Response to EWTN's Fr. Mitch Pacwa's desperate excuses that proved his beliefs false


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
EWTN's Fr. Mitch Pacwa recently was forced to address the onslaught of questions and dissertations regarding the discussions of
"was Jesus Michael" that came forth through the many shared observations of the information age as more Christians learn Judaic scripture and expose themselves to the original text not the Christian propaganda.
Surely there will be confusion with Rome plagiarising Judaic scripture to place Jesus in stories and roles of it's characters, thus making his image resemble(imposter) those figures.
So while people see the BIBLICAL Jewish Moshiach as Michael and Rome steals those roles and place them as Jesus' then of course they will confuse Jesus for being Michael.
But Mitch's argument based on Jude just proves how false his faith's teachings truly are. His Jesus is God thus higher then Michael argument opens up many can of worms because it validates the arguments against Jesus as both messiah and God.
Numbers 23:19.The Hebrew reads:lo ish el vichazev u-vein-adam v'yitnechamGod is not a man, nor will he lie, nor is he mortal, nor will he relent.
Disqualifies Jesus.

Furthermore using his own text it claims Jesus lower then Michael in book of Hebrews (-sources later below).
And there are tons of verses showing Jesus can't be God (besides common rational sense).
Hebrews 3:1 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, [even] Jesus;
3:2 who was faithful to him that appointed him....(If someone appointed him, then he isn’t God)
The author of Hebrews (now seen as probably not Paul’s style)
confirmed this was a correct translation when he quoted it. (Heb 2:7,9) You made him a little lower than angels; with glory and honor you crowned him, and appointed him over the works of your hands. 9 but we "behold Jesus, who has been made a little lower than angels".
Hebrews 5:6, 5:10, & 6:20 say Jesus is after the Order of Melchizedek (another term [role definition] for Archangel Michael)

Third person tense using "him"=another.
Matthew 4:10«Then Jesus said to him, «Away with you, Satan! For IT IS WRITTEN,«You shall worship the Lord your God, and "Him" only you shall serve.»

John 5:30 I can of my own self do, nothing.=not God

John 14:12 The works I do, you can do, and greater =not God

John 16:23 You shall ask me for nothing
=because he's not God
John 16:26 I do not say that I will pray to the Father for you

John 5:3I If I bear witness about myself, my witness is false=admitting his self testimony is bogus which is why he went to a cursed death as punishable for being claimed a god.

Luke 12:14 Who made me judge or divider over you ? (scripture shows Michael is the judge=Jesus is given a thieved role to deceive the world)

Mark 12:26 And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the passage about the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'?
Here Jesus is talking in verse 24-26 he talks about how G-d said to him not saying ‘I said to him’ clearly a distinction that G-d is another person refering to "him" as another.

The "why did you foresake me" speach is as obvious as it gets unless you say he talks to himself.

I can go on all day with verses but it's very clear in the OT.
Numbers 23:19.The Hebrew reads:
lo ish el vichazev u-vein-adam v'yitnechamGod is not a man, nor will he lie, nor is he mortal, nor will he relent.
Jesus was a lie about a mere man who lied and who relented.
Jesus isn't even an actual singular historical figure, none of the christ figures used for his accounts ever claimed to be Creator of Creation

If Jesus was God as they are trying to convey, then why would he chose the Jews as his CHOSEN people knowing they would refuse-reject him(lucifer)?

Scriptures state that Jesus has One who is his God, so how can he be God? Revelation 3:12

And there are tons more, much much more then the 2 verses in Mitch's argument. But don't take my word for who am I? Let's use his words instead least you call him a liar.
Jesus himself taught when he said 'the Father is greaterthan I am'
(John 14:28).
That's called checkmate, because you'd have to denounce your own god and call him a liar to make your false claims=backing you into a corner with no more excuses=game over "MICHAEL WINS AGAIN".
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If religion were ever going to really solve or resolve anything, it would have by now. Even the religiosos cannot agree amongst themselves as to what they believe. The need to win an argument is stronger than their own collective belief system.
Bare with me this post lost it's content and I have to repost it.

If Jesus was God as they are trying to convey, then why would he chose the Jews as his CHOSEN people knowing they would refuse-reject him(lucifer)?

