Republican Maricopa County Officials have had enough: Trump Unhinged


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
The Republican head of a county elections office in Arizona — a state currently in the midst of a partisan recount of the 2020 presidential election — called former President Donald Trump "unhinged" over the weekend over his repeated false claims about the vote.....

On Thursday, the Republican chairman of the Maricopa county board of supervisors issued a statement in which he blasted the private contractorhired to reexamine the election results, saying they "are in way over their heads."

"The contractors hired by the Senate President are not auditors and they are not certified by the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission ... This is not funny; this is dangerous," Chairman Jack Sellers wrote in the statement, adding that the claims that files had been deleted from the county server were "not true."

"I know you have all grown weary of the lies and half-truths six months after the 2020 General Election," Sellers added.

Speaking to the New York Times last week, Arizona state Sen. Paul Boyer — who initially voted in favor of the audit — now calls it "ridiculous."

"It makes us look like idiots," Boyer told the Times. "Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous. It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."

It appears there are finally Republicans who are sick and tired of looking foolish defending Trump’s Big Lie.
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The Republican head of a county elections office in Arizona — a state currently in the midst of a partisan recount of the 2020 presidential election — called former President Donald Trump "unhinged" over the weekend over his repeated false claims about the vote.....

On Thursday, the Republican chairman of the Maricopa county board of supervisors issued a statement in which he blasted the private contractorhired to reexamine the election results, saying they "are in way over their heads."

"The contractors hired by the Senate President are not auditors and they are not certified by the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission ... This is not funny; this is dangerous," Chairman Jack Sellers wrote in the statement, adding that the claims that files had been deleted from the county server were "not true."

"I know you have all grown weary of the lies and half-truths six months after the 2020 General Election," Sellers added.

Speaking to the New York Times last week, Arizona state Sen. Paul Boyer — who initially voted in favor of the audit — now calls it "ridiculous."

"It makes us look like idiots," Boyer told the Times. "Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous. It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."

It appears there are finally Republicans who are sick and tired of looking foolish defending Trump’s Big Lie.
Evidently not enough yet. There are still vast numbers of trumpsters/republicans who are quite happy to be seen as foolish.
The Republican head of a county elections office in Arizona — a state currently in the midst of a partisan recount of the 2020 presidential election — called former President Donald Trump "unhinged" over the weekend over his repeated false claims about the vote.....

On Thursday, the Republican chairman of the Maricopa county board of supervisors issued a statement in which he blasted the private contractorhired to reexamine the election results, saying they "are in way over their heads."

"The contractors hired by the Senate President are not auditors and they are not certified by the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission ... This is not funny; this is dangerous," Chairman Jack Sellers wrote in the statement, adding that the claims that files had been deleted from the county server were "not true."

"I know you have all grown weary of the lies and half-truths six months after the 2020 General Election," Sellers added.

Speaking to the New York Times last week, Arizona state Sen. Paul Boyer — who initially voted in favor of the audit — now calls it "ridiculous."

"It makes us look like idiots," Boyer told the Times. "Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous. It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."

It appears there are finally Republicans who are sick and tired of looking foolish defending Trump’s Big Lie.
Evidently not enough yet. There are still vast numbers of trumpsters/republicans who are quite happy to be seen as foolish.
Or frightened to acknowledge the truth.
The Republican head of a county elections office in Arizona — a state currently in the midst of a partisan recount of the 2020 presidential election — called former President Donald Trump "unhinged" over the weekend over his repeated false claims about the vote.....

On Thursday, the Republican chairman of the Maricopa county board of supervisors issued a statement in which he blasted the private contractorhired to reexamine the election results, saying they "are in way over their heads."

"The contractors hired by the Senate President are not auditors and they are not certified by the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission ... This is not funny; this is dangerous," Chairman Jack Sellers wrote in the statement, adding that the claims that files had been deleted from the county server were "not true."

"I know you have all grown weary of the lies and half-truths six months after the 2020 General Election," Sellers added.

Speaking to the New York Times last week, Arizona state Sen. Paul Boyer — who initially voted in favor of the audit — now calls it "ridiculous."

