RINOs Keeping Dying Impeachment On Life-Support


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
We can count on the same 3 or 4 RINOs to help the Democrats along with their hopes of tampering with our election process.

January 29, 2020
That Trio of RINO Rebels
By Janice Shaw Crouse
You’ve got to hand it to the Democrats -- they can hold their caucus together for the flimsiest of causes. The GOP, though, has all these RINOs who have to establish their independence; they’re willing to break party unity when it serves their own ambitions. Three senators – Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, and Mitt Romney of Utah – are rumored to be willing for witnesses to be called in the impeachment trial now underway in the Senate. Obviously, such a slowdown benefits the Democrats, who want the impeachment to headline news reports as long as possible. Further and more importantly, it was the House’s responsibility to build its case by compiling evidence and presenting it to the Senate for a trial; it is not the Senate’s responsibility to gather evidence.

The Democratic case lacks “overwhelming evidence” as Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa said, calling the whole process “a political exercise.” Ernst and others, like Lindsey Graham, are unwilling to extend the trial and accomplish the Democrat’s goal of dominating headlines in the run-up to the November elections.

The question is whether the three RINOs mentioned above will put the good of the country above their own emotional needs or self-interest.

Take Senator Mitt Romney. Remember when he needed endorsements when running for President? He went to New York to ask for Trump’s endorsement. He got it. Remember, after he lost the Presidency, he ran for senator from Utah. He sought and received Trump’s endorsement. Typically, such political favors generate appreciation and are reciprocated. Not so with Romney. With the usual caveats of being “deeply concerned” and finding it “very troubling,” Romney turned against Trump over the Ukraine farce, calling the President’s actions illegal and unpresidential. Now that the impeachment circus has moved to the Senate for trial, Romney is joining with those demanding witnesses. Digging deeper, it turns out that one of Romney’s top advisors is a former high-ranking CIA official Joseph Cofer Black who, it just happens, is on the board of Burisma Holdings, the same company that has been so generous to Hunter Biden. There is little question that Romney will ultimately do what benefits him most when it comes to his votes in the impeachment trial.

Senator Susan Collins is following the trial very closely and is taking copious notes. She reacted strongly to House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler’s accusation against the Republican senators; he claimed they voted “for a cover-up when they opposed subpoenas at the trial.” She sent a note to Chief Justice John Roberts and granted an interview to Politico complaining about the accusation. In this election year, Senator Collins is between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She has to hold on to independent voters to win her fifth six-year term in November. She is showing the stress of the pressures to get her to push for witnesses and additional evidence. George Conway (Kellyanne’s husband and well-known Anti-Trump tweeter who has founded a super-PAC opposing the president) is demanding that Collins “do her job” instead of “covering” for the president. Already, Collins has shown her willingness to break ranks with the GOP; she voted as the lone Republican “for one of the 11 amendments proposed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer” even though the amendment was doomed for defeat. It remains to be seen what she will consider in her personal best interest as the trial moves forward.

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska is considered a sure ally of the Democrats, but she has gone on record “questioning whether it makes sense to call for fresh evidence.” Further, she pointed out the irony of the Democrats not wanting to slow things down by involving the courts, but now wanting to get the courts involved. Then, there is the irony of the Democrats rushing the case through the House without allowing time for witnesses for the defense, but now wanting to drag things out by calling for new witnesses. With the leak of information from former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s forthcoming book about his time on the President’s staff, Murkowski has signaled her openness to hearing testimony from Bolton.

As the Senate trial moves from opening statements from the GOP to the Q and A period, the votes of the three RINOs will be key in determining whether Bolton and Biden, as well as other witnesses, will be allowed the draw out the trial or whether Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can hold his caucus together and wrap up the trial putting an end this orchestrated attempt to remove the duly elected president that began the moment he was sworn in. This sham business is so egregious that on Monday, Harvard law professor and television legal commentator, Alan Dershowitz -- not a Trump ally by any stretch of the imagination -- declared authoritatively that even if the accusations in Bolton’s book are true, they do not “rise to the level of an abuse of power or an impeachable offense."

Dershowitz, along with Jonathan Turley, has declared the impeachment case to be -- in today’s lingo -- a nothingburger. Certainly, nothing yet throws McConnell’s fast-track trial timeline into question. The RINO trio -- Murkowski, Romney, and Collins -- could threaten that timeline. Reports indicate they are discussing joining the Democrats to demand testimony from witnesses -- specifically John Bolton. Despite that possibility, latest projections are that the GOP majority will likely vote -- as soon as the end of this work week -- to acquit Trump and end the tawdry circus. As Trump attorney Jay Sekulow said, “We deal with transcript evidence, we deal with publicly available information. We do not deal with speculation, allegations that are not based on evidentiary standards at all.”

