that.” I told her as she then told me that I was grounded for using that kind of language (because if she’s told me once she’s told me a million time) and then I was sent to my bedroom to start working on my homework.
True, good point. Anyways, here's chapter two and I really hope that you enjoy it. :) Love your Muppets profile picture btw. :D

Chapter Two: Meeting DJ

Hey guys, I apologize that it’s been such a long time since I’ve updated this story, but I’ve got busy on other things. Since I am currently suffering writer’s block for all of my other stories, I figured that I would come back and work on this one. So, with that being said, I hope that you enjoy the second chapter!!

That Sunday my father couldn’t wait to tell the rest of our congregation about how he would be singing in a rock band with his son. Which that was really the only good thing about our sermon that I remember. For the only other thing that I remember about how God kept punishing people and He seemed to be very angry with them all the time and it was quite scary.

However, that was nothing compared to the following afternoon. I was sitting in social studies class and it was the end of the day at school and the Mr. Larry the principal got on the loudspeaker to call me down to his office. “Michael Dawson, could you please come down to the office? Michael Dawson.” He said in a rather low and dull voice.

I ignored the snickers of a few of my other classmates and gathered my things and went down to the office. I was completely shocked and horrified to find my mother already there waiting for me that looked white as a ghost.

“What is it Mama, what’s wrong?” I questioned her anxiously. I only called her that when I was either really worried or upset about something.

“It’s your father.” She replied quietly and she told me that she had come to pick me up from school and drive me to the hospital because he had just passed out. While she signed us in I went into the waiting room and sat down next to a young man with short blondish-brown hair, blue-greenish eyes, peached skin, and was wearing a white T-shirt with a picture of the earth on it, a black leather jacket, blue jeans, white socks, and black and white sneakers.

That’s when suddenly he turned to me and smiled. It was the brightest smile I had ever seen. “Hello there kid.” He began happily and a few moments of silence passed as I just simply looked at him. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” He questioned me with uncertainty. “Come on and open up your mouth and let me see.” He told me playfully.

“I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.” I told him and he slowly nodded at me.

“Ah I see, well that is a very good rule. Your mother has taught you well.” He told me. “You can’t be too trusting of anybody you don’t know it isn’t safe.” He added as a few more moments of silence passed between us and I just couldn’t help it anymore.

“Who are you?” I asked him for my curiosity had just gotten the better of me.

“David Goliath James at your service.” He told me cheerfully before offering me his hand. “But all of my friends just usually call me DJ.” He explained as I hesitated before shaking his hand.

“Mick Dawson.” I replied.

“Well Mick, it is a pleasure to meet you.” DJ began before simply just heaving a sigh. “It makes my job a little bit easier.” He finished before slowly turning to look off into the distance.

“What job?’ I wondered.

“My daughter is terminally ill and she doesn’t have much longer left on earth.” He explained.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” I told him.

“Oh don’t be. She’s been suffering way too long and since she knows Christ she’s about to go home.” He explained. “And you, what are you here for Champ?” He questioned me and that’s when I smiled at him.

“Hey, my father calls me that.” I replied and DJ smiled back at me before my mother quickly hurried over to me and embraced me tightly. Her face looked like she had just been crying. “What happened Mama, what’s wrong with him?” I inquired even though I really didn’t want to know the answer. That’s when suddenly she slowly began to pull away from me.

“Mickey, your father has lung cancer.” She told me as tears silently rolled down her cheeks and that’s when I got up and left the room. I was extremely pissed off. I was pissed off at my father for smoking all of the time, but mostly I was pissed off at myself for not saying anything or trying to do anything about it.

I had left the room in such a hurry that I hadn’t noticed that where DJ had been sitting was now a vacant seat. “Michael, please wait up sweetheart!” My mother called as she quickly hurried after me. “Do you want to talk about it?” She asked me.

“If I wanted to talk about it why would I have run off so quickly like that?” I questioned her back.

“Look, I know you’re upset but you just have got to have faith that God will take care of us.” She told me.

“Oh yeah? I already did and look where that got me!” I snapped.

That night I could barely sleep. Tears silently rolled down my cheeks as I laid inside my bed with my arms supporting the back of my head as I looked up at the ceiling and started to pray. “God,.. I don’t know if you’re listening or not, but please help my father get well and help me get through this. Also,.. if it isn’t too much trouble, I would really like a friend.” I prayed aloud before pausing a few moments later. “Amen.”

