Rhetorical Questionnaire re: Covid-19


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
  1. Does it matter to America's public academicians that children are at virtually zero risk from Covid-19?
  2. Does it matter to them that 90% of teachers are of an age that they are in no significant danger from Covid-19, and that transmission from asymptomatic children is virtually non-existent?
  3. Does it affect our thinking that virtually the entire rest of the world has sent their kids back to school?
  4. What is the likelihood that American public school children-students will lose AT LEAST one academic year of progress due to (1) inherent shortcomings in on-line learning, and (2) the fact that half of the children and parents are essentially blowing off the education that has been provided post shutdown?
  5. If American public school teachers (and administrators) had been appropriately laid off when the schools shut down, would they be pushing to re-open the schools now?
  6. How much of the "DON'T RE-OPEN!" hysteria is nothing more than a manifestation of irrational Trump hatred?
  7. Is it apparent from my questions how I feel about re-opening the schools in September?
The dems are betting that they can push for mail in voting if the schools and bars are closed....but with them open safely that kills their argument.....
Virtually zero is not zero. Forcing kids back to in-person class will have a death toll that is pretty easy to count. The question is how many ordinary lives are you willing to sacrifice? Since republicans are not willing to accept responsibility for their actions or pay for their mandates they have no business risking our kids.
There are ZERO deaths in California of school age children from Covid-19 and its related problems. That's zero. Not one. The couple of cases reported in New York are very questionable; kids died from other stuff, but were attributed to Covid-19.

Democrats count the loss of education as a ZERO COST. Thus, any risk at all tips the scale to staying home. The teachers' unions OWN the Democrat Party, and the teachers haven't lost a DIME over this, and they sit happily in their caves knowing that they will never lose a dime, given the current political climate.

Republicans want to get back to work and to INDIVIDUALLY assume the risks and responsibilities for that choice. Democrats, few of whom actually have real jobs, are content to stay in their caves, and to blame Trump for every negative thing that happens.
  1. Does it matter to America's public academicians that children are at virtually zero risk from Covid-19?
  2. Does it matter to them that 90% of teachers are of an age that they are in no significant danger from Covid-19, and that transmission from asymptomatic children is virtually non-existent?
  3. Does it affect our thinking that virtually the entire rest of the world has sent their kids back to school?
  4. What is the likelihood that American public school children-students will lose AT LEAST one academic year of progress due to (1) inherent shortcomings in on-line learning, and (2) the fact that half of the children and parents are essentially blowing off the education that has been provided post shutdown?
  5. If American public school teachers (and administrators) had been appropriately laid off when the schools shut down, would they be pushing to re-open the schools now?
  6. How much of the "DON'T RE-OPEN!" hysteria is nothing more than a manifestation of irrational Trump hatred?
  7. Is it apparent from my questions how I feel about re-opening the schools in September?
#5 Your error. Most teachers taught from home on-line. Other than that, you are golden!
There are ZERO deaths in California of school age children from Covid-19 and its related problems. That's zero. Not one. The couple of cases reported in New York are very questionable; kids died from other stuff, but were attributed to Covid-19.

Democrats count the loss of education as a ZERO COST. Thus, any risk at all tips the scale to staying home. The teachers' unions OWN the Democrat Party, and the teachers haven't lost a DIME over this, and they sit happily in their caves knowing that they will never lose a dime, given the current political climate.

Republicans want to get back to work and to INDIVIDUALLY assume the risks and responsibilities for that choice. Democrats, few of whom actually have real jobs, are content to stay in their caves, and to blame Trump for every negative thing that happens.
If republicans force kids back to school that is hardly an individual choice is it?. It is the government making our kids and teachers participate in an act that things are fucking fine when they are clearly not.
There are ZERO deaths in California of school age children from Covid-19 and its related problems. That's zero. Not one. The couple of cases reported in New York are very questionable; kids died from other stuff, but were attributed to Covid-19.

Democrats count the loss of education as a ZERO COST. Thus, any risk at all tips the scale to staying home. The teachers' unions OWN the Democrat Party, and the teachers haven't lost a DIME over this, and they sit happily in their caves knowing that they will never lose a dime, given the current political climate.

Republicans want to get back to work and to INDIVIDUALLY assume the risks and responsibilities for that choice. Democrats, few of whom actually have real jobs, are content to stay in their caves, and to blame Trump for every negative thing that happens.
If republicans force kids back to school that is hardly an individual choice is it?. It is the government making our kids and teachers participate in an act that things are fucking fine when they are clearly not.
OMG....You won't even see it.