These people should just be loyal Trumpsters and keep quiet about what they know.

It's like watching a Mafia movie.
We already know what transpired. We have the transcript. We have the Ukrainian president himself.
What good does bringing forth more he said/she said testimony do?

Yes, most likely. So acting like something is being hidden doesn't make a lot of sense.
When these RINOs vote for new witnesses, they're voting to undermine our country. That's because they're too stupid to see that the side they are taking is willing to hurt our country to keep Trump from looking good again. These are the wishy washy cowards who spend all their time trying to stay on top of the fence. Smart people can see through their cowardly tactics to fool their constituents. You can add Toomy to that list too. He's another RINO coward.
We can count on the same 3 or 4 RINOs to help the Democrats along with their hopes of tampering with our election process.

January 29, 2020
That Trio of RINO Rebels
By Janice Shaw Crouse
You’ve got to hand it to the Democrats -- they can hold their caucus together for the flimsiest of causes. The GOP, though, has all these RINOs who have to establish their independence; they’re willing to break party unity when it serves their own ambitions. Three senators – Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, and Mitt Romney of Utah – are rumored to be willing for witnesses to be called in the impeachment trial now underway in the Senate. Obviously, such a slowdown benefits the Democrats, who want the impeachment to headline news reports as long as possible. Further and more importantly, it was the House’s responsibility to build its case by compiling evidence and presenting it to the Senate for a trial; it is not the Senate’s responsibility to gather evidence.

The Democratic case lacks “overwhelming evidence” as Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa said, calling the whole process “a political exercise.” Ernst and others, like Lindsey Graham, are unwilling to extend the trial and accomplish the Democrat’s goal of dominating headlines in the run-up to the November elections.

The question is whether the three RINOs mentioned above will put the good of the country above their own emotional needs or self-interest.

Take Senator Mitt Romney. Remember when he needed endorsements when running for President? He went to New York to ask for Trump’s endorsement. He got it. Remember, after he lost the Presidency, he ran for senator from Utah. He sought and received Trump’s endorsement. Typically, such political favors generate appreciation and are reciprocated. Not so with Romney. With the usual caveats of being “deeply concerned” and finding it “very troubling,” Romney turned against Trump over the Ukraine farce, calling the President’s actions illegal and unpresidential. Now that the impeachment circus has moved to the Senate for trial, Romney is joining with those demanding witnesses. Digging deeper, it turns out that one of Romney’s top advisors is a former high-ranking CIA official Joseph Cofer Black who, it just happens, is on the board of Burisma Holdings, the same company that has been so generous to Hunter Biden. There is little question that Romney will ultimately do what benefits him most when it comes to his votes in the impeachment trial.

Senator Susan Collins is following the trial very closely and is taking copious notes. She reacted strongly to House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler’s accusation against the Republican senators; he claimed they voted “for a cover-up when they opposed subpoenas at the trial.” She sent a note to Chief Justice John Roberts and granted an interview to Politico complaining about the accusation. In this election year, Senator Collins is between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She has to hold on to independent voters to win her fifth six-year term in November. She is showing the stress of the pressures to get her to push for witnesses and additional evidence. George Conway (Kellyanne’s husband and well-known Anti-Trump tweeter who has founded a super-PAC opposing the president) is demanding that Collins “do her job” instead of “covering” for the president. Already, Collins has shown her willingness to break ranks with the GOP; she voted as the lone Republican “for one of the 11 amendments proposed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer” even though the amendment was doomed for defeat. It remains to be seen what she will consider in her personal best interest as the trial moves forward.

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska is considered a sure ally of the Democrats, but she has gone on record “questioning whether it makes sense to call for fresh evidence.” Further, she pointed out the irony of the Democrats not wanting to slow things down by involving the courts, but now wanting to get the courts involved. Then, there is the irony of the Democrats rushing the case through the House without allowing time for witnesses for the defense, but now wanting to drag things out by calling for new witnesses. With the leak of information from former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s forthcoming book about his time on the President’s staff, Murkowski has signaled her openness to hearing testimony from Bolton.

As the Senate trial moves from opening statements from the GOP to the Q and A period, the votes of the three RINOs will be key in determining whether Bolton and Biden, as well as other witnesses, will be allowed the draw out the trial or whether Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can hold his caucus together and wrap up the trial putting an end this orchestrated attempt to remove the duly elected president that began the moment he was sworn in. This sham business is so egregious that on Monday, Harvard law professor and television legal commentator, Alan Dershowitz -- not a Trump ally by any stretch of the imagination -- declared authoritatively that even if the accusations in Bolton’s book are true, they do not “rise to the level of an abuse of power or an impeachable offense."

