Republicans used to be a partner in governing


Moderate American
Aug 26, 2011
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

Hate. Yea, ok, that's an impressive display of stupid for a first post. Hysterical hyperbole from someone that has yet to work out that there is no 'middle class' in America. There is no 'working class' either... we are not a class based society.

So, my question must be, why are you dumb enough to allow politicians to spoon feed you bullshit about your fellow Americans?

Welcome MC.

They claim government doesnt work and then get elected and prove it.
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

To a true "conservative" (I would actually start calling them federalists now) the problem isn't "government" it is that the federal government is doing it has no authority to do. There has been a massive mis-appropriation of state level tasks up to the federal level, creating duplicate buracracies and inflating the level of government past a sustainable level. The federal government, to a federalist, was never meant to provide a retirement program, medical care, educational instruction, and a bunch of other tasks. To a federalist these are best left to the states.

There are certain modern functions I see that the feds should handle, EPA, Transport, etc to me cross state lines and effect commerce so I can see a federal role, but they need to be more legislatively based, and not via burecratic fiat.
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

And look where that got us.
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

no, we prefer to get you and your ilk out of government. make youse a one term deal.. got it now? good.
Welcome MC.

They claim government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it.

Thanks Truth. Good to find another decent political forum. They are harder to come by these days.

Per your comment above the Teapublican Party these days: their hypocrisy is incredible. They really have brainwashed those who are too lazy to think for themselves, and who would rather Faux News and Rush think for them. As you so aptly state, "They claim government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it". I used to be a proud registered Republican in the 1980s and early 90s, but after Newt and his Contract on America, I found myself left of a center that was in flux after 1994. As an Independent non-party affiliate, I have been able to see the big picture and become more objective with my views. I held out hope for the GOP by voting for what I thought would be a compassionate Conservative in the Whitehouse, only to become more and more ostracized from the GOP with my moderate views. It is posts like from CaliGirl that continue to reinforce why I must remain independent in thought, and avoid the trappings of Political Party Sheep Herding.

Keep up the good fight, my fellow American, and remember that the Silent Majority has yet to awaken to the disaster the GOP has brought upon America in recent years:evil:
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

There is a difference between hating government waste and hating government. Government is broken right now and needs to be fixed. Democrats are attacking anyone who tries to rein in the runaway growth of government by accusing them of being "haters".

If you really cared about America you'd tell them to stop.
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

There is a difference between hating government waste and hating government. Government is broken right now and needs to be fixed. Democrats are attacking anyone who tries to rein in the runaway growth of government by accusing them of being "haters".

If you really cared about America you'd tell them to stop.

Actually, many of the Republicans I have heard and read from state: They "hate government", especially the Federal Government. That kind of vitriol toward our government, and its representatives, is bad for America.. If your really cared about America you would try to curtail their hate and get them to fix the problems, not spread more hate:eusa_pray:
Generally speaking they're not. Neither are Democrats.

Sometimes helping is to not participate in unhealthy behavior and trying to point out what behavior might be a little more healty. Our government is, at present, unhealthy.

I wish that's what the Republicans were doing.

Why must it always be "the Repiblicans" or The Democrats" are doing this or that. Speak up and let the politicians know what you are discuoraged about. They might listen. "The People" ahould be able to voice themselves enough to influence our Representatives and Senators. Is is not nearly as difficult to communicate with them as it used to be. Talk to these politicians after they get elected and quit putting the blame on something or someone else. .(Use the links in my signature,it is easy)

Speak up in these threads about what you belive instead of wasting time with blame and accusations. If you think you don't know enough to make a difference, educate yourself. You are on the internet or you would not be reading this. The internet has enough information for you to get educated in anything you choose

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