Has school in the past 100 years, been an individual choice? Try keeping your kid out of school to find your answer.
You have to realize that the left sees very little need of education, indoctrination is very much required and recommended. Kids do not really need to go to a physical school to be properly indoctrinated into the precepts of communism.
You have to realize that the left sees very little need of education, indoctrination is very much required and recommended. Kids do not really need to go to a physical school to be properly indoctrinated into the precepts of communism.
Next time they want to cut the education budget maybe you could fight it for the sake of the children? You'll say screw it like the rest of the republican assholes. You do not give two fucks about kids. Trump wants it therefore you want it too.
  1. Does it matter to America's public academicians that children are at virtually zero risk from Covid-19?
  2. Does it matter to them that 90% of teachers are of an age that they are in no significant danger from Covid-19, and that transmission from asymptomatic children is virtually non-existent?
  3. Does it affect our thinking that virtually the entire rest of the world has sent their kids back to school?
  4. What is the likelihood that American public school children-students will lose AT LEAST one academic year of progress due to (1) inherent shortcomings in on-line learning, and (2) the fact that half of the children and parents are essentially blowing off the education that has been provided post shutdown?
  5. If American public school teachers (and administrators) had been appropriately laid off when the schools shut down, would they be pushing to re-open the schools now?
  6. How much of the "DON'T RE-OPEN!" hysteria is nothing more than a manifestation of irrational Trump hatred?
  7. Is it apparent from my questions how I feel about re-opening the schools in September?

1) No such thing.
2) So the other 10% are what, expendable?
3) Why should it? Our classes are virtual because unlike other countries, we don't have a handle on our virus outbreak. Or any guidance from anyone at the highest levels of government.
4) Highly likely in most districts. I would expect the online experience may be better this fall because districts will have had time to prepare....but with no guidance coming from any federal agency and decisions for the school year needing to be made now???
5) Not sure what you mean by this? Who would teach the kids online if teachers were laid off?
6) You're against keeping students and teacher safe because of a perceived dislike of Trump? Geez, you righties have really lost it. Trump doesn't personally have to deal with the state by state ramifications of the virus spreading. He provided no leadership, mobilized no agencies into action, and provided no support or guidance to the states..until he was forced to. Even now, he fails miserably..mostly because he stopped giving a damn. He just wants red meat to throw his base.
7) Of course. But in the final analysis, you, me, and Trump have nothing to say about schools opening or going to online. It's up to the individual school districts.
Best if we close all schools permanently.
The, for decades, have been mere indoctrination centers teaching nothing.
Lay off all the union hacks and pay parents to stay home and teach their own children.

Augment with online material as available. The trick will be to avoid allowing mandatory viewing of propaganda disguised as educational material. From all sides.

I doubt that can be done but short of making all use of such material option we're all doomed to servitude to a few party elites. Like all Democrats are already.
There are ZERO deaths in California of school age children from Covid-19 and its related problems. That's zero. Not one. The couple of cases reported in New York are very questionable; kids died from other stuff, but were attributed to Covid-19.

Democrats count the loss of education as a ZERO COST. Thus, any risk at all tips the scale to staying home. The teachers' unions OWN the Democrat Party, and the teachers haven't lost a DIME over this, and they sit happily in their caves knowing that they will never lose a dime, given the current political climate.

Republicans want to get back to work and to INDIVIDUALLY assume the risks and responsibilities for that choice. Democrats, few of whom actually have real jobs, are content to stay in their caves, and to blame Trump for every negative thing that happens.
If republicans force kids back to school that is hardly an individual choice is it?. It is the government making our kids and teachers participate in an act that things are fucking fine when they are clearly not.

Republicans don't care that kids and teachers are cut down by semi-auto weapon fire. Why would they care about Trumpian Plague killing them?
You have to realize that the left sees very little need of education, indoctrination is very much required and recommended. Kids do not really need to go to a physical school to be properly indoctrinated into the precepts of communism.
Next time they want to cut the education budget maybe you could fight it for the sake of the children? You'll say screw it like the rest of the republican assholes. You do not give two fucks about kids. Trump wants it therefore you want it too.
Roflol. You don't have a clue.
But we will get to see what happens when you cult of dementia get to defund the police. Any bets how that is going to turn out? Oh that's right, you and the rest of the left never stop to talk to anyone with an ounce of sense it's just full speed ahead what ever thought comes into one of your heads.
  1. Does it matter to America's public academicians that children are at virtually zero risk from Covid-19?
  2. Does it matter to them that 90% of teachers are of an age that they are in no significant danger from Covid-19, and that transmission from asymptomatic children is virtually non-existent?
  3. Does it affect our thinking that virtually the entire rest of the world has sent their kids back to school?
  4. What is the likelihood that American public school children-students will lose AT LEAST one academic year of progress due to (1) inherent shortcomings in on-line learning, and (2) the fact that half of the children and parents are essentially blowing off the education that has been provided post shutdown?
  5. If American public school teachers (and administrators) had been appropriately laid off when the schools shut down, would they be pushing to re-open the schools now?
  6. How much of the "DON'T RE-OPEN!" hysteria is nothing more than a manifestation of irrational Trump hatred?
  7. Is it apparent from my questions how I feel about re-opening the schools in September?

