Reversing Peridontitis


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Two years ago I was diagnosed with stage 1 and 2 gum recession. I had gingivitis that progressed to the early stages of periodontitis. My dentist performed a deep root scale and plane cleaning (all quadrants).

Since then I've been on an 8-12 hour water fast every day (work hours), where I do not eat any food, nor drink anything except water, and I rinse my mouth every break with water.

I eat breakfast prior to this fast, and then brush my teeth and then use a solution of tap water and 3% hydrogen peroxide in a waterpik (water flosser).

I check my work with regular floss, and then rinse with the waterpik with just tap water. I then clean my tongue.

(8-12 hour fast period)

I come home, eat a large dinner, brush and water floss in the same manner. I also clean my tongue. If I eat any snacks after dinner, it's done with advance "mental agreement" of immediate brushing/flossing soon after.

Before I go to bed, I swish a 2% hydrogen peroxide custom made mouthwash (1 part tap water per 2 part 3% hydrogen peroxide = 2%), rinse with tap water. I then drink a large amount of pure water, an then do an oil pull with 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil. The oil pull literally pulls a huge chunk of any leftover bacteria and creates a coating over the teeth at night and insulates the gumline.

Additional Info:
When I drink coffee (at any time), it's done with a straw, and ensure no acids or sugars make contact with my teeth/gums. The same applies to any acidic food, such as salsa. Preferably all of these things are consumed at breakfast or dinner.

I take 4 tablets of Garlic extract and Omega Oil each day; all of my meals have garlic, and I even have craving of raw garlic and consume raw garlic. Garlic is the best natural regulator of oral bacteria (fun fact, even healthy people have 20+billion microbes in their mouth at any given time, as do people with gum disease, but the healthy people have more GOOD microbes that choke the nutrient supplies of the BAD microbes!) Garlic hurts the BAD BOYS!

Also Good breathe > no Breathe > Garlic Breathe > Bad breathe. Err on the side of caution and choose Garlic Breathe, it will always be better than bad breathe!

The 8-12 hour fast serves two purposes:
One: I cannot clean my mouth at work the way I can at home, which would provide the bacteria with a food source.
Two: Likewise, I am intentionally starving the bacteria for a total of 16-20 hours a day (8 hours sleep + 8-12 hours daytime).

Results after 720 days (as of today):

I have completely halted the progression of Periodontitis with my own rigorous practices combined with periodic deep cleanings from my dentist. The disease has not caused further gum recession, and my gum pockets have shrunk from an average of 5.75mm to 3.50mm (big deal!).

My dentist is finally recommending the gum graft or pinhole treatment to reverse gum recession, since I've purged the periodontitis bacterium. There's a little uncertainty about the outcome where I had an extraction (upper left 2nd premolar), but worst case scenario is we'll continue to monitor that area throughout my life.

Anyway else here have Periodontitis? Have you aggressively fought against the disease?

(The dentists usually say "you're doomed to have no teeth," but that's because they assume most people will not change their habits).
My pockets weren't quite as deep as yours 10 years ago, but my dentist at the time was insisting I needed gum grafts. I told her they weren't bothering me and I didn't want to go that route. She got very obnoxious showing me my chart saying "what are you not seeing here? You will loose all your teeth!" That was my last appointment with that bitch. My new dentist just said listerine every morning, floss every day and cleaning every 4 months. Within a year my average pocket went from 4mm to 2.5mm. They've been fine since.
I've never heard of gum pocket depths being averaged before. When I've had periodontal charting/exam, they made 6 measurements on each tooth, and the goal is getting 1, 2 or 3 mm on each reading. The idea is to have only a few 4's at most

Since you have a 3.5 average, that means more than 1/2 of your teeth are still 4 or above which isn't ideal. Things don't change overnight, but you should probably try to make more progress on this. It might be worthwhile to see a periodontist
My dentist performed a deep root scale and plane cleaning (all quadrants).
No no. That's unnecessary, and directly causes further gum recession.
check my work with regular floss, and then rinse with the waterpik
No no again. You're hard at work killing your gums faster than they can grow back.


Dentists don't make money from healthy teeth. They make money pulling wisdom teeth, drilling and filling other teeth, doing root canals, which kills the pulp of the teeth, gold crowns, implants, dentures, and administering mercury amalgams, fluorides, "laughing gas," and other deadly poisons.

For all their evil works, all dentists as they commonly practice nowadays throughout the world are condemned to eternal hellfire by the Holy Bible. Moses has decreed the punishment of tooth for a tooth, and David has ordered their teeth broken out of their mouths as the teeth of young lions.
I've never heard of gum pocket depths being averaged before. When I've had periodontal charting/exam, they made 6 measurements on each tooth, and the goal is getting 1, 2 or 3 mm on each reading. The idea is to have only a few 4's at most

Since you have a 3.5 average, that means more than 1/2 of your teeth are still 4 or above which isn't ideal. Things don't change overnight, but you should probably try to make more progress on this. It might be worthwhile to see a periodontist

The average only considers the subset of measurements over 3mm (the bad measurements). Anything at or below 3mm is discarded (therefore most of the good readings aren't in the measurement).

Most of my 3mm+ readings occur around the region where I had an extraction, since extractions cause bone loss, or the upper molars, since the upper molars get the least attention from your own natural saliva.

So the weighted average of all my bad readings was 3.50mm. My worst at are 4.5mm around the extraction zone. All of my bottom teeth are sub 3mm, including my bottom wisdom teeth.
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I used to wear braces, although I'm not sure at all why they would have or should have been necessary, but in any case I did develop a case of periodontitis, and a certain dentist had a strange reaction, he was "horrified" to find that not only had my gums healed on their own, but that the bone of my jaw had grown back in around my teeth. I stopped dentists at that point.

Years later I was horribly poisoned and very ill when a mercury amalgam filling fell out of my tooth and dissolved into my mouth. My skin developed horrible sores, and I had bone pain all over. I don't ever want to go back to any dentist, orthodontist, or maxillofacial or oral surgeon again. Their works are evil, and like other doctors, they not only perform operations which are unnecessary and harmful to the human body, but they cruelly and wickedly withhold those treatments within their capability that would otherwise be wholesome or beneficial to their patients.

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