Republicans accuse Biden of artificially inflating poll numbers through competency!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—With a new Associated Press poll showing Joe Biden garnering a sixty-three-per-cent general-approval rating, Republicans are accusing the President of “artificially inflating” that number through “blatant displays of competence.”

“Joe Biden is the consummate Washington insider, and he knows how to game these polls,” Senator Rand Paul said. “If you want to get a high approval rating, all you have to do is do a job that people approve of.”

Senator Ted Cruz agreed. “Joe Biden is so desperate to have a high approval rating that he’s been using every day in office to deliver results to the American people,” he charged. “I for one find this behavior beneath contempt.”

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene called Biden’s seventy-one-per-cent approval rating for his handling of the pandemic “a joke,” noting, “If all you care about is people liking the way you handle the pandemic, I guess you’d handle the pandemic all the livelong day. Big whoop.”

The Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, said that Biden “should take no comfort” in his high approval numbers. “When people get tired of Biden’s competence—and they will—they’ll vote Republican,” he said.
Got-dammit are you un-fucking-funny.

People who do polls can manipulate them to get the results they want this is well known now. RCP has Bidens approval at 54% I would say that is probably accurate.
An average of faked polls?....I think not.
The most recent four RCP polls I ignore the older ones had Biden plus 17 and plus 20 suffice it to say I don't take those serious the other two had him plus 2 and plus 3 going by those two which seem far more realistic 54% seems reasonable.


Anyone who uses the word competency to describe the senile invalid who cheated his way to the WH is seriously delusional.

One of the dem slogans was

Any functioning adult

And their candidate doesn't even qualify as functioning...


Anyone who uses the word competency to describe the senile invalid who cheated his way to the WH is seriously delusional.

One of the dem slogans was

Any functioning adult

And their candidate doesn't even qualify as functioning...
81 million people think he does.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—With a new Associated Press poll showing Joe Biden garnering a sixty-three-per-cent general-approval rating, Republicans are accusing the President of “artificially inflating” that number through “blatant displays of competence.”

“Joe Biden is the consummate Washington insider, and he knows how to game these polls,” Senator Rand Paul said. “If you want to get a high approval rating, all you have to do is do a job that people approve of.”

Senator Ted Cruz agreed. “Joe Biden is so desperate to have a high approval rating that he’s been using every day in office to deliver results to the American people,” he charged. “I for one find this behavior beneath contempt.”

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene called Biden’s seventy-one-per-cent approval rating for his handling of the pandemic “a joke,” noting, “If all you care about is people liking the way you handle the pandemic, I guess you’d handle the pandemic all the livelong day. Big whoop.”

The Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, said that Biden “should take no comfort” in his high approval numbers. “When people get tired of Biden’s competence—and they will—they’ll vote Republican,” he said.
Look up the word SATIRE in your dictionary, you buffoon!
I guess the purpose of strings such as this one is divert attention to how Joe Biden's policies are blowing up in his face, one after another?
I guess the purpose of strings such as this one is divert attention to how Joe Biden's policies are blowing up in his face, one after another?
It's a funny joke, dumb ass. That's why it's in the political satire area.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—With a new Associated Press poll showing Joe Biden garnering a sixty-three-per-cent general-approval rating, Republicans are accusing the President of “artificially inflating” that number through “blatant displays of competence.”

“Joe Biden is the consummate Washington insider, and he knows how to game these polls,” Senator Rand Paul said. “If you want to get a high approval rating, all you have to do is do a job that people approve of.”

Senator Ted Cruz agreed. “Joe Biden is so desperate to have a high approval rating that he’s been using every day in office to deliver results to the American people,” he charged. “I for one find this behavior beneath contempt.”

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene called Biden’s seventy-one-per-cent approval rating for his handling of the pandemic “a joke,” noting, “If all you care about is people liking the way you handle the pandemic, I guess you’d handle the pandemic all the livelong day. Big whoop.”

The Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, said that Biden “should take no comfort” in his high approval numbers. “When people get tired of Biden’s competence—and they will—they’ll vote Republican,” he said.
Borowitz is the best. He nails it every time.
I guess the purpose of strings such as this one is divert attention to how Joe Biden's policies are blowing up in his face, one after another?
What policies? Be specific.
Well...for starters doing away with Trump's border policies...and creating a crisis at the border? Then there is the extension of unemployment compensation so that businesses can't get entry level employees to show up for open jobs? That's not even getting into his foreign policy blunders. Taking sanctions off of Iran is idiotic. Getting us back into the Paris Accord even more so!
Biden should thank Fauci. It was Fauci who made Trump look bad by sensationalizing a flu bug. Voters who fell for Fauci's crap are Biden supporters.
But it was actually Trump, who made Trump look bad on the virus....he didn't need anyone else's help....:eek:

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