Dershowitz, along with Jonathan Turley, has declared the impeachment case to be -- in today’s lingo -- a nothingburger. Certainly, nothing yet throws McConnell’s fast-track trial timeline into question. The RINO trio -- Murkowski, Romney, and Collins -- could threaten that timeline. Reports indicate they are discussing joining the Democrats to demand testimony from witnesses -- specifically John Bolton. Despite that possibility, latest projections are that the GOP majority will likely vote -- as soon as the end of this work week -- to acquit Trump and end the tawdry circus. As Trump attorney Jay Sekulow said, “We deal with transcript evidence, we deal with publicly available information. We do not deal with speculation, allegations that are not based on evidentiary standards at all.”

They need primaried and removed from office. The Impeachment is Illegal. The Articles are unfounded, and Pelosi did not even follow The Guidelines and Rules for an Impeachment Inquiry and neither did Nadler and Schiff, and I haven't even begun to get in to all the ways they violated Civil Rights and Due Process.

You have three RINO Senators, that want to bend and break the rules, not in the interest of Truth, but to help The Democrat Party in any way they can extend their half assed and rushed impeachment. The Democrats called 17 Witnesses, refuse to allow anyone to see The Transcript of The IG interview, and allowed The GOP Zero Witnesses, and now we are going to capitulate to them and allow an 18th, 19th, and 20th witnesses?

Didn't we vote to table discussion of Witnesses?

If Mitch is saying he can't stop a vote to call Witnesses HE IS LYING.

That vote is tabled, and Mitch NEVER has to bring it up for a vote again.
When these RINOs vote for new witnesses, they're voting to undermine our country. That's because they're too stupid to see that the side they are taking is willing to hurt our country to keep Trump from looking good again. These are the wishy washy cowards who spend all their time trying to stay on top of the fence. Smart people can see through their cowardly tactics to fool their constituents. You can add Toomy to that list too. He's another RINO coward.
The vote to call witnesses was already defeated via a vote to table an amendment to the rules to call witnesses. Mitch does not have to bring that back up. He can leave it tabled for an eternity.
A drawn out impeachment, if it does not end in conviction, will only end up hurting the anti-austerity wing of the Democrats that are running for the nomination.

These are the Senators that are stuck in the Senate, Warren and Sanders, as they cannot be out campaigning and will be stuck in D.C.

If, OTH, it ends in conviction, some believe it will lead to war in the Middle East, which is probably the opposite of what most anti-war democrats would want.
These people should just be loyal Trumpsters and keep quiet about what they know. It's like watching a Mafia movie.
The know Democrats have no evidence of a legitimate impeachable offense.
So they should stop acting like they're hiding something.

You would expect the same from them if the tables were turned.
A drawn out impeachment, if it does not end in conviction, will only end up hurting the anti-austerity wing of the Democrats that are running for the nomination.

These are the Senators that are stuck in the Senate, Warren and Sanders, as they cannot be out campaigning and will be stuck in D.C.

If, OTH, it ends in conviction, some believe it will lead to war in the Middle East, which is probably the opposite of what most anti-war democrats would want.
Nothing will lead to War in The Middle East but Prophecy, as understood in The Books of Isaiah, Daniel, Revelations and in other books that contain the last few unfulfilled prophecies about the Nation of Israel being reborn in the Last Days, and Satan and The Anti-Christ's last attempt at Genocide and Extermination of The Jew, and The Reborn State of Israel.

Each successive genocide has gotten worse.

The Roman Empire killed 1 Million Jews in 70 AD
This marks the prophesied Diaspora as The Roman Empire enslaved all remaining Jews and shipped them to all corners of the Empire where they had been scattered until 1948 fulfilling Ezekiel's "Dry Bones" prophecy about a scattered, regathered and resurrected Israel.

WWI Islamic Armenian Genocide killed 2 Million Jews in 1917
The Ottoman Empire was carved up in to the current boundaries of what we see in The ME today, and out of this came The Balfour Declaration.

WWII Democrat Socialist Nazi Party killed 7 Million Jews in 1940s
Resulted in the modern creation of the reborn state of Israel in 1948

Fulfillment of the Ezekiel Prophecy

10 Million Jews killed in total in the past 3 Genocide attempts.

WWIII In the Book of Revelations Anti-Christ will kill 2/3rds of all remaining Jews in The World which would result in the deaths of 21 Million Jews.