"It makes us look like idiots," Boyer told the Times. "Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous. It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."

It appears there are finally Republicans who are sick and tired of looking foolish defending Trump’s Big Lie.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Desperation.
This farce is about to explode in the Republicans' face. Watch...

You know, poster Marc.....the signs are starting to appear a tad more ominous.

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors....(4 of the 5 are Republicans)....are saying 'enough is enough'.

See this:

"Our democracy is imperiled’: Maricopa County officials decry 2020 recount as a sham and call on Arizona Republicans to end the process"

The Republican-dominated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Monday denounced an ongoing audit of the 2020 election vote as a “sham” and a “con,” calling on the GOP-led state Senate to end the controversial recount that has been championed by former president Donald Trump.

In a fiery public meeting and subsequent letter to state Senate President Karen Fann, the board members said the audit has been inept, promoted falsehoods and defamed the public servants who ran the fall election.

Calling the process a “spectacle that is harming all of us,” the five members of the board — including four Republicans — asked the state Senate to recognize that it is essential to call off the audit, which officials have said is only about one-quarter complete.
“It is time to make a choice to defend the Constitution and the Republic,” they wrote, adding: “We stand united together to defend the Constitution and the Republic in our opposition to the Big Lie. We ask everyone to join us in standing for the truth.”

Well, that is a fine kettle of fish .....for the Duped & Snookered.


This farce is about to explode in the Republicans' face. Watch...

You know, poser Marc.....the signs are starting to appear a tad more ominous.

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors....(4 of the 5 are Republicans)....are saying 'enough is enough'.

See this:

"Our democracy is imperiled’: Maricopa County officials decry 2020 recount as a sham and call on Arizona Republicans to end the process"

The Republican-dominated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Monday denounced an ongoing audit of the 2020 election vote as a “sham” and a “con,” calling on the GOP-led state Senate to end the controversial recount that has been championed by former president Donald Trump.

In a fiery public meeting and subsequent letter to state Senate President Karen Fann, the board members said the audit has been inept, promoted falsehoods and defamed the public servants who ran the fall election.

Calling the process a “spectacle that is harming all of us,” the five members of the board — including four Republicans — asked the state Senate to recognize that it is essential to call off the audit, which officials have said is only about one-quarter complete.
“It is time to make a choice to defend the Constitution and the Republic,” they wrote, adding: “We stand united together to defend the Constitution and the Republic in our opposition to the Big Lie. We ask everyone to join us in standing for the truth.”

Well, that is a fine kettle of fish .....for the Duped & Snookered.


It is not a recount. it is an audit. You can go now.
Or frightened to acknowledge the truth.
That is the plight of the Democrat Party, the RINOs, the Fake News media, Big Tech and all others that participated significantly in the warping of the election results, something that will now be exponentially more difficult to accomplish in 2022 and 2024. Not only that, but some prison terms may be coming to the major participants.

Not to worry though. Mike Lindell is coming out with a new product made with his Giza Dream Cotton. He's calling it "Your Democratic Party Crying Towel".
Or frightened to acknowledge the truth.
That is the plight of the Democrat Party, the RINOs, the Fake News media, Big Tech and all others that participated significantly in the warping of the election results, something that will now be exponentially more difficult to accomplish in 2022 and 2024. Not only that, but some prison terms may be coming to the major participants.

Not to worry though. Mike Lindell is coming out with a new product made with his Giza Dream Cotton. He's calling it "Your Democratic Party Crying Towel".
You might be right. It might be significantly more difficult to acknowledge the validity of election results. In fact election results might be ignored next time around on the basis of unsubstantiated claims of fraud.

Republicans are setting up the groundwork to do exactly that.

