Ridiculous dictates of some corporations


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I realize that there is nothing new under the sun but there is always someone around looking to put a new coating or covering on old bullshit or scams that are continually rejected because of those who are willing to hold out no matter what the cost. The plandemic, masks, financial control, control of the masses even if it takes slaughtering them to get there. Its always going to be the same old shit freaks will try to put some perfume on and attempt to peddle it to the people of their perspective nations.

Cradle to grave and everything in between was Hitler's gig but who was behind that ugly mug that allowed him to get that far? (BTW has anyone else notice how much Angela Merkel looks like that old bastard?)

How many corporations and such have push the requirement that their employees be injected with an experimental jab? Worse yet how many people knew in their hearts and minds it wasn't something they wanted but they did it anyhow; and how many idiots with no f'ing common sense got really shitty with those who refused to be treated like lab rats? (have y'all checked out Disney's "Elite" lab rat team? Talk about propaganda and indoctrination and there is so much of it sometimes one doesn't know where to start exposing it all. Who owns bigly in the Disney stock? Well enough about that the actually wise peeps with common sense can put it all together if they actually want to)

So locally here our only little convenience store in town Casey's General Store has decided that it should ID all tobacco purchases. Seriously I asked the gal? "Yes", she responded, next time you come in you need to bring an ID with you in the store. Well after yesterday and a good friend sharing his experience in Casey's I won't ne buying anything there period again. Looks like a little road trip for anything they may have that I might have wanted to purchase from them. Its not just because they asked for ID. They told my friend that they are required to scan his ID for any tobacco purchases. WTF? When did corporate America get the authority to scan your ID for such a purchase? Then I was like why? Cradle to grave and everything in between. The great thing about artificial (non) intelligence is it actually requires some intelligence to keep the generators going and input the info into the machine. Its still a damn machine and the humanity war lords who believe that they have the right to rules over others are going to learn that the hard way just like the others have before them.

Now for the medical investment idiots. People eventually wise up or you have also gone just too far too. After my friend walked away from Casey's with his twenty in hand and telling the cashier that Casey's wouldn't ever have anything he needs again he went to his doc appointment at the local clinic. The gal there
slid a mask over to him and told him, "You'll have to put that on to be in here". He told her, "Well I guess I better leave then." She responded, "No don't do that" and then went to the back and someone else came out got him and ushered him back to one of the patient waiting rooms while telling him, "Next time you'll have to wear a mask". He told her, "If that is the case there will not be a next time".

I was so proud and happy to have him as my friend and to know that he will continue to stand up to the BS being pushed by corporate bullies who would try to push their Marxist BS off on to us. I surely do hope millions upon millions will follow his lead and walk away with their money in hand instead of giving even a single penny to these creeps.

As for me. I have not been to that clinic since they tried to con me with their lies and called me claiming they were scheduling a surgery to rob me of my body parts I am certain I need or God would not have put them there (a few good people cannot overcome those bad ones in an organization like that as it is true true even a little leaven leavens the whole). I already knew that there were limb thieves there (barbarians disguised as medical professionals); I mean there are a hell of a lot of people in these parts missing legs unless they were smart enough to go find good quality second and even third opinions.

You cannot sustain a viable economy on crappy services alone but you could surely ruin one if you convince those idiots in public office that this is a good thing even when they know its not. Its going to be a joy for me to be watching all those who purposely invested in these things that are destructive to human health for profits go down! In retrospect those nasties of Qatar and their butt buddiees should have been left to the Iraq's but then again I am certain justice will prevail long term.
I realize that there is nothing new under the sun but there is always someone around looking to put a new coating or covering on old bullshit or scams that are continually rejected because of those who are willing to hold out no matter what the cost. The plandemic, masks, financial control, control of the masses even if it takes slaughtering them to get there. Its always going to be the same old shit freaks will try to put some perfume on and attempt to peddle it to the people of their perspective nations.

Cradle to grave and everything in between was Hitler's gig but who was behind that ugly mug that allowed him to get that far? (BTW has anyone else notice how much Angela Merkel looks like that old bastard?)