Scriptures state that Jesus has One who is his God, so how can he be God? Revelation 3:12

And there are tons more, much much more then the 2 verses in Mitch's argument. But don't take my word for who am I? Let's use his words instead least you call him a liar.
Jesus himself taught when he said 'the Father is greaterthan I am'
(John 14:28).
That's called checkmate, because you'd have to denounce your own god and call him a liar to make your false claims=backing ypu into a corner with no more excuses=game over "MICHAEL WINS AGAIN".

All religions are a creation of man – all equally false, wrongheaded, and devoid of truth.
Bare with me this post lost it's content and I have to repost it.

If Jesus was God as they are trying to convey, then why would he chose the Jews as his CHOSEN people knowing they would refuse-reject him(lucifer)?

Scriptures state that Jesus has One who is his God, so how can he be God? Revelation 3:12

And there are tons more, much much more then the 2 verses in Mitch's argument. But don't take my word for who am I? Let's use his words instead least you call him a liar.
Jesus himself taught when he said 'the Father is greaterthan I am'
(John 14:28).
That's called checkmate, because you'd have to denounce your own god and call him a liar to make your false claims=backing ypu into a corner with no more excuses=game over "MICHAEL WINS AGAIN".

All religions are a creation of man – all equally false, wrongheaded, and devoid of truth.
Faith is the purposeful suspension of critical thought.
Bare with me this post lost it's content and I have to repost it.

If Jesus was God as they are trying to convey, then why would he chose the Jews as his CHOSEN people knowing they would refuse-reject him(lucifer)?

Scriptures state that Jesus has One who is his God, so how can he be God? Revelation 3:12

And there are tons more, much much more then the 2 verses in Mitch's argument. But don't take my word for who am I? Let's use his words instead least you call him a liar.
Jesus himself taught when he said 'the Father is greaterthan I am'
(John 14:28).
That's called checkmate, because you'd have to denounce your own god and call him a liar to make your false claims=backing ypu into a corner with no more excuses=game over "MICHAEL WINS AGAIN".

All religions are a creation of man – all equally false, wrongheaded, and devoid of truth.
Faith is the purposeful suspension of critical thought.

How about the concept of "the preponderance of the evidence"?
Bare with me this post lost it's content and I have to repost it.

If Jesus was God as they are trying to convey, then why would he chose the Jews as his CHOSEN people knowing they would refuse-reject him(lucifer)?

Scriptures state that Jesus has One who is his God, so how can he be God? Revelation 3:12

And there are tons more, much much more then the 2 verses in Mitch's argument. But don't take my word for who am I? Let's use his words instead least you call him a liar.
Jesus himself taught when he said 'the Father is greaterthan I am'
(John 14:28).
That's called checkmate, because you'd have to denounce your own god and call him a liar to make your false claims=backing ypu into a corner with no more excuses=game over "MICHAEL WINS AGAIN".

All religions are a creation of man – all equally false, wrongheaded, and devoid of truth.
1)You did not wait till my post was updated and complete nor addressed the post.
2)it's obvious you do not understand Judaism or it's use and purpose of it's texts nor teachings thus proving my point that EWTN's Fr. Mitch Pacwa's teachings are false in a way that harms society by keeping you from true understanding of "how things are" thus keeping you from your true purpose and path. You as well as his flock are being miss guided. You are as much a victim as anyone you poke fun at for their faith.
Numbers 23 and 1 st Samuel are perfect examples of a simple truth that has been covered up by the idolatrous worship of Jesus.G-d is not a man pretty straightforward and yet I find it interesting that if I was a teacher for example and at the beginning of the class I set down certain rules and regulations for my students to follow and I even wrote them on the board for all to see that if I left and told my students I would be back later to test them on it. what do you think I might find hmmm.. Some of the students probably might have doodled and changed my rules on the board.... Some of them might have made up their own rules and regulations completely opposite of what I wrote... Why some of them might have usurped my authority and tried to teach something different or just tried to take over completely etc etc..This is the problem when no central authority is around to keep people in check and call them on their bad behaviour and mistaken and twisted ideals....It also shows how far people can be moved from the original ideas and concepts... It also shows how guys like Mitch take advantage of this absense of authority but eventually the teacher returns and tests his pupils and the ones that know the material pass with flying colours while the ones who don’t end up failing and either repeat the course or end up wallowing in self pity....
Bare with me this post lost it's content and I have to repost it.

If Jesus was God as they are trying to convey, then why would he chose the Jews as his CHOSEN people knowing they would refuse-reject him(lucifer)?