After that I started thinking about DJ and his daughter. I wondered to myself how he could be so calm about her upcoming death. After all, no matter what people believe in it should be hard to lose any member of your family let alone a daughter. That’s when suddenly I rolled over, closed my eyes, and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Chapter Three: Shock Therapy

The next day at school I found that I could barely concentrate on my schoolwork because I was so worried about my father. However, during lunch that afternoon a rather wide grin stretched a crossed my face because I suddenly got a brilliant idea. I turned over to look at the boy sitting next to me. His name was Joshua Remix and we had known each other since kindergarten, and he was currently the closest thing I had to a best friend.

He also understood how lonely I felt since he had bright red hair and most all of the school bullies didn’t like ginger kids, so he was always picked on. He also had pale white skin, freckles, blueish-green eyes and wore a pair of thin round glasses on his face and glasses were another physical attribute that bullies couldn’t stand.

“Hey Josh, I was just wondering,.. how would you like to start a rock band together?” I questioned him and at that he spat out his chocolate milk. “What?” I inquired as I simply just looked at him for he was currently acting like I had just told him that I lost my virginity.

“Mick, we’re not exactly rock band material.” Josh began. “We’re more like chess club and stamp collecting people.” He told me and that’s when I just rolled his eyes at him.

“You are such a nerd.” I told him while giving a slight shake of my head. “If we started a rock band maybe we could change all that and my father and I are supposed to be singing in the school fundraiser anyways.” I told him when suddenly the bell rang.

“Do you think that we could get girlfriends?” Josh questioned me as we both got to our feet and I simply just shrugged while we gathered our stuff.

“I don’t see why not.” I told him and then I followed him out of the cafeteria and headed to my next class.


When I got home from school that afternoon, I came into the living room to find that my mother was busy watching the news. It turns out that the house a crossed the street from us had caught on fire but luckily for them thanks to a mysterious stranger everybody was able to make it out alive. Once my mother was aware of my presence, she turned off the television set and then turned to face me and I knew that she was about to tell me something.

However, I couldn’t tell by the expression on her face whether it was good news or bad news. “What is it?” I questioned her for I couldn’t bare the suspense any longer. “Good news, your father’s coming home tomorrow and he’s going to pick you up from school.” She told me as I smiled back at her.

“Really!? That’s awesome!” I exclaimed excitedly, but my excitement slowly began to fade when I realized that she didn’t seem all that happy about it.

“And you should enjoy the time that you have left while you got it because he doesn’t have much of it.” She told me and that’s when the grin instantly vanished from my face as I discovered the truth. She meant that he had had terminal cancer and he was going to die. I ran out through the front door and ignored my mother calling for me. I was angry. No, I was beyond angry. I was pissed off.

I ran to the first place that I thought of,.. the park. It had always calmed me down to sit and watch the ducks and geese swimming in the pond. However, when I sat down I didn’t realize that somebody was already sitting down next to me.

“Are you alright son?” He questioned me in a very familiar voice.

“No. My father is dying and it’s all God’s fault. I hate him so much.” I said with tears rolling down my cheeks and a sniff.

“Now come on Mick, you don’t really mean that.” The other man said and as I slowly turned around to look at him, I realized that it was the same man that I had met in the hospital.

“How do you know that? You don’t know anything about me.” I pointed out but that’s when suddenly he smiled his bright and shinning smile once again at me.

“Oh, you’d be surprised.” He began. “Now, did you ever stop to think that it’s as hard on God watching people suffer especially somebody close to you that you love as it is on you?” He inquired as I paused to stop and think about it.

“No,.. I guess not.” I replied. “Did you ever know anybody that died?” I asked him as he heaved a sad sigh and slightly nodded.

“Unfortunately, yes kid, death is the way of the world and the way of the unrighteous. However, if you really love somebody, hold them in your heart, and they are of Christ then they’re not really gone then, are they? Not forever anyways.” He pointed out.

“I guess you’re right.” I began while slowly turning my head away from him and sniffing again. “It’s still hard though.” I told him.

“Whoever said that it was going to be easy? Jesus certainly didn’t. However, you better get home now before your family starts to worry about you.” He told me as I turned to him and nodded.

“Alright then, see you around.” I told him before I got up from the bench and ran home.

My mother embraced me tightly once she knew that I was safe and sound and then afterwards I explained to her what happened and I started to silently think to myself how strange it was that DJ always seemed to appear whenever I needed him most like he was my guardian angel or something.