How many corporations and such have push the requirement that their employees be injected with an experimental jab? Worse yet how many people knew in their hearts and minds it wasn't something they wanted but they did it anyhow; and how many idiots with no f'ing common sense got really shitty with those who refused to be treated like lab rats? (have y'all checked out Disney's "Elite" lab rat team? Talk about propaganda and indoctrination and there is so much of it sometimes one doesn't know where to start exposing it all. Who owns bigly in the Disney stock? Well enough about that the actually wise peeps with common sense can put it all together if they actually want to)

So locally here our only little convenience store in town Casey's General Store has decided that it should ID all tobacco purchases. Seriously I asked the gal? "Yes", she responded, next time you come in you need to bring an ID with you in the store. Well after yesterday and a good friend sharing his experience in Casey's I won't ne buying anything there period again. Looks like a little road trip for anything they may have that I might have wanted to purchase from them. Its not just because they asked for ID. They told my friend that they are required to scan his ID for any tobacco purchases. WTF? When did corporate America get the authority to scan your ID for such a purchase? Then I was like why? Cradle to grave and everything in between. The great thing about artificial (non) intelligence is it actually requires some intelligence to keep the generators going and input the info into the machine. Its still a damn machine and the humanity war lords who believe that they have the right to rules over others are going to learn that the hard way just like the others have before them.

Now for the medical investment idiots. People eventually wise up or you have also gone just too far too. After my friend walked away from Casey's with his twenty in hand and telling the cashier that Casey's wouldn't ever have anything he needs again he went to his doc appointment at the local clinic. The gal there
slid a mask over to him and told him, "You'll have to put that on to be in here". He told her, "Well I guess I better leave then." She responded, "No don't do that" and then went to the back and someone else came out got him and ushered him back to one of the patient waiting rooms while telling him, "Next time you'll have to wear a mask". He told her, "If that is the case there will not be a next time".

I was so proud and happy to have him as my friend and to know that he will continue to stand up to the BS being pushed by corporate bullies who would try to push their Marxist BS off on to us. I surely do hope millions upon millions will follow his lead and walk away with their money in hand instead of giving even a single penny to these creeps.

As for me. I have not been to that clinic since they tried to con me with their lies and called me claiming they were scheduling a surgery to rob me of my body parts I am certain I need or God would not have put them there (a few good people cannot overcome those bad ones in an organization like that as it is true true even a little leaven leavens the whole). I already knew that there were limb thieves there (barbarians disguised as medical professionals); I mean there are a hell of a lot of people in these parts missing legs unless they were smart enough to go find good quality second and even third opinions.

You cannot sustain a viable economy on crappy services alone but you could surely ruin one if you convince those idiots in public office that this is a good thing even when they know its not. Its going to be a joy for me to be watching all those who purposely invested in these things that are destructive to human health for profits go down! In retrospect those nasties of Qatar and their butt buddiees should have been left to the Iraq's but then again I am certain justice will prevail long term.
So many crazy remarks. So little interest in going through them all. It has been illegal for underaged people to buy tobacco products for a long time. Lots of states require an ID for that just like they do for alcohol. The rest of your OP is just funny whining.
I realize that there is nothing new under the sun but there is always someone around looking to put a new coating or covering on old bullshit or scams that are continually rejected because of those who are willing to hold out no matter what the cost. The plandemic, masks, financial control, control of the masses even if it takes slaughtering them to get there. Its always going to be the same old shit freaks will try to put some perfume on and attempt to peddle it to the people of their perspective nations.

Cradle to grave and everything in between was Hitler's gig but who was behind that ugly mug that allowed him to get that far? (BTW has anyone else notice how much Angela Merkel looks like that old bastard?)

