Revealing the Socialist, Radical Revolutionaries Who Have Invaded the George Floyd Protests


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Revealing the Socialist, Radical Revolutionaries Who Have Invaded the George Floyd Protests

3 Jun 2020 ~~ By Justin Haskins

In the wake of the completely unjustified murder of George Floyd by police officer Derek Chauvin, tens of thousands of Americans concerned about police brutality have taken to the streets to demand reforms they believe to be necessary to protect civilian liberties.
But, unfortunately, these well-meaning, law-abiding citizens are not alone. They have been joined by radical elements who are seeking to sow discord, create division, and, in many cases, usher in an anti-American revolution hellbent on fundamentally transforming the United States in their Marxist image.
Although many have been reluctant to acknowledge that far-left organizations and networks like Antifa are driving much of the chaos now occurring nightly on America’s streets, including brutal attacks on police officers and innocent civilians, there is substantial evidence to show that these groups are present and actively engaging in the George Floyd protests.
On Sunday, CNN and the Associated Press reported, “An antifa activist group disseminated a message in a Telegram channel on Saturday that encouraged people to consider Minnesota National Guard troops ‘easy targets,’ two Defense Department officials said. The message encouraged activists to steal ‘kit,’ meaning the weapons and body armor used by the soldiers.”
Through various social media platforms, Antifa and other left-wing groups have made numerous posts instructing protesters on the best ways to cause destruction and harm to others, and several have even posted photos from recent George Floyd protests.
On the “AntifascistsofReddit” page, one Antifa member posted on Tuesday a “Protest Roles” guide, which provides fellow Antifa radicals with advice on the best way to wreak havoc.
One of the “roles” identified is “fire mage,” which the guide describes as those “protesters who come prepared to set fire to barricades and throw flammable projectiles.”
Another “role” is “range soldier,” which is defined as protesters “who throw water bottles, umbrellas, and trash to stop police from advancing.”
In response to the post, a different member of Antifa suggested encouraging people to blind police with paint in the midst of an attack. “Cops are wearing face masks,” the person remarked. “Fill water balloons with paint to make the masks useless. Been trying to spread this for a few days now.”


The entire point of the #Antifa co-opting the protests into rioting, looting, vandalism and burning of cities is to blame this on Trump, while it's the co-conspirator Progressive Marxist Socialist Blue State and City leaders. Meanwhile we have the biased media supporting the actions of the anarchist thugs.
What the public fails to realize these are the children and followers that began in 60'S namely the SDS, SLA, Weather Underground, ELF, etc. They may have changed their names and are now known as #BLM, or #Antifa but they are all the same.
Where do they come from? Who trains them? Let's stop and ponder. Is this the product of LBJ's Great Society? We can now understand his statement , "I’ll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”
Here is today's is the psychological profile of anarchists and how did they got that way? Think about how screwed up we have become as a society. divorce, drugs, anonymity of social media, isolation, bullying, latchkey kids, baby momma's and no dad's, lack of religious pillars, 57 genders ONLY black lives matter, biased media, fake news, no accountability for behavior, politicians committing crime with impunity, me-too (except if you're a Democrat), self-inflicted depression over a bad flu season, non-essential workers, lockdowns, social distancing (except when rioting), mask shaming with zero data . . . well you get the point.
Democrats seem to always back violent commies and anarchists. I think they've been telling us since 2016 that it's the Russians that are the bad guys? So confused. Is it any wonder that prominent Democrats in Congress have in the past and presently support Marxist regimes like Cuba, Sandinista's, and Venezuela.
Explainer: what is Antifa, and where did it come from?

Anti-fascist action, more popularly known as “antifa”, can be best described as international socialism on amphetamines. Driven by progressive ideology and “workers’ rights”, it has adopted violence and intimidation as a tactic to quash conservatives and nationalists – in Australia, Europe and, most recently, the US.
Antifa, or militant progressives, have always existed and flourished in democracies. Militant progressives were part of the the 1960s and 1970s counter-culture, and were active during the anti-globalisation protests of the 1990s and 2000s.
It is difficult to accurately state when antifa began. It is more of an evolution of progressive militancy than a birth.
What does it fight for?
Anti-fascist movements can be traced back at least to the 1920s and 1930s. Today, the ideological collective known as antifa evokes the historical struggles of the 20th century against fascists in Italy and Nazi Germany to explain its 21st-century existence.
Antifa is a product of progressive thought struggling against conservative or capitalist governments. Without them, it would not enjoy its current prominence. Instead, it would have to content itself on countering the activities of radical nationalist fringe groups.
While its ideological platform is not unusual nor remarkable by contemporary standards, its tactics and zealot approach is what gives antifa prominence.
A movement, not a structured group
A distinct feature of antifa is its lack of a structured organisation and leadership. It operates on a loose collective, similar to the online activists Anonymous.
Both Anonymous and antifa are driven by a reaction to specific social, economic or political action that is in contrast to their ideological outlook. Antifa followers come together for a specific counter-protest or civil action then disband again.
Increasingly, this kind of ideologically-driven collective action is becoming the modus operandi of groups that are not necessarily organised by leadership – but are mobilised by an ideology.
Some have sought to have antifa categorised as a terrorist group. Under the broad definition of terrorism – “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims” – they may have a case.
With respect to interpretation and definitions, it is also questionable how antifa interprets fascism. It is likely antifa is mistaking some conservatives and nationalists for fascists. The general understanding of fascism:
Essentially, antifa is part of a larger schism taking place in democratic societies. Increasingly, there is greater intolerance for opposing views and an inflexibility or desire to achieve compromise.
In many ways, antifa’s contribution to the schism through its use of political violence and intimidating tactics means it runs the risk of turning itself into the entity it claims to resist – fascism.

Sun Tzu tells us, "If you know your enemy you know yourself. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” The enemy is the same. Antifa has always been with us for decades. EVERYTHING has been planned in advance, long before Covid, long before racial tensions were brought to the forefront, again. They are trying to advance the insurgency, they will be winning until we fight back. This year, there have been 12 blacks unarmed blacks killed (NYT generously says that unarmed means that they don't have a gun in their hand, even if it is laying on the seat of the car). We have had 23 Law Enforcement officers killed by gunfire. So, the police are losing the battle.
Now Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat leftist mayors want them eliminated? the result will be chaos, more crime, the unprivileged preyed upon and more officers killed?
Meanwhile these same PMS/DSA political blame white supremacist for the rioting, vandalism, looting and burning. Do white supremacist support Blacks, BLM? I think not.
Meanwhile, everyone continues to wonder about the source of the ideology. Simply it's coming from the educators of our children. They're being taught from the first day they enter Kindergarten to the day they graduate from High School or university.
Surely we've heard of Bill Ayers, Kathy Boudin, Noam Chomsky, Richard Cloward, Bernadine Dohrn, Leonard, Tom Hayden, Jeffries, Ward Churchill, Frances Piven, Mark Rudd, Steven Salaita, and Cathy Wilkerson
Harken back to seeing first grade children singing the praises of Barack Hussein Obama.... These are the next members of Antifa as we see today.
Therefore it's incumbent upon all Americans to stop this PMS/DSA Leftist inculcation of our children

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