After my father got home the next day, I hugged him tightly and told him all about DJ as well and then we got out our guitars and headed to the garage to start working on our music. We decided to name our band Shock Therapy because the music we created together was so shocking that it helped us take our minds off of everything else and I always felt my best whenever I was performing anyways. Now all we needed was to have more band members. That’s when I decided that over the weekend, I would start holding auditions. My father and I both had a lot of work ahead of us.
I really don't think "a crossed" is a thing, but whatever :cool:

Really? I used to type it as acrossed but then I was told that that wasn't the right way and I have a red line underneath the word right now anyways. :/
Thank you, sorry about that I was busy writing a HP fanfic. I'll go ahead and make sure to do that for the future but I don't feel like going back and looking at everything now if you understand. :)

Chapter Four: DJ’s Secret

That evening my father and I decided to print up some papers that held information about our new band and I passed them out at school the following afternoon once the bell for dismissal had rung. “If you’re talented please come and audition for Shock Therapy that starts this Saturday at three o’clock.” I said while one by one kids took a paper as they were headed out the front door.

By the time Saturday had come the only people who had showed up were Josh and a few other kids. “Alright, I hope you guys are good because it looks like we’re a little bit shorthanded.” I told them while trying to hide the disappointment in my voice and looked at the two other kids. One of them was rather tall and had short black hair, peached skin, and baby blue eyes. The other kid was a bit shorter than him and had rather long and shaggy dirty brown hair and chocolate-colored eyes with tanned skin and a bit of freckles on the back of his neck and some on his cheeks, but he didn’t have nearly as many as Josh did.

“Mick, this is Logan Daniels and Caleb Johnson.” Josh said first pointing to the black-haired kid and then the shaggy brown haired one.

“When are we going to get the girls?” Logan wondered.

“Forget the girls, I just came for the snacks.” Caleb said with a grin in a rather deep voice before I just simply slapped my forehead with my palm.

“Did anybody here actually come here for the music?” I inquired. “Actually, forget that, can anybody here actually read music or at least carry a tune?” I wondered before there was a sudden silence and they just stopped to stare and me and I swore that I could hear crickets chirping. “We have a lot of work to do.” I said with a groan.

Then, just when I started practicing with my new band and my electric guitar in my hand, I saw her. The most beautiful girl I ever saw in my life walk down the street. She looked like a younger version of my teacher but instead of blonde hair she had bright red hair like Josh’s only darker. She also had bluish-green eyes with a hint of gray in them, skin as white as snow, and bright red lipstick. She was also walking a white fluffy dog that I had guessed to be a poodle.

That’s when I took a deep breath, decided to go ahead and swallow my pride and go speak to her. “Hi.” I began quietly as she stopped in front of me and looked up at me and smiled.

“Oh hello there, I’m just coming to listen to my brother play.” She told me as I didn’t know or care which band member was her brother, but I was just glad that a beautiful girl like her would be our audience. However, I just secretly hoped and prayed that we wouldn’t make fools of ourselves. “Actually he’s my stepbrother which is why we have different last names. My name is Alyssa Cross, but my friends call me Allie.” She explained as I reached out to shake her hand.

“Michael Dawson but all my friends just call me Mick. Or rather they would if I had any.” I told her.

“Well Mick it’s certainly a pleasure meeting you.” Allie began. “How long have you known Caleb?” She wondered.

“You mean snack boy is your stepbrother?” I questioned her with uncertainty as she nodded and giggled.

“Yep! That’s him! My stepfather usually gets pissed off with him because he thinks more about his stomach than his homework.” She explained before I led her up the driveway and introduced her to my dad and they started getting to know each other.

It turns out that I was correct when I was thinking to myself that we would be absolutely horrible at first, however Allie didn’t seem to mind, and she practically just kept smiling at me the whole entire time. However, because she came to watch us perform, once we started practicing and getting better at it she told her friends about us, and then they told their friends about us, and pretty soon us Shock Therapy kids were the most popular kids in school.

Crowds of boys and girls would gather in the hallway and ask us for autographs. Although we were all incredibly happy and extremely excited about it, much to our dismay none of us had girlfriends yet. Since I barely knew Allie, I couldn’t very well call her my girlfriend yet either. One day when I was coming home from school my heart sank as I saw an ambulance parked out in front of our house and that’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Even before I got inside and had my mother officially tell me the news, I already knew that my father was dead.

After that I just locked myself in my bedroom like I always did when I wanted to be alone while silent tears streamed down my cheeks before I fell into a deep sleep. My father’s funeral was rather nice and we all took our turns talking about him and how much he loved to perform and disliked hunting but was a really good fisherman and the greatest thing about him was that he was a loyal servant of God.

