Required photo id a hardship?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Left wing Congresswoman from S.C. on Rachael Maddow show; “Getting to the DMV is a “hardship” for seniors and disabled and photo ID requirement to vote will disenfranchise minorities from voting” If it is a “hardship” for them to get to the DMV, it is also a “hardship” for them to get to the polls.

"25% of Afro-Americans do not have photo ID?" BS. There is not an elderly, student or poor minority or drunk or crack head that do not have a photo ID and if they don’t they should not have the right to vote.

To get food from the food bank you need a photo ID such as US passport, US Military ID or dependent card, Native American Tribal document, Mexican or Canadian ID (consulate issued photo ID) Veteran’s Administration Photo card, school ID. Photo ID is opposed by the left because it stops fraud.

There is no excuse for anyone over the age of 18 in the country not to have a photo ID. The requirement of a birth certificate to start school, to get a driver’s license, get a job and cash a check, to get welfare and food stamps, etc, to get Social Security Card and cash your Society Security checks. A Social Security card is not used for identification and never has been. Any illegal alien can produce a Social Security card and vote.

Any one who does not have a photo ID is a complete idiot. I feel naked without my picture ID on my person at all time when I leave home. A photo ID is as close as your nearest DMV. If you do not have a birth certificate you can get a certificate of birth. No excuse not to have a photo ID.

Social Security ID used to vote open up massive voter fraud.

Wisconsin’s population is substantially less likely to have a state-issued identification. A University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee study showed the following about those without state-issued driver’s license and who would need to obtain photo identification under the Wisconsin voter ID bill:

• Over 178,000 elderly Wisconsinites.

• 17 percent of white men and women.

• 55 percent of African-American men and 49 percent of African-American women.

• 46 percent of Hispanic men and 59 percent of Hispanic women.

• 78 percent of African-American men age 18-24 and 66 percent of African-American women age 18-24.

Additional statistics about Wisconsin lack of accessible Division of Motor Vehicles offices compared to Indiana:

• 26 percent of Wisconsin’s 91 DMVs are open one day a month or less, while none of Indiana’s are open less than 100 days a year and nearly all are open over 250 days a year.

• Wisconsin has only one DMV with weekend hours, while Indiana has 124 offices with weekend hours.

• Three Wisconsin counties have no DMVs, no Indiana county is without a DMV.

• Over half of Wisconsin’s 91 DMVs are open on a part-time basis, while Indiana provides full-time DMVs in every county.

Republican claims of widespread voter irregularity have long been debunked. After a two-year investigation, Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has found only 11 potentially improper votes cast out of nearly 3 million votes in 2008. The former Wisconsin U.S. attorney under George W. Bush, Steve Biskupic, concluded after a similar investigation that there was no widespread voter fraud.
If you are going to make photo ID a requirement to vote then don't make it a hardship. Establish mobile photo ID stations that visit senior centers, poor areas, remote locations

Then people do not have an excuse for not having an ID

Left wing Congresswoman from S.C. on Rachael Maddow show; “Getting to the DMV is a “hardship” for seniors and disabled and photo ID requirement to vote will disenfranchise minorities from voting” If it is a “hardship” for them to get to the DMV, it is also a “hardship” for them to get to the polls.

"25% of Afro-Americans do not have photo ID?" BS. There is not an elderly, student or poor minority or drunk or crack head that do not have a photo ID and if they don’t they should not have the right to vote.

To get food from the food bank you need a photo ID such as US passport, US Military ID or dependent card, Native American Tribal document, Mexican or Canadian ID (consulate issued photo ID) Veteran’s Administration Photo card, school ID. Photo ID is opposed by the left because it stops fraud.

There is no excuse for anyone over the age of 18 in the country not to have a photo ID. The requirement of a birth certificate to start school, to get a driver’s license, get a job and cash a check, to get welfare and food stamps, etc, to get Social Security Card and cash your Society Security checks. A Social Security card is not used for identification and never has been. Any illegal alien can produce a Social Security card and vote.

Any one who does not have a photo ID is a complete idiot. I feel naked without my picture ID on my person at all time when I leave home. A photo ID is as close as your nearest DMV. If you do not have a birth certificate you can get a certificate of birth. No excuse not to have a photo ID.

Social Security ID used to vote open up massive voter fraud.

My mother is in her 80's. Her current home is an assisted living facility. She hasn't had a photo ID in years. Since she hasn't drivin a car in years and can no longer walk, that's not surprising. What's more, my mother doesn't NEED a picture ID. People know her, but she wouldn't be known at a polling place. It would actually be a hardship for my mother to go all the way to the DMV (and wait for God knows HOW long in a wheelchair) just to get a photo ID to vote once every two years.

There are probably millions of Americans in this country, both young and old, who are in similar circumstances.
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Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.

Most of those charged have been Democrats, voting records show. Many of those charged by the Justice Department appear to have mistakenly filled out registration forms or misunderstood eligibility rules, a review of court records and interviews with prosecutors and defense lawyers show.

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud - New York Times
My only problem with photo ID is the double standard. How do you justify a strict Identification requirement for those who vote in person and only require a postage stamp for those who vote by mail?

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