Road to White House: DeSantis tops early 2024 straw poll


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Notice out of 30 candidates, Tim Scott finished 5th, Pompeo 4th. I've said a DeSantis/Scott ticket would be a most formidable ticket, as would DeSantis/Pompeo, especially if Trump endorsed them.

Trump might be able to win again, though I feel he could have as great an influence from the outside, with his endorsements, or, even running for a House seat or Congress. He would have overweighted pull in those seats simply because he was once president and his policies are still very popular.

For all people think of Trump, his presence in politics has been a positive for the survival of the West vs. the rising tiger. He is greatly respected by nations that America now desperately needs on-board, only disliked by those "allies" in decline who chose China and old ways of thinking that have hurt American interests.

Nations such as Japan, India, Australia, Taiwan all heavily admired Trump. They saw a guy with the nads to confront the obvious threat and who was not beholden to Big Tech who have sold their souls and their nation up the river.

Centennial Institute


Western Conservative Summit 2021 non-partisan approval voting poll results: 1. Ron DeSantis - 74.12% 2. Donald Trump - 71.43% 3. Ted Cruz - 42.86% 4. Mike Pompeo - 39.35% 5. Tim Scott 35.58% 30 candidates polled. Democrats & Republicans. Full results:
I'll be surprised if Trump runs. DeSantis/Scott would be an interesting ticket. Both are well-spoken without being grandiose, and smart as hell.

Yes, both would be imposing debating figures. Tim Scott has a strong conservative backbone with a libertarian sensibility and he believes in people reaching their God given potential.

That to me would be a very difficult combo to beat, and surely the Dems are already doing their research to find all the dirt they can.
God given potential, I really like the one he gave Satan....

It's really way too early to be counting yer chicks before the eggs hatch.
I'll be surprised if Trump runs. DeSantis/Scott would be an interesting ticket. Both are well-spoken without being grandiose, and smart as hell.
I think DeSantis/Noem would be a great ticket as well. There are lots of good choices.

Even Trey Gowdy, Tucker Carlson, Jason Chaffetz, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul appeal to me. There are plenty more. Not Nikki Haley, as she very publicly denounced Trump.

I am personally fine with Trump, but a less abrasive candidate with similar values might larger appeal to the masses who are shown his mean tweets by CNN.

Regardless of whom the Republican nominee is, we can be sure the MSM and Deep State will go full-bore into attack mode and we can expect plenty of fake news backed up with anonymous sources.
Trump might be able to win again, though I feel he could have as great an influence from the outside, with his endorsements, or, even running for a House seat or Congress. He would have overweighted pull in those seats simply because he was once president and his policies are still very popular
Yep. Just like Putin had when Medvedev was installed as president... :rolleyes:

Does your suggestion really sound like a democratic republic to you? Are you really okay with someone ruling the nation who was not elected by we the people, from the sidelines as Putin did? Really?

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