Once it got time to bury him, I looked up and saw the very person that I least expected to see. For right there, standing before me was DJ dressed in a black suit and had a somber expression on his face. “Hey, what are you doing here? I didn’t know that you knew my father.” I said as I walked over to him. That’s when he smiled rather lovingly and affectionately at me and placed a supportive hand on my shoulder.

“Weren’t you listening to everyone at the service?” He inquired. “He knew me very well.” He told me but I slightly shook my head at him.

“No,.. nobody mentioned him knowing anybody named DJ.” I replied before he let out a chuckle.

“Of course they wouldn’t! Nobody knows me by that name yet as I just picked it out to blend in with everybody else here on earth.” He told me before all of a sudden, my mother interrupted us.

“Uh Mickey sweetheart, aren’t you a bit too old for imaginary friends?” She asked me as I spun around and then saw her standing there before me and I raised a questioning eyebrow.

“What are you talking about? I’m talking to DJ.” I told her.

“Who’s DJ?” She asked me.

“This guy right in front of me don’t you see him? He told me that Dad knew him.” I replied while pointing over at DJ.

“No,.. I don’t see anybody.” She told me with a shake of her head. “You better get some rest. I’m worried about you honey.” She told me before she wandered away and then I turned back to face DJ.

“Why couldn’t she see you? Are you an angel or something?” I asked him.

“No, but you’re close.” He began. “And the reason she can’t see me is I have the ability to make myself visible and invisible to anybody and at anytime and I’m not really here yet either.”

“So you mean my mom is right and I’m just hallucinating then?” I questioned him.

“No, you’re really seeing me, I just meant that my purpose for why I came to earth in the first place hasn’t begun yet. Mick,.. I’m God.” He told me.

“Okay, why don’t you come and meet my friends Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?” I suggested sarcastically while I started to turn around and walk away from him.

“You don’t believe me do you?” He questioned as he started to follow me.

“If you’re really God then why don’t you tell me since you know everything already.” I pointed out.

“It’s a rhetorical question bud. Anyways, your mother is right. You better go home and get some rest because then you have to start band rehearsal.” He told me as I suddenly stopped and turned back around to face him again with a look of complete and utter shock and astonishment on my face.

“How did you know about that?” I asked him.

“I already told you I’m God and I know everything about you.” He told him.

“Whatever, it doesn’t matter anyways.” I began with a solemn expression on my face. “I quit.” I told him before running back to the car as it started to rain.
Chapter Five: Rock God

I didn’t wind up saying a word the whole entire car trip home. Once I had made it back to my bedroom I flopped down on top of the bed and locked the door behind me. After what only seemed to me like shutting my eyes for what seemed to be a matter of a few seconds, once I opened them again, I let out a horrified shriek as I saw DJ appear to me once again and nearly fell off the bed.

“Oh my God how did you get in here!?” I hollered at him, but he simply just chuckled at me.

“The answer is in the question. Since I’m God I can be anywhere and everywhere that I want to be.” He told me. “Now you really can’t be serious that you want to quit the band forever.” He said.

“What does it matter to you? Don’t you have more important matters to deal with?” I questioned him back as he walked over to my bed and then sat down beside me.

“First of all, when it involves a son of mine it reaches the top of my priorities list.” He began. “Second of all, rock isn’t just music. It’s what you feel in here.” He finished while touching his hand gently to the part on top of his chest where his heart was.

“That’s funny, I didn’t know that God liked rock music.” I replied.

“No, no, no!!! You’re still missing the point Mickey!! Any other music is just music, but when you have a passion for rock you don’t just listen to the music or perform it,.. you can feel it and it just takes a matter of practice before it starts coming out in your performances. If you give up now, you’ll never know if you can get to that point and be the person that I created you to be in the first place.” He told me as I simply just raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

“Can you play?” I questioned before he smiled brightly at me.

“Well, I might be over a billion years rusty but let’s see what I can do.” He told me. Afterwards he followed me to the garage and instantly made a brightly colored red and black electric guitar appear inside his right hand and he placed five black guitar picks over his fingers and then started going to town strumming his guitar playing the most rocking version cover of Johnny B. Goode that I ever heard. My jaw became ajar, and my eyes popped open wide while I simply just stared at him and watched him play.

The moment he opened his mouth to sing I knew that I had discovered a rock star. A legend. For he could hit the high notes, but he also had a low sounding raspy voice as he sung. Once he finished performing, he turned to me and grinned.

“Well, what do you think kid? Do I get the job?” He questioned me.

