Republicans Threaten to Launch Their Own Jan. 6 Riot Commission, Because Why the Hell Not?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Red State ^ | 07/22/2021 |

The political circus over the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol building continues to get zanier, Republicans seem to be more willing to throw their weight around. During a Wednesday briefing at Capitol Hill, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) declared that the GOP will launch its own investigation into the incident, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) pulled two Republican lawmakers from the supposedly bipartisan committee.

McCarthy’s threat comes after Democrats decided to form their own committee to “investigate” the riot, when it became apparent that they did not have enough support for a 9/11-style commission to look into the matter. RedState’s Nick Arama noted that Pelosi made sure the committee was “stacked with anti-Trump people” like Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and others. However, when the speaker vetoed the appointment of Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Jim Jordan (R-OH), who were the McCarthy’s choices, it became clear that the Democrats were intent on making the panel as partisan as possible.
The House minority leader released a statement, explaining that unless Pelosi seats all five GOP picks, “Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts.”
In his announcement, McCarthy said, in part:
“We will run our own investigation. We have law enforcement, we have military, we have doctors, we have people from all walks of life. They want to know the answer, the American people deserve that. They don’t deserve politics, they don’t deserve destroying the institution. No committee in Congress will work if one person can pick all who can serve. This has not happened before.”
In a move that is sure to shock the nation, Cheney defended Pelosi’s actions, stating, “I agree with what the Speaker has done.”

Pelosi also released a statement in which she defended her decision. She argued that the “unprecedented nature” of the Jan. 6 riot “demands the unprecedented decision” to prohibit Banks and Jordan from participating in the panel and requested that McCarthy pick two other Republican lawmakers instead.
Since the effort to form a 9/11-style commission and subsequent Democratic committee are clearly partisan in nature, none of this comes as a surprise. McCarthy likely chose Banks and Jordan, knowing that Pelosi would pull rank and reveal her true intentions.
This sham of an investigation is intended for one purpose: To further weaponize the riot at the U.S. Capitol and milk it for all it’s worth. Democrats are trying to use the incident to gain an advantage for the 2022 midterm elections, and I’ll bet dollars to donuts that the result of the supposed probe will be released at a time when Democrats believe it will help them strategically.
The FBI is already investigating the riot, and there are other congressional investigations proceeding at this moment. This is what Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell pointed out when he signaled that Senate Republicans would not vote in favor of this farce.
In light of all this, why shouldn’t the Republicans form their own committee and conduct their own investigation? After all, some are questioning Pelosi’s conduct as the fracas ensued. What if the GOP digs deeper and finds information that isn’t favorable to the left? Turnabout is fair play, isn’t it?

Pelosi has all but revealed what everyone already knows: The committee is politically motivated. But why should the Democrats have all the fun?
Let’s have two competing investigations that are purely motivated by political expediency. That way, when the Democrats reveal their findings – or better yet, their manufactured evidence — Republicans will have material with which to counter the narrative that the left will almost certainly push when the time comes. If Democrats wish to continue weaponizing the riot, the Republicans don’t have to make it easy for them, do they?


Maybe THEY will release the name and ID of Ashli's murderer, because we KNOW the corrupt demonRATS will not!!!!...... and call founder charges to be filed!!!
Let them do it. Imagine the rubbish they will suggest to justify it.
Well, it used to be the classic no-win situation and it may still be. As we saw with the Chauvin verdict, Biden's approval ratings, the recent reversal of republicans on the vaccine and some other signs, America is starting to want to get back to normalcy and shy away from the "facts don't matter" era of The Blob. During Trump, the grandstanding may have been a net positive for the GOP House and Senate to bring people in and let them tell wild fib after wild fib... But now; today? The people may see right through that. Its one thing for the odd single representative to go off half cocked in the media...but if we're talking about 20-30 of these guys all using the public facilities to do it... that isn't going to play well. Which is one reason why I am hopeful they will do it!
Red State ^ | 07/22/2021 |

The political circus over the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol building continues to get zanier, Republicans seem to be more willing to throw their weight around. During a Wednesday briefing at Capitol Hill, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) declared that the GOP will launch its own investigation into the incident, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) pulled two Republican lawmakers from the supposedly bipartisan committee.

