Republicans Want to Double Down On Abortion In 2024


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2017
Despite this, reports Forbes, the Republican National Committee is pushing for GOP candidate to take tough stances on reproductive rights heading into the 2024 elections.

Specifically, the RNC passed a resolution calling on Republicans across the country to "pass the strongest pro-life legislation possible" in their states, including barring abortions for people who are just six weeks pregnant.

The RNC also urged GOP candidates to "go on offense" against Democrats for defending abortion rights, and RNC Committeewoman Tamara Scott called the push to restrict women's access to abortion services as a "key ingredient for GOP victory in 2024."

Apparently Republicans are joining in a suicide pact for 2024. Republicans are the extremists here. Voters spoke very loudly in 2022 on this issue and Republicans apparently want to do the same thing all over again. That is the definition of stupidity.
Unrestricted abortions are for lazy, godless sluts.

Sorry if that hit close to home.

abortion coathanger.jpg
Despite this, reports Forbes, the Republican National Committee is pushing for GOP candidate to take tough stances on reproductive rights heading into the 2024 elections.

Specifically, the RNC passed a resolution calling on Republicans across the country to "pass the strongest pro-life legislation possible" in their states, including barring abortions for people who are just six weeks pregnant.

The RNC also urged GOP candidates to "go on offense" against Democrats for defending abortion rights, and RNC Committeewoman Tamara Scott called the push to restrict women's access to abortion services as a "key ingredient for GOP victory in 2024."

Apparently Republicans are joining in a suicide pact for 2024. Republicans are the extremists here. Voters spoke very loudly in 2022 on this issue and Republicans apparently want to do the same thing all over again. That is the definition of stupidity.
If Republicans want to do this and hand over the election, then they deserve to lose the election. Americans are concerned about the economy, border security, and energy independence.
If Republicans touch that "3rd fucking rail" again, after getting their asses kicked in 2022, the big red wave didn't happen, then they deserve to lose, again.
So do you want to ban abortions nationwide?
How about the EU model where abortions are legal up until the 12th week or so?
I'm just pointing out the ass rape of the English language by the demented LEFT.
There has to be a compromise somehow though.
The EU stance seems reasonable to me
The border, money we waste on Ukraine, education, getting illegals out of the country, big tech, censorship and weaponization of the federal government, oil and gas and energy, china, those should be the primary topics for republicans. Abortion should be near the bottom of their list for concerns. They should focus on all the broad sweeping problems that effect all Americans and all of America.
Republican threats caused Walgreens to ban the "Morning After Pills" in 20 states, effectively completely banning all abortions in those states.

Now they will move on to banning condoms & birth control.
Republican threats caused Walgreens to ban the "Morning After Pills" in 20 states, effectively completely banning all abortions in those states.

Mifepristone is not the morning after pill you lying piece of shit. It’s RU486 - it can’t prevent fertilization, it just kills the kid after implantation.

Mifepristone is a weapon only used to kill the innocent - there is no justification for it to exist.
Any Republican that discusses abortion is a noron. The ONLY answer is "abortion is a state issue, not a Federal issue".

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