Republican stages of grief


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that when faced with a loss, many go through five distinct stages of grief
  • denial.
  • anger.
  • bargaining.
  • depression.
  • acceptance.
It's clear that Republicans are in the first 2 stages. Many still deny Trump and the GOP lost the 2020 election, this despite Trump's own hand picked judges finding no credible evidence of voter fraud. Anger...lot's of that!! I read angry threats of a civil war, name calling, foul language, and the like. Republicans would do well to skip stages 3 and 4 and simply accept the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats won fairly.

It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

Those are the facts, Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
I don't expect Republicans will ever get past Stage 3 (bargaining). The first three stages are where they seem to be stuck. Running over the election results time after time, hoping they can gather enough public opinion to sway enough people to believe their lie.
Case in point, Republicans in Maricopa County, AZ are conducting an "audit" of ballots cast there. It's already a highly suspect operation..especially when you see the list of people and entities backing it. :)

Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that when faced with a loss, many go through five distinct stages of grief
  • denial.
  • anger.
  • bargaining.
  • depression.
  • acceptance.
It's clear that Republicans are in the first 2 stages. Many still deny Trump and the GOP lost the 2020 election, this despite Trump's own hand picked judges finding no credible evidence of voter fraud. Anger...lot's of that!! I read angry threats of a civil war, name calling, foul language, and the like. Republicans would do well to skip stages 3 and 4 and simply accept the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats won fairly.

It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

Those are the facts, Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Hey fuck up. Their doing the forensic audit in Arizona that you lying scum have been trying to stop.LOLOL

See those stages of grief doofus??? Memorize them.
Y'all got no room to talk.

You still haven't gone past stage 2 from the 2000 or 2016 elections.

2000, Yes. 550 votes in one FL county. The SC installed Bush. That one will forever have an asterisk beside it. I won't apologize for feeling aggrieved over that one.
2016? All the hoopla came AFTER the inauguration. I don't remember Clinton screaming "FRAUD!!" for six straight months leading up to the election. I don't remember
endless court cases filed (by her) in the three states that were close. I don't remember Clinton calling for recount after recount (Jill Stein requested those), and I certainly
don't remember Clinton supporters and Democrats storming the Capitol on EC certification day demanding that the election be overturned. I remember that Clinton
conceded the next morning and went hiking. I remember Obama inviting Trump to the White House THREE days after the election. I remember Obama giving the
incoming clown a smooth transition.

If you'd like to make hay of what happened after Trump took office...well....95% of the blame for that..goes to Trump! :)
Leftists just LOVE big government. The bigger the better they scream from the hill tops.......

But in their infinite wisdom they always miss the painfully obvious road markers......

With ALL it's billions in taxpayer provided unearned free money.........NASA has to rely on a PRIVATE company (or Russia) to even get off the ground.

Leftist stark stupidity........has consequences
Y'all got no room to talk.

You still haven't gone past stage 2 from the 2000 or 2016 elections.

2000, Yes. 550 votes in one FL county. The SC installed Bush. That one will forever have an asterisk beside it. I won't apologize for feeling aggrieved over that one.
2016? All the hoopla came AFTER the inauguration. I don't remember Clinton screaming "FRAUD!!" for six straight months leading up to the election. I don't remember
endless court cases filed (by her) in the three states that were close. I don't remember Clinton calling for recount after recount (Jill Stein requested those), and I certainly
don't remember Clinton supporters and Democrats storming the Capitol on EC certification day demanding that the election be overturned. I remember that Clinton
conceded the next morning and went hiking. I remember Obama inviting Trump to the White House THREE days after the election. I remember Obama giving the
incoming clown a smooth transition.

If you'd like to make hay of what happened after Trump took office...well....95% of the blame for that..goes to Trump! :)

The SC installed Bush.

No, but keep living the dream.

I don't remember Clinton screaming "FRAUD!!" for six straight months leading up to the election.

We aren't talking about Clinton, we're talking about her groupies.

They're the ones that still haven't accepted her loss.
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that when faced with a loss, many go through five distinct stages of grief
  • denial.
  • anger.
  • bargaining.
  • depression.
  • acceptance.
It's clear that Republicans are in the first 2 stages. Many still deny Trump and the GOP lost the 2020 election, this despite Trump's own hand picked judges finding no credible evidence of voter fraud. Anger...lot's of that!! I read angry threats of a civil war, name calling, foul language, and the like. Republicans would do well to skip stages 3 and 4 and simply accept the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats won fairly.

It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

Those are the facts, Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

You lay awake all of last night coming up with that re-re-re-recycled amateur psychobabble dreck, didn't ya?

...but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters..,

You mean like how you projecting knuckleheads couldn't find one single reason to vote in favor of your guy, without saying "DONALD TRUMP"?

Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

IOW, other-than-white people will just blindly vote for us because.....reasons.....Sounds mighty racist to me.
Leftists just LOVE big government. The bigger the better they scream from the hill tops.......

But in their infinite wisdom they always miss the painfully obvious road markers......

With ALL it's billions in taxpayer provided unearned free money.........NASA has to rely on a PRIVATE company (or Russia) to even get off the ground.