McCarthy’s threat comes after Democrats decided to form their own committee to “investigate” the riot, when it became apparent that they did not have enough support for a 9/11-style commission to look into the matter. RedState’s Nick Arama noted that Pelosi made sure the committee was “stacked with anti-Trump people” like Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and others. However, when the speaker vetoed the appointment of Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Jim Jordan (R-OH), who were the McCarthy’s choices, it became clear that the Democrats were intent on making the panel as partisan as possible.
The House minority leader released a statement, explaining that unless Pelosi seats all five GOP picks, “Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts.”
In his announcement, McCarthy said, in part:

In a move that is sure to shock the nation, Cheney defended Pelosi’s actions, stating, “I agree with what the Speaker has done.”

Pelosi also released a statement in which she defended her decision. She argued that the “unprecedented nature” of the Jan. 6 riot “demands the unprecedented decision” to prohibit Banks and Jordan from participating in the panel and requested that McCarthy pick two other Republican lawmakers instead.
Since the effort to form a 9/11-style commission and subsequent Democratic committee are clearly partisan in nature, none of this comes as a surprise. McCarthy likely chose Banks and Jordan, knowing that Pelosi would pull rank and reveal her true intentions.
This sham of an investigation is intended for one purpose: To further weaponize the riot at the U.S. Capitol and milk it for all it’s worth. Democrats are trying to use the incident to gain an advantage for the 2022 midterm elections, and I’ll bet dollars to donuts that the result of the supposed probe will be released at a time when Democrats believe it will help them strategically.
The FBI is already investigating the riot, and there are other congressional investigations proceeding at this moment. This is what Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell pointed out when he signaled that Senate Republicans would not vote in favor of this farce.
In light of all this, why shouldn’t the Republicans form their own committee and conduct their own investigation? After all, some are questioning Pelosi’s conduct as the fracas ensued. What if the GOP digs deeper and finds information that isn’t favorable to the left? Turnabout is fair play, isn’t it?

Pelosi has all but revealed what everyone already knows: The committee is politically motivated. But why should the Democrats have all the fun?
Let’s have two competing investigations that are purely motivated by political expediency. That way, when the Democrats reveal their findings – or better yet, their manufactured evidence — Republicans will have material with which to counter the narrative that the left will almost certainly push when the time comes. If Democrats wish to continue weaponizing the riot, the Republicans don’t have to make it easy for them, do they?


Maybe THEY will release the name and ID of Ashli's murderer, because we KNOW the corrupt demonRATS will not!!!!...... and call founder charges to be filed!!!
What turnabout are you referring too? The Democrats PLEADED to Mccarthy to make it a bipartisan commission. One which Republicans would have had equal say in which members would be on the commission. That offer was refused.

Crying foul because Pelosi now reserves the right to refuse specific commission members is like a kid crying to its mama because another kid refuses to play with him after he spit in her eye.
Well, it used to be the classic no-win situation and it may still be. As we saw with the Chauvin verdict, Biden's approval ratings, the recent reversal of republicans on the vaccine and some other signs, America is starting to want to get back to normalcy and shy away from the "facts don't matter" era of The Blob. During Trump, the grandstanding may have been a net positive for the GOP House and Senate to bring people in and let them tell wild fib after wild fib... But now; today? The people may see right through that. Its one thing for the odd single representative to go off half cocked in the media...but if we're talking about 20-30 of these guys all using the public facilities to do it... that isn't going to play well. Which is one reason why I am hopeful they will do it!

Well, that's not a justification for anything.
Chauvins case was blatant straight out 2nd degree murder. Repigs want to distance themselves because the accusations of racism and it was.