“This has to be another rhetorical question.” I began. “Of course you get the job!!” I cried out as DJ chuckled once again.

“I suppose that you could call me a rock God then.” He began. “Get it!? It’s wordplay because I’m going to be really popular and famous and I’m also God!!” He exclaimed excitedly. “Even though I have more knowledge than anybody else in the universe I never fail to amaze myself.” He told me as I simply just nodded.

“Truly amazing.” I began. “So where are you going to be staying genius?” I questioned him.

“Well, I just thought that I could stay here with you for the time being.” He told me.

“Wonderful idea DJ just brilliant.” I began sarcastically. “What are Mom and my little sister going to say when I tell them that God is sleeping in our garage? They’ll think I’ve gone mad and put me in an insane asylum or something.”

“That’s why you don’t have to tell them I’m God. Just say that I’m a new friend that you met a few days ago since it’s the truth and I never lie.” He told me when suddenly as if on cue Mom came up the driveway and walked into the garage.

“Just act casual.” I whispered into DJ’s ear as he grinned at her and waved.

“Hello Mrs. Dawson, I’m Mick’s new friend DJ.” He began as she smiled back at him.

“Oh hello there DJ.” She began. “Say, you didn’t happen to be at the funeral today, did you?” She inquired as I slapped my forehead because since I knew that DJ couldn’t tell a fib that we were sunk.

“Yes I was actually I’m sorry you missed me. I knew Michael’s father really well and he spoke to me about him tons of times before so I figured that I could meet him and be there for him at the same time just like his father would have wanted.” He explained while giving a slight nod and heaving a bit of a sad sigh.

“Umm Mom, I was wondering if DJ could stay here for a while. You see he’s homeless and he doesn’t have any place to stay.” I told her which wasn’t a complete fib.

“Why of course DJ, you can stay as long as you’d like. Make yourself at home.” She replied happily while flashing him a rather warm and loving smile and DJ slightly nodded back at her and thanked her before she left the garage.

“You shouldn’t have told her that Mick. You know darn well that one of my commandments was to be truthful.” He told me.

“Oh come on DJ skip the lectures it wasn’t a lie! God doesn’t have a house does He?” I inquired as he slowly began to nod.

“Well yes, I guess that’s true.” He began. “But it wasn’t exactly the full story either. However, I can’t say I blame you for twisting the truth a bit on this one.” He told me with a shrug. “I mean sin is sin, but you still had a good reason.” He pointed out.

“Okay great, so do you eat and sleep?” I asked him.

“In my spirit form I don’t, but now that I’m human well,..” he began as he looked down at his stomach and I heard it began to growl.

“Enough said.” I began. “How about we go out for pizza and then we can start talking about what we’re going to do for our band?” I suggested.

“Alright but you’ve only got your temporary license and I don’t have any. I don’t even know how to drive.” He told me.

“I thought you said that you knew everything!!” I snapped.

“I do when it comes to knowledge, but I meant that I’ve never driven a car before, and I don’t think that I would be very good at it.” He told me while I grabbed him by the hand and started dragging him to the car.

“Well there’s a first time for everything.” I told him.

“Wait Mick I can’t do this it’s illegal!” He cried out.

“If we get stopped and pulled over all you have to do is make a driver’s license appear with your powers.” I told him before he came to a sudden stop and folded his arms.

“Wait just a gosh darned second here!” He exclaimed. “What do you think I am!? A magical genie!? I don’t just give my children anything they want like Santa Claus!” He snapped.

“Come on Deej, if we stay here we could get interrupted and this means a lot to me.” I told him.

“Deej?” He questioned me back with uncertainty and softly smiled at me. “Nobody’s ever called me that before.” He said and I could tell that he was rather touched and rolled his eyes and groaned at me. “Alright fine! But if we crash you, me, and your father are all going to be sharing some rather harsh words once we cross over to the other side.” He told me as I chuckled at him.

“Alright, it’s a deal.” I told him as we exchanged grins and fist bumped each other.
I think you've got real talent as a storyteller. You move things along well, adding enough twists to maintain reader interest. Watch out for redundancies though. "He told me as I simply just nodded." Simply, or just, or neither, but never both. I also wonder about this bit
“First of all, when it involves a son of mine it reaches the top of my priorities list.” He began.
Perhaps just use a comma instead of the period, but that can't be right. Also, as a female, does this "top" prioritizing of "a son" not bother you? Paint you as inferior?
No not really but trust me I get what you're saying,.. the problem is I have a limited vocabulary because I don't know enough words. It's due to my special needs.

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