Leftist stark stupidity........has consequences

Righties=>Stuck in their alt-right media talking point universe. Just can't break free.

NASA has been partnering with private companies since the Space Shuttle flew its last mission. That was the plan.
Not paying attention, eh? :)
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that when faced with a loss, many go through five distinct stages of grief
  • denial.
  • anger.
  • bargaining.
  • depression.
  • acceptance.
It's clear that Republicans are in the first 2 stages. Many still deny Trump and the GOP lost the 2020 election, this despite Trump's own hand picked judges finding no credible evidence of voter fraud. Anger...lot's of that!! I read angry threats of a civil war, name calling, foul language, and the like. Republicans would do well to skip stages 3 and 4 and simply accept the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats won fairly.

It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

Those are the facts, Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

No reasonably intelligent person truly believes that the Democrat Candidates legally prevailed in the Presidential Election, or in the two Georgia Senate Elections.
The End.
Y'all got no room to talk.

You still haven't gone past stage 2 from the 2000 or 2016 elections.

2000, Yes. 550 votes in one FL county. The SC installed Bush. That one will forever have an asterisk beside it. I won't apologize for feeling aggrieved over that one.
2016? All the hoopla came AFTER the inauguration. I don't remember Clinton screaming "FRAUD!!" for six straight months leading up to the election. I don't remember
endless court cases filed (by her) in the three states that were close. I don't remember Clinton calling for recount after recount (Jill Stein requested those), and I certainly
don't remember Clinton supporters and Democrats storming the Capitol on EC certification day demanding that the election be overturned. I remember that Clinton
conceded the next morning and went hiking. I remember Obama inviting Trump to the White House THREE days after the election. I remember Obama giving the
incoming clown a smooth transition.

If you'd like to make hay of what happened after Trump took office...well....95% of the blame for that..goes to Trump! :)

The SC installed Bush.

No, but keep living the dream.

I don't remember Clinton screaming "FRAUD!!" for six straight months leading up to the election.

We aren't talking about Clinton, we're talking about her groupies.

They're the ones that still haven't accepted her loss.

Trump has his groupies. And those groupies are still screaming fraud. They have nothing to do with what happened after November 3rd (outside of January 6th).
It was TRUMP and his D-Team that conducted the legal challenges, recount requests, and media blitz.
Clinton..didn't do that. I don't care what any of her acolytes said or did. Just like I don't care what any of Trump's did.
Leftists just LOVE big government. The bigger the better they scream from the hill tops.......

But in their infinite wisdom they always miss the painfully obvious road markers......

With ALL it's billions in taxpayer provided unearned free money.........NASA has to rely on a PRIVATE company (or Russia) to even get off the ground.

Leftist stark stupidity........has consequences

Righties=>Stuck in their alt-right media talking point universe. Just can't break free.

NASA has been partnering with private companies since the Space Shuttle flew its last mission. That was the plan.
Not paying attention, eh? :)
Righties=>Stuck in their alt-right media talking point universe. Just can't break free.

Project much? :auiqs.jpg:
I don't expect Republicans will ever get past Stage 3 (bargaining). The first three stages are where they seem to be stuck. Running over the election results time after time, hoping they can gather enough public opinion to sway enough people to believe their lie.
Case in point, Republicans in Maricopa County, AZ are conducting an "audit" of ballots cast there. It's already a highly suspect operation..especially when you see the list of people and entities backing it. :)

About 70% of the voting public have some - or more doubt.
Y'all got no room to talk.

You still haven't gone past stage 2 from the 2000 or 2016 elections.

2000, Yes. 550 votes in one FL county. The SC installed Bush. That one will forever have an asterisk beside it. I won't apologize for feeling aggrieved over that one.
2016? All the hoopla came AFTER the inauguration. I don't remember Clinton screaming "FRAUD!!" for six straight months leading up to the election. I don't remember
endless court cases filed (by her) in the three states that were close. I don't remember Clinton calling for recount after recount (Jill Stein requested those), and I certainly
don't remember Clinton supporters and Democrats storming the Capitol on EC certification day demanding that the election be overturned. I remember that Clinton
conceded the next morning and went hiking. I remember Obama inviting Trump to the White House THREE days after the election. I remember Obama giving the
incoming clown a smooth transition.

If you'd like to make hay of what happened after Trump took office...well....95% of the blame for that..goes to Trump! :)

Ignorance and delusion on full display, right there.
I don't expect Republicans will ever get past Stage 3 (bargaining). The first three stages are where they seem to be stuck. Running over the election results time after time, hoping they can gather enough public opinion to sway enough people to believe their lie.
Case in point, Republicans in Maricopa County, AZ are conducting an "audit" of ballots cast there. It's already a highly suspect operation..especially when you see the list of people and entities backing it. :)

About 70% of the voting public have some - or more doubt.

No they don't. You're % number is a one time pulse of Republicans. Not the voting public. And that will always be the case. I wonder why that is?'s not fraud. It's the head clown bleating like a fucking sheep for 6 solid months before the election.
Don't believe me? Let's go back in time.


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