Scriptures state that Jesus has One who is his God, so how can he be God? Revelation 3:12

And there are tons more, much much more then the 2 verses in Mitch's argument. But don't take my word for who am I? Let's use his words instead least you call him a liar.
Jesus himself taught when he said 'the Father is greaterthan I am'
(John 14:28).
That's called checkmate, because you'd have to denounce your own god and call him a liar to make your false claims=backing ypu into a corner with no more excuses=game over "MICHAEL WINS AGAIN".

All religions are a creation of man – all equally false, wrongheaded, and devoid of truth.
You seem quite certain of that Clayton.

Do you know exactly what is true and false yourself, and therefore you are starting your own religion?
But 5 out of 5 Christians inadvertantly believe Michael is
" the Son" of God by way of title and their own scripture-here's how:
The only mythology where the son tries to surpass the father and become higher then God is the prophecy of Lucifer who imposters Moshiach and claims to also be a god over God(Ezekiel 28), and the Canaanite mythology of Athtar the Fierce. In the Canaanite mythology for those who don't know, it is known as the dying god mythology whereby the son (morning star) must die to surpass his father baal on the throne.
Jesus was claimed to be the fallen morning star (lucifer) in Rev 22:16 yet this is claiming being the adversary and thief of Michael the rising Evening Star. Proof Jesus is not Michael.
Let's teach you what "son of" meant.

In Hebrew and Aramaic 'son of' is commonly used to mean 'member of the class of'; or vreflection of" hence, 'the sons of god' is a regular way of saying 'reflection/messenger,' just as 'the sons of men' (commonly translated 'the children of men') is a regular way of saying 'men'." - Morton Smith, Jesus the Magician: Charlatan or Son of God? (1978) p. 133
Traditionally the expression "sons of God" referred to the "Elohim"angelic host (messenger/prophets/reflections of G-d) thus malakhs(angel/prophets) were called sons of God, and people of Israel were called sons of God, and David a begotten son, and Solomon was called a son of God as well.
MICHAEL AS TOP MESSENGER IS to say arch son of (reflection).

Hebrews 1:8 says the Son, "Yourthrone, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.9 You have loved righteousness and hatedwickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy."Now since the scrolls 4Q471 XVIIsay the Kingdom is Michael's Kingdom and the bible and people know Michael as the angel of Righteousness then Hebrews 1:8 is obviously calling Michael the SON.
Now to back this up also in chapter one:the son is placed higher then the angels (top Main)=arch.YET Jesus is made lower then angels and Michael in the rest of the book ofHebrews thus the son can't be Jesus and must be Michael.(Heb 2:7,9) You made him a little lower than angels; with glory and honor you crowned him, and appointed him over the works of your hands. 9 but webehold Jesus, who has been made a little lower than angels,Hebrews 5:6, 5:10, & 6:20 say Jesus is after the Order of Melchizedek(another name for Archangel Michael)Undeniably means Michael is called his son.But wait there's more verses outside Hebrews that reveal this:The Bible calls the angels God's "sons." (Job 1:6)Who is God's main or arch son then?ACCORDING TO TRADITIONS BEFORE THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY:(1QM v, 1-2) States: "God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and afterhim in importance is Michael."(IQ28b Blessings) V.....20)"The Blessings of the Prince of the Congregation"states he will *establish the Kingdom for his people forever...**(more proof for Hebrews chapter one being about Michael as the son).In JOHN 5:22 "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto THE SON."Then this verse is calling Michael the son , because Michael is mentioned to be the Judge in scripture and tradition.

1 John 3:08 clearly describes Michael as the Son who removes the devil otherwise they have to admit they place Jesus in Michael roles as a "thief in the NIGHT" because Michael was the remover of the devil and his works inGenesis, Ezekiel and Rev.example:Account of the Genesis which Enotes composed, to set against the Genesis ofMoses, when it says [2] that the Devil (diabolos) was cast out ofheaven(future Perfected earth) because of the evil (kakia) which he hadbrought forth and that Michael was set (kathistanai) in his place, that hemight be associated with (synistanai) the just judge (krites), and might bethe ambassador (presbeuein) for all creation; for he is good (agathos).(meaning the Devil was the rule of this world and Michael was sent in hisPlace to cast out the evil he caused.)This means 1 John 3:8 is also calling Michael the Son, which means John 3:16 is about having faith in Michael to bring about eternal life.
But 5 out of 5 Christians inadvertantly believe Michael is
" the Son" of God by way of title and their own scripture-here's how:
The only mythology where the son tries to surpass the father and become higher then God is the prophecy of Lucifer who imposters Moshiach and claims to also be a god over God(Ezekiel 28), and the Canaanite mythology of Athtar the Fierce. In the Canaanite mythology for those who don't know, it is known as the dying god mythology whereby the son (morning star) must die to surpass his father baal on the throne.
Jesus was claimed to be the fallen morning star (lucifer) in Rev 22:16 yet this is claiming being the adversary and thief of Michael the rising Evening Star. Proof Jesus is not Michael.
Let's teach you what "son of" meant.

