Rick Perry Apologizes for "Inappropriate" Remarks on Immigration


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Rick Perry Says His Remarks on Immigration Were Inappropriate


By Philip Rucker, Published: September 28

Texas Gov. Rick Perry​, facing a conservative backlash over his labeling as heartless those who oppose his state law giving college tuition breaks to the children of illegal immigrants, said Wednesday that the tone of his remarks was “inappropriate.” In an on-camera interview with Newsmax.com, a conservative media outlet, Perry said he had been “over-passionate” in his answer to a question about the law during last week’s GOP presidential candidates debate. “I probably chose a poor word to explain that,” Perry said in the interview. “For people who don’t want their state to be giving tuition to illegal aliens, illegal immigrants in this country, that’s their call, and I respect that.” Although he walked back his remarks, Perry stood by the legislation and noted that it passed in 2001 with the support of all but four legislators in Texas. “I was probably a bit over-passionate by using that word. And it was inappropriate,” Perry said. “But here’s what I do believe: that it is a state’s sovereign right to decide that issue for themselves.”

Do you think Governor Perry should get a pass?
Rick Perry Says His Remarks on Immigration Were Inappropriate


By Philip Rucker, Published: September 28

Texas Gov. Rick Perry​, facing a conservative backlash over his labeling as heartless those who oppose his state law giving college tuition breaks to the children of illegal immigrants, said Wednesday that the tone of his remarks was “inappropriate.” In an on-camera interview with Newsmax.com, a conservative media outlet, Perry said he had been “over-passionate” in his answer to a question about the law during last week’s GOP presidential candidates debate. “I probably chose a poor word to explain that,” Perry said in the interview. “For people who don’t want their state to be giving tuition to illegal aliens, illegal immigrants in this country, that’s their call, and I respect that.” Although he walked back his remarks, Perry stood by the legislation and noted that it passed in 2001 with the support of all but four legislators in Texas. “I was probably a bit over-passionate by using that word. And it was inappropriate,” Perry said. “But here’s what I do believe: that it is a state’s sovereign right to decide that issue for themselves.”

Do you think Governor Perry should get a pass?

No. he should stand up like a man and own what he said. He's just another "amnesty for all" candidate.
Rick Perry Says His Remarks on Immigration Were Inappropriate


By Philip Rucker, Published: September 28

Texas Gov. Rick Perry​, facing a conservative backlash over his labeling as heartless those who oppose his state law giving college tuition breaks to the children of illegal immigrants, said Wednesday that the tone of his remarks was “inappropriate.” In an on-camera interview with Newsmax.com, a conservative media outlet, Perry said he had been “over-passionate” in his answer to a question about the law during last week’s GOP presidential candidates debate. “I probably chose a poor word to explain that,” Perry said in the interview. “For people who don’t want their state to be giving tuition to illegal aliens, illegal immigrants in this country, that’s their call, and I respect that.” Although he walked back his remarks, Perry stood by the legislation and noted that it passed in 2001 with the support of all but four legislators in Texas. “I was probably a bit over-passionate by using that word. And it was inappropriate,” Perry said. “But here’s what I do believe: that it is a state’s sovereign right to decide that issue for themselves.”

Do you think Governor Perry should get a pass?

He may get a pass, but he wont win regardless. The debates he has been part off have clearly shown he would be utterly destroyed by Obama and since the GOP is trying to find the great white hope to defeat Obama at any cost, then Perry has secured his own failure. The real question is.. when will he drop out..
Oh gosh.

Both Romney and Perry are walking back nearly everything they've said at one point or another.

However, this was one of the things I really agreed with.
Rick Perry Says His Remarks on Immigration Were Inappropriate


By Philip Rucker, Published: September 28

Texas Gov. Rick Perry​, facing a conservative backlash over his labeling as heartless those who oppose his state law giving college tuition breaks to the children of illegal immigrants, said Wednesday that the tone of his remarks was “inappropriate.” In an on-camera interview with Newsmax.com, a conservative media outlet, Perry said he had been “over-passionate” in his answer to a question about the law during last week’s GOP presidential candidates debate. “I probably chose a poor word to explain that,” Perry said in the interview. “For people who don’t want their state to be giving tuition to illegal aliens, illegal immigrants in this country, that’s their call, and I respect that.” Although he walked back his remarks, Perry stood by the legislation and noted that it passed in 2001 with the support of all but four legislators in Texas. “I was probably a bit over-passionate by using that word. And it was inappropriate,” Perry said. “But here’s what I do believe: that it is a state’s sovereign right to decide that issue for themselves.”