1) Yes it's definitely a positive thing. The same can't be said about their teachers, school staff and faculty, high risk children, etc.
2) That's definitely a positive thing. See above.
3) Not one bit. Education is done on a local level in the United States. My district has virtually no plan in place to keep students and staff safe. I'm not against brick and mortar school being held, but it needs to be done safely.
4) Students will not lose much-if any-value from online learning in my experience. I had one student of 174 whom refused to do any work and failed (he also did zero work the rest of the school year) when we converted to full-time e-learning for the 4th quarter. Not all teachers and students are created equal but my students were successful with e-learning. Of course rick and mortar would have been preferred by (most of) them and myself-but the lack of learning really wasn't that much.
5) Schools did NOT shut down. Teachers taught lessons via e-learning online. Honestly my work days were longer when we did e-learning. I've been teaching for years so in a traditional brick and mortar I have the fundamental basics of every lesson done. I tweak some things for each class/student as necessary and go from there-but the bulk of the work is already done. Switching the E-Learning I had to start from zero again. Not complaining at all about the hours mind you, but the notion that e-learning is somehow easier (it's not) or less time-consuming isn't accurate.
6) I'm sure some of it does-especially from those not engaged in education. Truth be told I'm a center/right teacher and didn't vote for Clinton this past election. Many teachers are similar to myself-more than the media or society would have you believe. I'm against schools opening because there is ZERO plan in place to keep students safe and ZERO plan in place for what happens when someone on campus gets Corona. It's not possible for me to socially distance in my classroom by 4 feet let alone 6.
7) Not a clue tbh but it's really not relevant.
You have to realize that the left sees very little need of education, indoctrination is very much required and recommended. Kids do not really need to go to a physical school to be properly indoctrinated into the precepts of communism.
Next time they want to cut the education budget maybe you could fight it for the sake of the children? You'll say screw it like the rest of the republican assholes. You do not give two fucks about kids. Trump wants it therefore you want it too.
Roflol. You don't have a clue.
But we will get to see what happens when you cult of dementia get to defund the police. Any bets how that is going to turn out? Oh that's right, you and the rest of the left never stop to talk to anyone with an ounce of sense it's just full speed ahead what ever thought comes into one of your heads.
Don't change the subject Trumpbot. You assholes hate education and you are not interested in any policy discussion. You just want what Trump wants so bad you don't even remember what you ever used to believe in.
I thought you leftist believed in science?

The science says that the kids are not in any danger.

The left runs on and/or is driven by postmodernism which is the antithesis of science. The radical left are factual relativists. Men can be women, get pregnant menstruate and the like. Biological sex is a social construct and on and on and on. That being said, many leftists of lesser intellectual capacity seem to thoroughly believe their ilk and ideology are the bastions of scientific fact and tend to ignore how most every politicized scientific finding is relative to the political narrative of the day and completely fluid, such as whether or not masks protect people from novel coronavirus. Postmodernism is an intrinsically self-contradictory ideology as well, so what passes for scientific fact on the left one day will magically transform into its opposite tomorrow.
You have to realize that the left sees very little need of education, indoctrination is very much required and recommended. Kids do not really need to go to a physical school to be properly indoctrinated into the precepts of communism.
Next time they want to cut the education budget maybe you could fight it for the sake of the children? You'll say screw it like the rest of the republican assholes. You do not give two fucks about kids. Trump wants it therefore you want it too.
Roflol. You don't have a clue.
But we will get to see what happens when you cult of dementia get to defund the police. Any bets how that is going to turn out? Oh that's right, you and the rest of the left never stop to talk to anyone with an ounce of sense it's just full speed ahead what ever thought comes into one of your heads.
Don't change the subject Trumpbot. You assholes hate education and you are not interested in any policy discussion. You just want what Trump wants so bad you don't even remember what you ever used to believe in.
Lol. You pretend to be worried about education yet you are fine with the fact our academic scores are behind most of the world. You don't care that most of the children in our colleges don't know the difference between a quark, a monopole or microgram. But you applaude the fact they know where their safe space, coloring book and list of forbidden words and phrases are. You don't care that they don't understand the diffrence between Volaire and Shakspeare as long as they know if they identify as a man, woman or other this week. You could care less that they are more interested in mine craft or call of duty then hunting down the bug in lines of code. The idea that we have to use H1B visas because our children are not up to the task bothers you not at all. You would rather they get less pay for a job while we pay a person from another country a higher salary. The only thing that matters to you is that they are taught that capitalism is bad. Making money is wrong. Everyone being equally miserable in their little hovel with the same amount of nothing is the proper way.

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