In Hebrew and Aramaic 'son of' is commonly used to mean 'member of the class of'; or vreflection of" hence, 'the sons of god' is a regular way of saying 'reflection/messenger,' just as 'the sons of men' (commonly translated 'the children of men') is a regular way of saying 'men'." - Morton Smith, Jesus the Magician: Charlatan or Son of God? (1978) p. 133
Traditionally the expression "sons of God" referred to the "Elohim"angelic host (messenger/prophets/reflections of G-d) thus malakhs(angel/prophets) were called sons of God, and people of Israel were called sons of God, and David a begotten son, and Solomon was called a son of God as well.
MICHAEL AS TOP MESSENGER IS to say arch son of (reflection).

Hebrews 1:8 says the Son, "Yourthrone, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.9 You have loved righteousness and hatedwickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy."Now since the scrolls 4Q471 XVIIsay the Kingdom is Michael's Kingdom and the bible and people know Michael as the angel of Righteousness then Hebrews 1:8 is obviously calling Michael the SON.
Now to back this up also in chapter one:the son is placed higher then the angels (top Main)=arch.YET Jesus is made lower then angels and Michael in the rest of the book ofHebrews thus the son can't be Jesus and must be Michael.(Heb 2:7,9) You made him a little lower than angels; with glory and honor you crowned him, and appointed him over the works of your hands. 9 but webehold Jesus, who has been made a little lower than angels,Hebrews 5:6, 5:10, & 6:20 say Jesus is after the Order of Melchizedek(another name for Archangel Michael)Undeniably means Michael is called his son.But wait there's more verses outside Hebrews that reveal this:The Bible calls the angels God's "sons." (Job 1:6)Who is God's main or arch son then?ACCORDING TO TRADITIONS BEFORE THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY:(1QM v, 1-2) States: "God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and afterhim in importance is Michael."(IQ28b Blessings) V.....20)"The Blessings of the Prince of the Congregation"states he will *establish the Kingdom for his people forever...**(more proof for Hebrews chapter one being about Michael as the son).In JOHN 5:22 "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto THE SON."Then this verse is calling Michael the son , because Michael is mentioned to be the Judge in scripture and tradition.

1 John 3:08 clearly describes Michael as the Son who removes the devil otherwise they have to admit they place Jesus in Michael roles as a "thief in the NIGHT" because Michael was the remover of the devil and his works inGenesis, Ezekiel and Rev.example:Account of the Genesis which Enotes composed, to set against the Genesis ofMoses, when it says [2] that the Devil (diabolos) was cast out ofheaven(future Perfected earth) because of the evil (kakia) which he hadbrought forth and that Michael was set (kathistanai) in his place, that hemight be associated with (synistanai) the just judge (krites), and might bethe ambassador (presbeuein) for all creation; for he is good (agathos).(meaning the Devil was the rule of this world and Michael was sent in hisPlace to cast out the evil he caused.)This means 1 John 3:8 is also calling Michael the Son, which means John 3:16 is about having faith in Michael to bring about eternal life.
That’s a nice straw man you have constructed.
With 0 refutation, because they'd have to argue against their own resources to argue against my post. And nobody noticed:
You know how I always got Jeremiah and Hobe to say my name? The night of this post Mitch's live guest was a church elect with Shev as the begining of his last name, so he unwittingly amused those who are aware. ;-)
Jesus Christ is exactly who He said He is. The Son of God. You missed the first hour of your visitation. You won't miss the next one.
Antisemitism is rising quickly through out the world. Israel is surrounded by it's enemies. Russia is aligning with them against Israel. The Israeli shit it about to hit the fan. You'll be glad to see Christ the next time He shows up. You will be close to annihilation when he returns to you.