You're basically hoping a repub inquiry will expose something that isn't there.
It's a spiteful retaliation against what Nancy did. Nothing more. Of course they will find lots of unsavoury things because it's good for popularity.
As I said before, the democrats were shit on by McConnell etc and it's payback time.
Well, it used to be the classic no-win situation and it may still be. As we saw with the Chauvin verdict, Biden's approval ratings, the recent reversal of republicans on the vaccine and some other signs, America is starting to want to get back to normalcy and shy away from the "facts don't matter" era of The Blob. During Trump, the grandstanding may have been a net positive for the GOP House and Senate to bring people in and let them tell wild fib after wild fib... But now; today? The people may see right through that. Its one thing for the odd single representative to go off half cocked in the media...but if we're talking about 20-30 of these guys all using the public facilities to do it... that isn't going to play well. Which is one reason why I am hopeful they will do it!
I do not know what normalcy is to you, but there will never be a unity of this nation again unless forced.
I hope they don’t. Republicans should at this point refuse to participate at all, and force idiots like Cheney and Kitzinger to declare their affiliation, or switch parties right now.
Well, that's not a justification for anything.
Chauvins case was blatant straight out 2nd degree murder. Repigs want to distance themselves because the accusations of racism and it was.
I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying....

During Trump we had "facts don't matter". The Chauvin jury proved they do. Biden's approval rating proves they do. The recent sea change in GOP circles proves they do. Chavin killed convicted. Joe is doing a good job so his approval rating is good. Cases of covid are spiking with republicans so you have more former Trump supporters telling their minions to get the shot. That was my point in bringing up those three things.
You're basically hoping a repub inquiry will expose something that isn't there. What the inquiry will have to expose is just how far around the bend some Republicans are if they hold this hearing and start in with trying to pin it on anyone other than Trump and his deranged supporters. It goes hand in glove with the above cases where facts are once again carrying the day. So that is why we won't have a GOP hearing. I think it would be freaking awesome if we did but I don't think the GOP is that done.
It's a spiteful retaliation against what Nancy did. Nothing more. Of course they will find lots of unsavoury things because it's good for popularity.
As I said before, the democrats were shit on by McConnell etc and it's payback time.
Not sure about any of that... They can score points with their base by having it...but as we saw with the 3 points mentioned at the top (and some others)...the sensible center is not going to stand for much of this "It was Antifa/BLM/liberals in costumes/crisis actors" etc... When was the last time you have heard the rank and file losers here cite Alex Jones? Its been a while. Even they are getting a little disdainful of the whole "jewish space lasers" whacko nutjob wing of their party and realize they're going to have to run a much more grounded campaign.
PIG-lousi is a traitor...the twat wants anti-TRUMP participants...the twat wants to deflect the investigation from investigating the role the scum demonRATS played in the riot...PIG-lousi and the scum demonRATS paid antifa and black flies matter criminals to pose as TRUMP supporters to infiltrate the capitol....
TRUMP supporters were listening to TRUMP when the scum demonRATS started the riot that got a unarmed female murdered....can't be in 2 places at 1 time....unless you are a scum demonRAT, then you are invincible (not)
one can only hope that the twat PIG-lousi dies a slow painful death
The pelosi committee will not allow the 1/6ers to be checked for homosexuality.

Some in the GOP already checked.

It is there....
I see no problem with having a Dem investigation and a GOP investigation. They could compare notes at the end, if the GOP would ever finish theirs. They like to string things out indefinitely.
Red State ^ | 07/22/2021 |

The political circus over the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol building continues to get zanier, Republicans seem to be more willing to throw their weight around. During a Wednesday briefing at Capitol Hill, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) declared that the GOP will launch its own investigation into the incident, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) pulled two Republican lawmakers from the supposedly bipartisan committee.

McCarthy’s threat comes after Democrats decided to form their own committee to “investigate” the riot, when it became apparent that they did not have enough support for a 9/11-style commission to look into the matter. RedState’s Nick Arama noted that Pelosi made sure the committee was “stacked with anti-Trump people” like Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and others. However, when the speaker vetoed the appointment of Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Jim Jordan (R-OH), who were the McCarthy’s choices, it became clear that the Democrats were intent on making the panel as partisan as possible.
The House minority leader released a statement, explaining that unless Pelosi seats all five GOP picks, “Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts.”
In his announcement, McCarthy said, in part:

In a move that is sure to shock the nation, Cheney defended Pelosi’s actions, stating, “I agree with what the Speaker has done.”