Of course the implications of that are that the US no longer would be a Republic but rather an authocracy. A place where politicians of one party decide their leadership, not the populace.
The news just doesn't get better for that 'audit' in Arizona. Some reputations are gonna be depreciated, in my humble opinion. NOT the reputations of the good poll workers who worked so hard on November 2, 3rd, and 4th to ensure that they had an accurate count of the votes cast, but rather, the reputations of this 'Ninja'-guy outta of Sarasota (where nobody in the Republican Party of Florida had heard of him), and various 'counter'-volunteers that they have brought in to 'audit'. Not to mention, the whole Republican Party is gonna get a bit of a merde' splashback for this event. In my humble opinion.

Here are just three treatments of the "audit"....that came up on my morning newsfeed, May 18th:

From the Phoenix ‘Arizona Republic’ newspaper, yesterday, May 17th

"'They don't know what they're doing': Maricopa County election officials set record straight"

"The private contractors hired by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to audit Maricopa County's general election don't know what they are doing, and the county didn't delete any election files, county officials fired back on Monday.

Jack Sellers, county Board of Supervisors chairman, accused Fann of attempting to legitimize "a grift disguised as an audit."

He said the contractors, led by a Florida-based cybersecurity firm called Cyber Ninjas that was hired to lead the audit despite no experience, thought files were missing because "they don’t know what they’re doing. And we wouldn’t be asked to do this on-the-job training if qualified auditors had been hired to do this work."


From his morning’s “The Week”

6. Maricopa County officials denounce 'grift disguised as an audit'
The majority-Republican Maricopa County, Arizona, Board of Supervisors on Monday called the controversial recount of the state's 2020 election results a "sham" and a "grift disguised as an audit." In a letter to state Senate President Karen Fann, the board said the process the GOP-controlled Senate commissioned was a "spectacle that is harming all of us." The leader of Cyber Ninjas, the Florida-based consulting firm conducting the recount, has echoed former President Donald Trump's false claim that the election was stolen. Trump, the first Republican presidential candidate to lose the state since the 1990s, over the weekend falsely claimed that the audit revealed that Maricopa County's election database was "DELETED!" Stephen Richer, the Maricopa County recorder and a Republican, responded by tweeting that Trump's claim was "unhinged."

Also from the Arizona Republic, last night, May 17th.

“Reps. Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene team with Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar to defend audit"

"Four of the most polarizing Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives called on a top Justice Department official to allow Arizona's audit of Maricopa County ballots to continue unimpeded.

Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia signed onto a letter Monday with Reps. Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar of Arizona…..

(You can read the whole enchilada for each by a nano-google of the stories)

By the way, and this is merely my narrow opinion, but.......but, any political party that champions and promotes the involvement of Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Paul Gosar in any issue whatsoever, is a party that is befuddled and wrongheaded. I wouldn't say 'mendacious''s just that the nutters have taken over and it makes the Republican Party look like idiots.
I hafta agree with that County Supervisor......"idiots".

Part of me is amused. Hell, we all enjoy a pratfall (by someone else) every now and then.
However, this is supposed to be a serious political party that should be the Yin to the Yang of our system. The counterweight, the balance, the loyal opposition. Instead, it is turning into a huge grifting exercise victimizing the willingly duped and the snookered,

In the end, it is more sad than amusing.
It is not a recount. it is an audit. You can go now.

And what are they afraid of?

Maricopa County has fought this every step of the way. RINOs at work. A bunch of Romney doppelgangers.
The Ninjas are not certified to conduct an audit of this type. That is the main problem. The election commission isn't going to hand over the routers and machines to just anyone that is not the law.
Which dunce would hire a group w/zero experience in a thing to do that thing?

That's this "Ninja" group, they've never engaged in this endeavor before.

Hint: The answer is whenever it's a political witch hunt, that's when you hire a political assassin to do your dirty work.

It is not a recount. it is an audit. You can go now.

And what are they afraid of?

Maricopa County has fought this every step of the way. RINOs at work. A bunch of Romney doppelgangers.
The Ninjas are not certified to conduct an audit of this type. That is the main problem. The election commission isn't going to hand over the routers and machines to just anyone that is not the law.
They are who the Senate wants to have that information, and that is the law. They voters are owed complete transparency. MI has the same problem. I bet GA. does too. Probably PA and WI. Let's hope we find out.

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