Response of the "US" media to accusations


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
An accusation against a Republican is true until it is completely debunked.

An accusation against a Democrat is not newsworthy, and even if the Democrat is convicted or settles $$$, it is still "nothing anyone cares about."

It is absolutely hilarious to observe all the Hillary shills here who were pushing these lying left wing feminazis who were accusing Trump, some of whom cannot remember the year or the place, and when Hillary gets busted lying about her emails for the 874th time, that's just "nutjobs" making noise about "nothing."

Nobody knows Hillary better than the Secret Service, which calls her plane "Broomstick One."

What do her campaign higher ups think???

The Nuclear Option - Wikileaks Reveals Even Hillary's Own Staff Knows Truth: She's Psychotic - Breitbart

The people supporting Hillary do not care about the US, the economy, the regular people etc.

They just care about $$$$ they get from the government... and that's it.
That's because the MSM is a propaganda arm of the political, and corporate elite. They stopped practicing journalism a long, long time ago.
We all hate the "liberal" MSM unless they give us something we can use.
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As accusations of bias fly during an election year, a new report shows that Americans have serious misgivings about the media, with only six percent saying they have “a great deal of confidence” in the press.

A survey of more than 2,000 adults showed that trust in the media has dipped to dramatically low levels. About 52 percent of respondents said they have“some confidence”in the press, while 41 percent said they have “hardly any confidence.”

“Over the last two decades, research shows the public has grown increasingly skeptical of the news industry,”the report from theAmerican Press Institute reads.“The study reaffirms that consumers do value broad concepts of trust like fairness, balance, accuracy, and completeness. At least two-thirds of Americans cite each of these four general principles as very important to them.”

Only 6% of Americans trust the media – survey
We all hate hte "liberal" MSM unless they give us something we can use.

Considering the MSM calls itself the Fourth Estate I know where they feel they belong. Now, the question is do you understand what that name means?
We all hate hte "liberal" MSM unless they give us something we can use.

Considering the MSM calls itself the Fourth Estate I know where they feel they belong. Now, the question is do you understand what that name means?

I understand the america public sat on its ass as per usual and allowed Bill Clinton to deregulate the FCC and watched the resultant takeover of the american media machine by 6 multinational corporations; down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980s.
Comey's letter has ensured Clinton's election.
Comey's letter has ensured Clinton's election.
View attachment 95751

Thanks, we all look forward to your informative and intellectual offerings.
Hoss is being decent. He is facing that we are getting one of the two worst choices America has ever had for president.

Ah, so that's as close as he can get.
Dumb ass. When will it get through your liberal skull that Hillary is going to jail, she is not going to be elected.
Comey's letter has ensured Clinton's election.
View attachment 95751

Thanks, we all look forward to your informative and intellectual offerings.
Hoss is being decent. He is facing that we are getting one of the two worst choices America has ever had for president.

Ah, so that's as close as he can get.
Dumb ass. When will it get through your liberal skull that Hillary is going to jail, she is not going to be elected.

If you knew a smidge of what you think you do you'd know I have no problem at all with Hilary winding up in prison. But ya know how ya are.

Thanks, we all look forward to your informative and intellectual offerings.
Hoss is being decent. He is facing that we are getting one of the two worst choices America has ever had for president.

Ah, so that's as close as he can get.
Dumb ass. When will it get through your liberal skull that Hillary is going to jail, she is not going to be elected.

If you knew a smidge of what you think you do you'd know I have no problem at all with Hilary winding up in prison. But ya know how ya are.
Agreed. You tend to favor criminals and perverts.
Thanks, we all look forward to your informative and intellectual offerings.
Hoss is being decent. He is facing that we are getting one of the two worst choices America has ever had for president.

Ah, so that's as close as he can get.
Dumb ass. When will it get through your liberal skull that Hillary is going to jail, she is not going to be elected.

If you knew a smidge of what you think you do you'd know I have no problem at all with Hilary winding up in prison. But ya know how ya are.
Agreed. You tend to favor criminals and perverts.

I did not say I favored Trump, I said I have no issue with Hilary going to jail.
Hoss is being decent. He is facing that we are getting one of the two worst choices America has ever had for president.

Ah, so that's as close as he can get.
Dumb ass. When will it get through your liberal skull that Hillary is going to jail, she is not going to be elected.

If you knew a smidge of what you think you do you'd know I have no problem at all with Hilary winding up in prison. But ya know how ya are.
Agreed. You tend to favor criminals and perverts.

I did not say I favored Trump, I said I have no issue with Hilary going to jail.
And you would vote for her? That shows integrity.
Ah, so that's as close as he can get.
Dumb ass. When will it get through your liberal skull that Hillary is going to jail, she is not going to be elected.

If you knew a smidge of what you think you do you'd know I have no problem at all with Hilary winding up in prison. But ya know how ya are.
Agreed. You tend to favor criminals and perverts.

I did not say I favored Trump, I said I have no issue with Hilary going to jail.
And you would vote for her? That shows integrity.

No son, one of your assumptions yet again.

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