Pelosi also released a statement in which she defended her decision. She argued that the “unprecedented nature” of the Jan. 6 riot “demands the unprecedented decision” to prohibit Banks and Jordan from participating in the panel and requested that McCarthy pick two other Republican lawmakers instead.
Since the effort to form a 9/11-style commission and subsequent Democratic committee are clearly partisan in nature, none of this comes as a surprise. McCarthy likely chose Banks and Jordan, knowing that Pelosi would pull rank and reveal her true intentions.
This sham of an investigation is intended for one purpose: To further weaponize the riot at the U.S. Capitol and milk it for all it’s worth. Democrats are trying to use the incident to gain an advantage for the 2022 midterm elections, and I’ll bet dollars to donuts that the result of the supposed probe will be released at a time when Democrats believe it will help them strategically.
The FBI is already investigating the riot, and there are other congressional investigations proceeding at this moment. This is what Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell pointed out when he signaled that Senate Republicans would not vote in favor of this farce.
In light of all this, why shouldn’t the Republicans form their own committee and conduct their own investigation? After all, some are questioning Pelosi’s conduct as the fracas ensued. What if the GOP digs deeper and finds information that isn’t favorable to the left? Turnabout is fair play, isn’t it?

Pelosi has all but revealed what everyone already knows: The committee is politically motivated. But why should the Democrats have all the fun?
Let’s have two competing investigations that are purely motivated by political expediency. That way, when the Democrats reveal their findings – or better yet, their manufactured evidence — Republicans will have material with which to counter the narrative that the left will almost certainly push when the time comes. If Democrats wish to continue weaponizing the riot, the Republicans don’t have to make it easy for them, do they?


Maybe THEY will release the name and ID of Ashli's murderer, because we KNOW the corrupt demonRATS will not!!!!...... and call founder charges to be filed!!!

They could look into the blm/antifa infiltrators at the capitol who actually attacked the police and damaged property....versus the Trump supporters who calmly walked through the capitol, took selfies and prayed for the country....
I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying....

During Trump we had "facts don't matter". The Chauvin jury proved they do. Biden's approval rating proves they do. The recent sea change in GOP circles proves they do. Chavin killed convicted. Joe is doing a good job so his approval rating is good. Cases of covid are spiking with republicans so you have more former Trump supporters telling their minions to get the shot. That was my point in bringing up those three things. What the inquiry will have to expose is just how far around the bend some Republicans are if they hold this hearing and start in with trying to pin it on anyone other than Trump and his deranged supporters. It goes hand in glove with the above cases where facts are once again carrying the day. So that is why we won't have a GOP hearing. I think it would be freaking awesome if we did but I don't think the GOP is that done.

Not sure about any of that... They can score points with their base by having it...but as we saw with the 3 points mentioned at the top (and some others)...the sensible center is not going to stand for much of this "It was Antifa/BLM/liberals in costumes/crisis actors" etc... When was the last time you have heard the rank and file losers here cite Alex Jones? Its been a while. Even they are getting a little disdainful of the whole "jewish space lasers" whacko nutjob wing of their party and realize they're going to have to run a much more grounded campaign.

The facts did not support convicting the Officer for the over dose death of the felon .......he died from 3 blocked arteries, an enlarged heart which caused his death after he over dosed on fentanyl and meth..........
What turnabout are you referring too? The Democrats PLEADED to Mccarthy to make it a bipartisan commission. One which Republicans would have had equal say in which members would be on the commission. That offer was refused.

Crying foul because Pelosi now reserves the right to refuse specific commission members is like a kid crying to its mama because another kid refuses to play with him after he spit in her eye.
Why is it you think Pelosi HAS the right to refuse to seat Republicans named by McCarthy? Your post doesn't make sense. Obviously if McCarthy is naming GOP members to be on the commission then he's trying to make it a bipartisan effort. It's Pelosi who's spit in McCarthy's eye...not the other way around. Pelosi names her choices and McCarthy names his.
I hope they don’t. Republicans should at this point refuse to participate at all, and force idiots like Cheney and Kitzinger to declare their affiliation, or switch parties right now.
Pelosi owned McCarthy, Gym Jordamn & the rest of Baby Huey Trump's lackeys in the house. Pelosi beat McCarthy at his own game & it's a sight to behold watching him squirm.
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