Do you think Governor Perry should get a pass?

Why should he get a pass? He was either lying on stage, or he is lying now. Take your pick.
Thanks. I just wanted to get the honest opinions of several of you to see how people felt about candidates who say things that come out differently than what they thought they said.
Rick Perry Says His Remarks on Immigration Were Inappropriate


By Philip Rucker, Published: September 28

Texas Gov. Rick Perry​, facing a conservative backlash over his labeling as heartless those who oppose his state law giving college tuition breaks to the children of illegal immigrants, said Wednesday that the tone of his remarks was “inappropriate.” In an on-camera interview with Newsmax.com, a conservative media outlet, Perry said he had been “over-passionate” in his answer to a question about the law during last week’s GOP presidential candidates debate. “I probably chose a poor word to explain that,” Perry said in the interview. “For people who don’t want their state to be giving tuition to illegal aliens, illegal immigrants in this country, that’s their call, and I respect that.” Although he walked back his remarks, Perry stood by the legislation and noted that it passed in 2001 with the support of all but four legislators in Texas. “I was probably a bit over-passionate by using that word. And it was inappropriate,” Perry said. “But here’s what I do believe: that it is a state’s sovereign right to decide that issue for themselves.”
Do you think Governor Perry should get a pass?

Why should he get a pass? He was either lying on stage, or he is lying now. Take your pick.

He is apologizing for calling people heartless.

He stands behind his position 100%.

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Thanks. I just wanted to get the honest opinions of several of you to see how people felt about candidates who say things that come out differently than what they thought they said.

In the long run the issue would be a winner for him. Part of George W. Bush's appeal was that he was for easing a path of immigration to those who wanted to be American citizens. He did well with hispanics and minorities in general.
The remarks he was apologizing for:

"If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they’ve been brought there by no fault of their own, I don’t think you have a heart. We need to be educating these children, because they will become a drag on our society."

Immigration is probably Perry's biggest liability right now, and he should choose his words very carefully. He should have realized that accusing people who disagreed with him of heartlessness would upset many. He needs to drastically improve his message discipline if he really wants the nomination.
Thanks. I just wanted to get the honest opinions of several of you to see how people felt about candidates who say things that come out differently than what they thought they said.

If you really look at the "in state tuition" issue being refferred to here...

It is stating that ANYONE who graduates in the state of Texas should be able to get in-state tuition rates. If the kids parents were'nt here to begin with, this wouldnt be an issue.

At least thats what I see.... That being said, there are sanctuary cities in Texas. This is UNACCEPTABLE to me as an American.

Perry is weak on the border! Thats all I need to know. His opinion on me being heartless is the least of my concerns.... he owed me no apology.
He is apologizing for calling people heartless.

He stands behind his position 100%.

The left is trying to make it look like a waffle moment, and anyone paying attention knows it is'nt.

It was a mistake for calling people heartless, and THATS what he is apologizing for.

Personally, I think it's great that Perry advocates using Government funding to help educate illegal aliens. It really sets him apart from the other GOP candidates.
The remarks he was apologizing for:

"If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they’ve been brought there by no fault of their own, I don’t think you have a heart. We need to be educating these children, because they will become a drag on our society."

Immigration is probably Perry's biggest liability right now, and he should choose his words very carefully. He should have realized that accusing people who disagreed with him of heartlessness would upset many. He needs to drastically improve his message discipline if he really wants the nomination.
Thanks, ladyliberal. I think that is exactly why he apologized. His opinion is consistent with the Texas state law on immigrant education that was passed in the TX legislature with all but 4 votes. He said he really didn't mean to call people heartless who disagreed with him, and he was sorry for his mistake.
The remarks he was apologizing for:

"If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they’ve been brought there by no fault of their own, I don’t think you have a heart. We need to be educating these children, because they will become a drag on our society."

Sadly, this is one of the few things the silly bastard ought to be applauded for.

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