Rick Perry Can Come Back, Experts Say.


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May 3, 2011
My house
Don't Count Out Rick Perry, Say Experts

AUSTIN — Political strategists and experts on Wednesday cautioned against counting Gov. Rick Perry out of the Republican race for president, saying a fat campaign war chest and a skillful use of advertising can make up for poor debate performances and a dearth of policy specifics that some say have the Texas governor’s popularity in free fall.

I agree with the article, but not because he is well-bankrolled.

I think Rick Perry is the best in the field based on his military experience, and his stunning record on jobs creation across the board.

The reason you hear so little about him, is because he is the one the media fears will ultimately take Obama out of the Oval Office.

They're scared a conservative Republican will invigorate Americans again to keep the private sector alive and well.

Yeah, that puts a crimp in the style of Marxism.

I could get used to Marxism going out on a crutch.


You go, Rick Perry!
He won't come back and his jobs record is a joke. His answer to everything is drill... not going to solve the problem, he would be in so far over his head at the Presidency it would be scary.
I still admire Perry, but I figured out immediately that he needs that latino vote to keep his post as governor, just like with Bush. I was so impressed with him when he started showing up on FOX with Neil Cavuto. Oh well, same thing happened with all those babies who fainted over Obama when they witnessed him reading Cue Cards! and now he is as boring as a used banana.
It ain't over till it's over.....but Perry is awfully close to striking out
Don't Count Out Rick Perry, Say Experts

AUSTIN — Political strategists and experts on Wednesday cautioned against counting Gov. Rick Perry out of the Republican race for president, saying a fat campaign war chest and a skillful use of advertising can make up for poor debate performances and a dearth of policy specifics that some say have the Texas governor’s popularity in free fall.

I agree with the article, but not because he is well-bankrolled.

I think Rick Perry is the best in the field based on his military experience, and his stunning record on jobs creation across the board.

The reason you hear so little about him, is because he is the one the media fears will ultimately take Obama out of the Oval Office.

They're scared a conservative Republican will invigorate Americans again to keep the private sector alive and well.

Yeah, that puts a crimp in the style of Marxism.

I could get used to Marxism going out on a crutch.


You go, Rick Perry!

Hmmm. So some experts in TEXAS who work in THE PERRY CAMP say nice things about Perry! Shocker! Just wow!

Seriously, the guy is like "W" on Valium. As Bugs would say "What a maroon!"

I will vote for Cain or Romney (assuming no whackjobs like Bachmann are on the ticket) over Obama in a heartbeat.
Perry guarantees the Moderates, Independents, Deficit Hawks etc... to either vote for Obama or stay home.
I seriously doubt he'll be able to come back from that one unintelligible retort he gave at the debate. He'd have to come back better than he was initially which is unlikely but hey, its early on.
It ain't over till it's over.....but Perry is awfully close to striking out

The press has made a monument of Perry's speech errors and molehills of Obama's.

The press has ignored the unemployment rate of Obama's and completely omitted Perry's overachievement in employing persons who need jobs.

If Americans want their college graduates to be employed, they will forgive Perry's foot-in-mouth mistakes and pinpoint his opponent's massive American unemployment line that stretches from Coast to Coast, with a little blip in Texas, where Rick Perry saw to it that 49% of all new jobs created in this country landed in the Lone Star State.

It's all up to the American people. If they let the press lead them around by the nose to make the next election all about anything except job creation, America will be in a world of hurt, and people will feel the press betrayed them, because even here, many of them don't even know the depth of their betrayal by the press.

But I do.
Come back from where? Where did Rick Perry go?

Informed as always, eh Soggy.

You see, when someone is doing well at something and then they begin to do poorly, doing well again later, is called a "Come Back". Can you say Come Back? Good! I knew you could!
So Perry was doing VERY well when he first announced his candidacy. But then baaad things happened. He started talking! People started asking him questions! He showed up for debates! And all the people who liked him at first said "This guy is about as smart as Soggy! I'm sure not going to vote for him!"
Then poor Ricky wasn't doing so well. Awwww. So that's why all the grown-ups say he needs to "Come Back". Do you understand now? Good!
I'm glad I could help.
I'm a helper.
It's what I do.
I help :eusa_angel:

Have a great day!

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