Researchers Teleport Information between Two Microchips Using Quantum Entanglement


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2020
Cryogenic capsule under area 51, I am not dead

The researchers bypassed the classic method of data transfer where you send an information-bearing photon between two chips. Instead, they teleported information from one silicon chip to another utilizing a quantum-mechanically entangled photon pair.
Photons connected in an entangled quantum state know each other’s characteristics at any time. A change in the state of one immediately results in a similar change in the other.
This peculiar relationship can be used to exchange quantum information between the locations where the entangled photons are sent. In the long run, this approach could one day be used to develop completely secure internet connections.
Even today, quantum physics can be employed to send very secretive messages that no other party can be privy to. The technology is still in its infancy but that hasn't stopped companies from offering equipment for quantum mechanical exchange of encryption keys.
In these cases, however, a direct optical fiber link is needed between the two parties wanting to send secret messages. This means there are physical limitations to how long such a link can be.
For users hundreds of kilometers apart, the distance issue can be solved through the use of a so-called trusted node. However, this is not without setbacks: it makes the connection slower, more expensive, and less secure.
A safer more reliable infrastructure for quantum communication between a large number of users is needed. This is where the researchers’ recent demonstration of chip-to-chip quantum teleportation comes in.
Transporter Beam, oh yes!
The odd thing is that there are still people here somewhere saying that this is not happening
I used to be real big on entangles pairs. Not so much now.
I remember the feeling too

We just have to accept the nature of the electron. It's cause and effect the way the electron works in the quantum world. It doesn't screw up our macro world. Our macro world still works we found where the electron was or not. Einstein said, "Is the moon there when no one looks?" The moon was there, but we know it's not in the same place out there in reality anymore. Another example is we are talking with a friend face-to-face and what he did microseconds ago is what we observe. In reality, he could be doing something else, but our brains adjust for the miniscule time lag. Talking over the phone is practically instantaneous and can be two-way at the same time. Talking over a walkie-talkie takes longer, but we adjust for the delay using protocol and understanding it's one-way communications.

It's still weird what happens with an electron as we still don't know how it works, but it isn't so strange that we can't live with it happening.
Transporter Beam, oh yes!
The odd thing is that there are still people here somewhere saying that this is not happening
I used to be real big on entangles pairs. Not so much now.
I remember the feeling too

We just have to accept the nature of the electron. It's cause and effect the way the electron works in the quantum world. It doesn't screw up our macro world. Our macro world still works we found where the electron was or not. Einstein said, "Is the moon there when no one looks?" The moon was there, but we know it's not in the same place out there in reality anymore. Another example is we are talking with a friend face-to-face and what he did microseconds ago is what we observe. In reality, he could be doing something else, but our brains adjust for the miniscule time lag. Talking over the phone is practically instantaneous and can be two-way at the same time. Talking over a walkie-talkie takes longer, but we adjust for the delay using protocol and understanding it's one-way communications.

It's still weird what happens with an electron as we still don't know how it works, but it isn't so strange that we can't live with it happening.
Actually its photons not electrons

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