and PS:
keep your eye out for a "peace" treaty in your future. It is not.
Jesus Christ is exactly who He said He is. The Son of God. You missed the first hour of your visitation. You won't miss the next one.
Antisemitism is rising quickly through out the world. Israel is surrounded by it's enemies. Russia is aligning with them against Israel. The Israeli shit it about to hit the fan. You'll be glad to see Christ the next time He shows up. You will be close to annihilation when he returns to you.

and PS:
keep your eye out for a "peace" treaty in your future. It is not.
But unfortunately that god is baal as they admit when they say it in Rev 22:16 (morning star is the son of baal) and inadvertantly clue when calling him "only" begotten son of this never named(hidden) father, because clearly he can't be YHWH's only begotten as David is called God's begotten son in Psalms, means it has to be another god or a pompous lie placed onto his created image. Remember father and son are deemed one and we know through archeological finds rhat the Jesus image is plagiarised of the prexisting baal mythologies and death scene.
Rev 22:16 and Ishtar(easter)admits being baals son, therefore as one "Baal Jesus" number of this created image (beasts) name=666 in ASCII numerology used to secret number from names.
The book used to sell this deception
and the religious one world order masking Rome's authority which formed this image and plagiarised story all equals=666.
You can't deny the odds of this:
66 books of 'man'=6
on Baal Jesus=666 in ASCll Characters used to secret numbers from names:
THe text was called ( using ASCll Characters)
H=72+O=79+L=76+Y=89+B=66+I=73+B=66+L=76+E=69 = 666
THe holders of this Roman one world religion called:
Vaticanas (vatican Unity)=666 AsVatican (the vatican)=666

Hebrew numerics: ROMIITH means the Roman Kingdom
R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
I = 10
TH = 400

And the Hebrew ROMITI, or the Roman Man is-

R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
T = 400
I = 10

SO if it looks like a dung beetle and walks like a dung beetle and rolls dung (BS) over and over till it grows and grows larger and larger a pile of BS then it's a dung beetle, which is why they themselves called the character they created for that very purpose of growing a lie,
"the great Charab"(dung beetle).
I just popped in to say hello ...I see the Irish Ram has used your name again ..RETURN is Hashev of course in Hebrew .. So yes Michael ( will) Hashev....The Ram should actually be worried this weekend she might get sacrificed by the Patriots like Abraham sacrificed the Ram instead of his son..... Regardless it should be a good game and lots of good eating during the festival maybe a slice of Ram er I mean lamb during the halftime festivities...About the scarab I came upon a quote by St Augustine who said He( Jesus) is my good scarab, not so much because he is the only son of god, author of himself who took on mortal form, but because he rolled in our filth, when he sought to be a man etc etc...I find this quite humorous as only someone who is incredibly quiliable could swallow such nonsense..There are other connections to the Dung beetle which we found over the years but people should research it for themselves..But guys like Ding I mean Dung hmmm that is interchangeable isn’t it sorry about that can fall for this BS very easily...For any to look into this deeper they should look up Neith(N) and Ptah(T) the two Egyptian gods that are closely linked to the Dung being thrown around him I wonder if NT or New Testament had any correlation with those two Dung Nabit....
Sorry the word I meant to type was Scarab=dung beetle, they use that term for Jesus.

AND YES SHIMON pointed out the Hebrew for the words we unwittingly use without thought to transliteration or what can be a definition or a name and lost in translation.
But this comment of MICHAEL returns is in line with the topic whereby even the Church elect like former Pope John ll and like Columba the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
Interesting enough we find this also in The Coming of Melchizedek 11Q13 Col.2 whereby Michael (the Shiloh of Ezekiel) not only comes back for his inheritance, but will return them to what is rightfully theirs as well thus the term ones who’s right it is refers to returning the Temple and authority back to Jerusalem and the Kohanim.
EVEN the RCC has stated repeatedly that it awaits giving Moshiach back his Temple and authority, but is in no rush to do so when they make selective use of scripture to try and avoid the inevidable changing of the guards as they keep a clinged grip on Rome's dwindling power.

And to remind Ding, those Jewish preachers on TBN keep butchering the OT like when explaining Micah 5:10 about a lineage not a town and Dan 7 and 9 leading to Antiochs and anointed King Onios era not the 3 Jesus' era. They just parrot the mistaken propaganda Christianity used for ages, so you proved my point about miss teachings, and need for a corrective overturning and central source (The Temple)- whereby everyone will know Torah and thus it's ethos, so says the Tanakh.

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