Republican States Are More Dependent On Government


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Republican-leaning states are a lot more dependent on the federal government than Democratic-leaning ones.

That's according to a recent analysis from the personal finance site WalletHub, which ranked states based on how much they rely on Uncle Sam to support their state finances.

To calculate states' dependence, WalletHub analyzed three metrics: how much a state gets in federal funding per every dollar it pays in federal income taxes, the percentage of state funding that comes from the federal government and the number of federal employees per capita, both military and civilian.

Check out the map below to see how dependent your home state is compared to the rest of the country. The most-dependent states are shaded white, and least-dependent states are shaded blue. A ranking of 1 indicates least-dependent, while 50 represents most-dependent.

Source: WalletHub (Interactive Map)

As you can see, New Mexico is the most-dependent state in the U.S., according to WalletHub's data. The state gets $2.19 in federal funding for every dollar paid in federal income taxes. In contrast, New Jersey, which is the least-dependent state, gets only about 50 cents in federal funding for every dollar paid in taxes, WalletHub calculated.

The analysis found that red states, or those that voted Republican in the 2012 presidential election, were much more likely to depend on the government than blue states.

Republican States Are More Dependent On Government

This just confirms what most lefties already knew.
Well, this is mostly for other reasons that would turn this thread into a racial thread. So I won't say it.

On the otherhand, a lot of poor rednecks do in fact use tons of food stamps and live within low class conditions. Yet, they bitch at government for all their problems. One just has to be complexed in wonder at these people.
Already some where else on the board
The leftist fanatics bring it up time and again.

Each of their threads lasts until someone points out that far more conservatives join the armed services, and host military bases etc., than liberals.

Then the liberals start avoiding their own thread and it dies, like clockwork.
Republican-leaning states are a lot more dependent on the federal government than Democratic-leaning ones.

That's according to a recent analysis from the personal finance site WalletHub, which ranked states based on how much they rely on Uncle Sam to support their state finances.

To calculate states' dependence, WalletHub analyzed three metrics: how much a state gets in federal funding per every dollar it pays in federal income taxes, the percentage of state funding that comes from the federal government and the number of federal employees per capita, both military and civilian.

Check out the map below to see how dependent your home state is compared to the rest of the country. The most-dependent states are shaded white, and least-dependent states are shaded blue. A ranking of 1 indicates least-dependent, while 50 represents most-dependent.

Source: WalletHub (Interactive Map)

As you can see, New Mexico is the most-dependent state in the U.S., according to WalletHub's data. The state gets $2.19 in federal funding for every dollar paid in federal income taxes. In contrast, New Jersey, which is the least-dependent state, gets only about 50 cents in federal funding for every dollar paid in taxes, WalletHub calculated.

The analysis found that red states, or those that voted Republican in the 2012 presidential election, were much more likely to depend on the government than blue states.

Republican States Are More Dependent On Government

This just confirms what most lefties already knew.

Thanks for the free money....

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