How many corporations and such have push the requirement that their employees be injected with an experimental jab? Worse yet how many people knew in their hearts and minds it wasn't something they wanted but they did it anyhow; and how many idiots with no f'ing common sense got really shitty with those who refused to be treated like lab rats? (have y'all checked out Disney's "Elite" lab rat team? Talk about propaganda and indoctrination and there is so much of it sometimes one doesn't know where to start exposing it all. Who owns bigly in the Disney stock? Well enough about that the actually wise peeps with common sense can put it all together if they actually want to)

So locally here our only little convenience store in town Casey's General Store has decided that it should ID all tobacco purchases. Seriously I asked the gal? "Yes", she responded, next time you come in you need to bring an ID with you in the store. Well after yesterday and a good friend sharing his experience in Casey's I won't ne buying anything there period again. Looks like a little road trip for anything they may have that I might have wanted to purchase from them. Its not just because they asked for ID. They told my friend that they are required to scan his ID for any tobacco purchases. WTF? When did corporate America get the authority to scan your ID for such a purchase? Then I was like why? Cradle to grave and everything in between. The great thing about artificial (non) intelligence is it actually requires some intelligence to keep the generators going and input the info into the machine. Its still a damn machine and the humanity war lords who believe that they have the right to rules over others are going to learn that the hard way just like the others have before them.

Now for the medical investment idiots. People eventually wise up or you have also gone just too far too. After my friend walked away from Casey's with his twenty in hand and telling the cashier that Casey's wouldn't ever have anything he needs again he went to his doc appointment at the local clinic. The gal there
slid a mask over to him and told him, "You'll have to put that on to be in here". He told her, "Well I guess I better leave then." She responded, "No don't do that" and then went to the back and someone else came out got him and ushered him back to one of the patient waiting rooms while telling him, "Next time you'll have to wear a mask". He told her, "If that is the case there will not be a next time".

I was so proud and happy to have him as my friend and to know that he will continue to stand up to the BS being pushed by corporate bullies who would try to push their Marxist BS off on to us. I surely do hope millions upon millions will follow his lead and walk away with their money in hand instead of giving even a single penny to these creeps.

As for me. I have not been to that clinic since they tried to con me with their lies and called me claiming they were scheduling a surgery to rob me of my body parts I am certain I need or God would not have put them there (a few good people cannot overcome those bad ones in an organization like that as it is true true even a little leaven leavens the whole). I already knew that there were limb thieves there (barbarians disguised as medical professionals); I mean there are a hell of a lot of people in these parts missing legs unless they were smart enough to go find good quality second and even third opinions.

You cannot sustain a viable economy on crappy services alone but you could surely ruin one if you convince those idiots in public office that this is a good thing even when they know its not. Its going to be a joy for me to be watching all those who purposely invested in these things that are destructive to human health for profits go down! In retrospect those nasties of Qatar and their butt buddiees should have been left to the Iraq's but then again I am certain justice will prevail long term.
So many crazy remarks. So little interest in going through them all. It has been illegal for underaged people to buy tobacco products for a long time. Lots of states require an ID for that just like they do for alcohol. The rest of your OP is just funny whining.
Must have struck a cord with you. The post is about scanning ID's not simply asking to see the ID of sixty plus year olds not under aged people. No corporation has a right to scan your ID to put it into there system, none. I do have the right to tell others what I see transpiring. Doctors and nurses do not have a legal right to lie to people either in order to line their pockets. That is not whining you little prick but the facts. In this nation we do still have legal rights to spread information we are personally aware of about these creeps in the world attempting to pull off this kind of crap thus far and I damn well plan on keeping them.

You should change your name to Bullshit as it would fit you better than Bulldog.
Thank you very much MikeTX. Have you seen the one with the sister too? Saw it all a few weeks ago but mind was off doing other things. Merkel sure does look like him. Back in 2007 after waking up hearing check into... I looked into the SS college in Austria and the faces of the main SS officers and the comparison with some of the people involved in taking Rod and I out of business. It was striking resemblance on some of those major CEO's and those SS officers in that website they had up back then. I saved all those pictures in Yahoo email thinking that was a smart way to keep all that info safe for later and then Yahoo struck my email account. Shame as I had collected a lot of info up. Most of its still in my brain but I cannot easily share the proof now :(.

edit note: if anyone knows how to recover that old email info if its still there somewhere it is at [email protected]
The Nazis are not gone. We imported 1000's of them after WW2 under Operation Paperclip, and untold numbers escaped to the ME, SA, Italy, Spain, etc. With all their loot. Wonder what their kids were taught?

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