Repubs vote to give Barack unprecedented spying ability

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Thanks Big Gubmint (crony capitalist) Repubs :thup:

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill -
The 47-page intelligence bill was headed toward a voice vote when Amash rose to the House floor to ask for a roll call. Despite his efforts—which included a "Dear Colleague" letter sent to all members of the House urging a no vote—the bill passed 325-100, with 55 Democrats and 45 Republicans opposing.

The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page. The tea-party libertarian, who teamed up with Rep. John Conyers last year in an almost-successful bid to defund the National Security Agency in the wake of the Snowden revelations, warned that the provision "grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American."

What are repubs for again? :eusa_eh:
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Thanks Big Gubmint (crony capitalist) Repubs :thup:

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill -
The 47-page intelligence bill was headed toward a voice vote when Amash rose to the House floor to ask for a roll call. Despite his efforts—which included a "Dear Colleague" letter sent to all members of the House urging a no vote—the bill passed 325-100, with 55 Democrats and 45 Republicans opposing.

The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page. The tea-party libertarian, who teamed up with Rep. John Conyers last year in an almost-successful bid to defund the National Security Agency in the wake of the Snowden revelations, warned that the provision "grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American."

What are repubs for again? :eusa_eh:

Yes the far left drones believes the far left propaganda blog sites without question or hesitation..
The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page

Since Bush and the GOP Congress was doing this shit long before most people ever even heard of Obama, I had to look up how long Amash has been a representative.

The answer is...since 2011.

Kind of takes the air out of his hyperbole.

"In all my years as a representative I've never seen the Twin Towers..." :badgrin:

Nonetheless, no one who was not in a coma during the Bush years should be the least bit surprised the GOP Congress is allowing our government to spy on all of us. Again.
Yes the far left drones believes the far left propaganda blog sites without question or hesitation..

Yeah. Tea Party Republican Amash's Facebook page is a known far left propaganda blog site.

As is the Republican House's legislative documents site.
the RW's elected them, now they can live with them ..

like Turtleboy said, now they can get the country moving in the right direction.

what a damn joke.
I wish queers would quit prefacing every post they scribble with "tea__________" Enter slander of choice in space provided. It makes you look like dolts, like you can't possibly think outside your 10 anecdotal cliché, 30 hate diminutive box. It makes you look like children who never grew up.
Not surprising.

RWs are getting what they want and what they voted for - more and more laws and more invasive laws.

Thanks Big Gubmint (crony capitalist) Repubs :thup:

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill -
The 47-page intelligence bill was headed toward a voice vote when Amash rose to the House floor to ask for a roll call. Despite his efforts—which included a "Dear Colleague" letter sent to all members of the House urging a no vote—the bill passed 325-100, with 55 Democrats and 45 Republicans opposing.

The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page. The tea-party libertarian, who teamed up with Rep. John Conyers last year in an almost-successful bid to defund the National Security Agency in the wake of the Snowden revelations, warned that the provision "grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American."

What are repubs for again? :eusa_eh:

So the Republicans giving obama even more freedom to spy doesnt set off any alarm bells in your head?
I wish queers would quit prefacing every post they scribble with "tea__________" Enter slander of choice in space provided. It makes you look like dolts, like you can't possibly think outside your 10 anecdotal cliché, 30 hate diminutive box. It makes you look like children who never grew up.
so nothing of substance to add? Move along then son :bye1:
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Wow the GOP is a joke

Priceless........why would you support the Boi King in his efforts to spy on us?
The question is why did the GOP support him in his efforts to spy on us.

Don't hold your breath waiting for input from the right.

Bush got this pushed through and we will be stuck with it forever and that's exactly what the Republicans want.

If they get their way, we'll have cameras in our bedrooms.
Thanks Big Gubmint (crony capitalist) Repubs :thup:

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill -
The 47-page intelligence bill was headed toward a voice vote when Amash rose to the House floor to ask for a roll call. Despite his efforts—which included a "Dear Colleague" letter sent to all members of the House urging a no vote—the bill passed 325-100, with 55 Democrats and 45 Republicans opposing.

The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page. The tea-party libertarian, who teamed up with Rep. John Conyers last year in an almost-successful bid to defund the National Security Agency in the wake of the Snowden revelations, warned that the provision "grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American."

What are repubs for again? :eusa_eh:

Did you not read your own post, only 55 Dem's voted no. Here's a towel go wipe the egg off your face.
This should come as no shock to anyone. Conservatives love the surveillance police state. They worship it while claiming to believe in less intrusive government.

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