It goes without saying that in addition to The Jewish Genocide, that nearly Half of The Earth's Population is "no more" during that time of "Tribulation," but you can see the progression as we go through time, with each subsequent attempt at extermination of The Jews becoming more horrific, and each mass extinction event via War and it's associated plagues of famine and pestilence growing exponentially worse too.

Not only has Anti-Semitism been a plague on Earth, but it's Mother, Godless Socialism also has been a plague on Earth and has killed 100s of millions.

Nazi Germany killed 20 Million
The Soviet Union killed 60 Million
Communist China killed 100 Million.

Godless Socialism has killed 180 Million.
If you add just the aborted babies in The US to that total the total is a horrific 240 Million.

I project the next Communist-Socialist-Globalist Empire and it's Socialist Leader will probably kill about 4 Billion People.
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These people should just be loyal Trumpsters and keep quiet about what they know.

It's like watching a Mafia movie.
We already know what transpired. We have the transcript. We have the Ukrainian president himself.
What good does bringing forth more he said/she said testimony do?

Yes, most likely. So acting like something is being hidden doesn't make a lot of sense.

Yes, particularly Schiff's relationship with Eric Ciaramella
So they should stop acting like they're hiding something.

You would expect the same from them if the tables were turned.
Nothing is being hidden by Trump.

Trump released the transcript. Nothingburger.

We heard from the Ukrainian officials. No pressure to investigate Corrupt Bidens.

Democrats subpoenaed everyone they wanted to subpoena. Nobody witnessed a single legitimate impeachable offense.

Democrats subpoenaed every document they wanted to subpoena. No evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever.

Are you accusing Pelosi of covering up an imaginary crime?
A drawn out impeachment, if it does not end in conviction, will only end up hurting the anti-austerity wing of the Democrats that are running for the nomination.

These are the Senators that are stuck in the Senate, Warren and Sanders, as they cannot be out campaigning and will be stuck in D.C.

If, OTH, it ends in conviction, some believe it will lead to war in the Middle East, which is probably the opposite of what most anti-war democrats would want.

No one on the planet believes that he will be removed.
Democratic Senators running for President should also recluse themselves from any vote due to conflict of interest.
These people should just be loyal Trumpsters and keep quiet about what they know.

It's like watching a Mafia movie.
We already know what transpired. We have the transcript. We have the Ukrainian president himself.
What good does bringing forth more he said/she said testimony do?

Yes, most likely. So acting like something is being hidden doesn't make a lot of sense.

Actually, it does make sense for the Democrats.

The Dems are just extending the game, hoping for a miracle but at the very least making it seem like they have something when they don't.

Suppose the Republican Party agreed to have Bolton, and Bolton alone, testify this week. That wouldn't be the end of it. There would be something else this weekend, and the week after and the month after. Just like with Kavanaugh. After this Blasey Ford broad came up at the last minute, and that fell apart, the bullshit kept flowing.

This is a Democrat Party strategy.

Time to stop it, and let's get back to a BIPARTISAN governance of this nation under our undisputed leader Donald John Trump.
A drawn out impeachment, if it does not end in conviction, will only end up hurting the anti-austerity wing of the Democrats that are running for the nomination.

These are the Senators that are stuck in the Senate, Warren and Sanders, as they cannot be out campaigning and will be stuck in D.C.

If, OTH, it ends in conviction, some believe it will lead to war in the Middle East, which is probably the opposite of what most anti-war democrats would want.

No one on the planet believes that he will be removed.

Oddsmakers won't accept bets that Trump will be acquitted, its such a lock
I think we need to make the RINO an endangered if not extinct species in the US Senate. They need to be taken aside privately and told the potential consequences of disloyalty, which shoul include...

Loss of committee leadership/seats
Loss of campaign funds
Loss of party membership
Censure by the party
So they should stop acting like they're hiding something. You would expect the same from them if the tables were turned.
Nothing is being hidden by Trump.
Trump released the transcript. Nothingburger.
We heard from the Ukrainian officials. No pressure to investigate Corrupt Bidens.
Democrats subpoenaed everyone they wanted to subpoena. Nobody witnessed a single legitimate impeachable offense.
Democrats subpoenaed every document they wanted to subpoena. No evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever.
Are you accusing Pelosi of covering up an imaginary crime?
Again, you would expect the same from them if the tables were turned. I think you know that.

Regarding Pelosi, or any other actor in this farce, I think this is all just partisan Kabuki Theater, and that both parties have plenty of makeup on.

As usual.


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