Response to thread about "why aren't primates continuing to evolve?"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Skimming science news I thought this answered the question why haven't other primates evolved like humans?

Big Brain Gene Found in Humans Not Chimps

" A single gene may have paved the way for the rise of human intelligence by dramatically increasing the number of brain cells found in a key brain region.

This gene seems to be uniquely human: It is found in modern-day humans, Neanderthals and another branch of extinct humans called Denisovans, but not in chimpanzees."

rest at link
Why would we think that primates are not continuing to evolve?
Maybe one will evolve into a 25 foot tall ape? It's possible. ;)


Not Bigfoot, but a very real if extinct kind of ape.

"Bill Munns stands next to his model of a Gigantopithecus male, a quadrupedal, fist-walking creature that also could have stood erect, as bears do."

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