RNC 2020 opening night ratings on C-SPAN blow away DNC


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
Opps Biden doesnt get a bump and the first night blows away ratings for the GOP...

The opening night of the 2020 Republican National Convention blew last week’s Democratic snoozefest out of the water, drawing in six times more viewers on C-SPAN’s livestream.

Approximately 440,000 people tuned in to watch the first night of the virtual GOP convention on Monday, compared to
just 76,000 views for the first night of the DNC, according to a Hill report.

While the Democratic gathering boasted speeches from big names such as former first lady Michelle Obama, who gave a rousing endorsement of Joe Biden and drew the ire of President Trump, far more people tuned in to see Donald Trump Jr., Nikki Haley and the gun-wielding McCloskeys bash Biden.

The more traditional TV ratings from Nielsen won’t be out until Tuesday afternoon.
Opps Biden doesnt get a bump and the first night blows away ratings for the GOP...

The opening night of the 2020 Republican National Convention blew last week’s Democratic snoozefest out of the water, drawing in six times more viewers on C-SPAN’s livestream.

Approximately 440,000 people tuned in to watch the first night of the virtual GOP convention on Monday, compared to
just 76,000 views for the first night of the DNC, according to a Hill report.

While the Democratic gathering boasted speeches from big names such as former first lady Michelle Obama, who gave a rousing endorsement of Joe Biden and drew the ire of President Trump, far more people tuned in to see Donald Trump Jr., Nikki Haley and the gun-wielding McCloskeys bash Biden.

The more traditional TV ratings from Nielsen won’t be out until Tuesday afternoon.
Great news. But NOT unexpected. Thanks for the post.
Opps Biden doesnt get a bump and the first night blows away ratings for the GOP...

The opening night of the 2020 Republican National Convention blew last week’s Democratic snoozefest out of the water, drawing in six times more viewers on C-SPAN’s livestream.

Approximately 440,000 people tuned in to watch the first night of the virtual GOP convention on Monday, compared to
just 76,000 views for the first night of the DNC, according to a Hill report.

While the Democratic gathering boasted speeches from big names such as former first lady Michelle Obama, who gave a rousing endorsement of Joe Biden and drew the ire of President Trump, far more people tuned in to see Donald Trump Jr., Nikki Haley and the gun-wielding McCloskeys bash Biden.

The more traditional TV ratings from Nielsen won’t be out until Tuesday afternoon.
I figured it would. Conventions are that political talk radio sort of thing liberals don't get into. I also believe Democrats have been shooting themselves in the foot ever since Trump's victory with the hateful political rhetoric and have given the GOP the high ground of hope and future. I'm voting for Biden but if he loses it would please me if it's by a landslide and afterwards the Democrats go through a housecleaning.
This will continue as the Dems continue to shelter and hide Biden, I just can't see it working in his favour over any lengthy duration.

Dems are falling for the fake polls that were probably produced so the Establishment donors got their VP (Harris was seen as a "safe choice" since Biden didn't need to make up ground and reach too deep). It's very easy to manipulate polls, want a particular outcome? No problem, just choose a pool from a particular location. Thus, I will never trust polls or those running them.

The Dems are buying into the same mystique that Clintons team did, with an even worse accomplished candidate against Trump who has a track record to run on. It won't work. Trump has been too active since taking office. He's too vocal and direct with voters.

Trump mentions China on a daily basis. He reminds them about the timing of the Wuhan Virus, he reminds them that they will own the U.S if Biden wins, he screams about how they and so-called allies have been ripping them off and he was able to rake in billions in tariffs for the treasury.

Honestly, this is textbook, no-holds barred, direct, "in-your-face" politics focusing on issues that Americans are rightly afraid of: Open Borders, China, big government socialism, regulations, Cancel Culture.

Did anyone expect Trump to slow down for this election? The dichotomy between the two candidates is staggering.

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