Republican ? Democrat ? American ?

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
[ This is a piece that I wrote on 6/11/2005. It still remains true today, especially considering the upcoming elections in 2016. ( edited version ) ]


Political affiliation and personal preference guide voters when choosing our policy makers. The right to vote, and have that vote counted, is one of the most important privileges of a free society. Way too often in America, citizens vote along party lines without actually looking at which candidate has the best plan. If someone has voted Republican all their lives, they usually vote Republican, even if they disagree with the general position their candidate takes on important issues. The same can be said for Democrats, as well as Independents and other political parties.

America needs voters that vote for America. We need to get away from party affiliations and vote for candidates that have the best plan for making America a military and economic super power. No one can claim that their party has done the most good for America, and that our problems are the fault of one particular party. Republicans and Democrats alike have contributed to the problems we face as a nation. Being loyal to one party or the other hasn’t, and never will solve the problems we face as a nation. On the other hand, being loyal to America, and voting for those having the best plan for America, is the only logical choice when choosing our representatives.

Before we vote, the most important things we can do is ask the tough questions, and demand straight answers. Politicians are masters at avoiding answering tough questions detailing plans. Job scared moderators on television repeatedly let politicians off the hook when given the opportunity to pin them down on tough issues. Moderators asking questions during candidate debates are equally as guilty of letting tough questions go unanswered. Smooth talking, silver-tongued politicians have conned many Americans into voting for them. If an issue is important to you, ask the tough questions until you get satisfactory answers.

Being a Liberal, a Moderate, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, Independent, Republican, or a Democrat doesn’t mean American loyalty. Labels can be put on anything, but it’s the actions and desire for fairness and justice that count in the end. Don’t label yourself anything other than American, and don’t vote for anyone labeled other than American. Your vote is important, as well as the future of your children and grand children. How will you vote? AMERICAN?
Your vote is important, as well as the future of your children and grand children. How will you vote? AMERICAN?
I've voting Republican. No Democrat for major office has any where near my values. Libertarians serve only to give the opposite side the votes, a sign of mental illness.
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Your vote is important, as well as the future of your children and grand children. How will you vote? AMERICAN?
I've voting Republican. No Democrat for major office has any where near my values. Libertarians serve only to give the opposite side the votes, a sign of mental illness.
That is certainly your right, and I respect your right to vote as you see fit.
The "American way", or American Dream, centered around freedom. And it was mostly freedom from being influenced in ways you didn't want, by others. If you asked them to interact with you, or made a deal with them somehow, that's one thing. But you had the right to not have them in your face, or taking your stuff, if you didn't give them permission to.

For that reason, government was meant to be small, and oriented mostly around keeping other people out of your face. Both foreign people (diplomatic relations) and domestic people (police forces and courts to catch and prosecute lawbreakers, and to resolve disputes). If some other nation tried to attack you or invade, then the American government would swell to huge size as it dealt with that huge threat. And then it should shrink back down (sometimes a painful process, especially for those in government) to its former small size and stay out of your way. It also had a small role in setting various standards (weight, measures, money value etc.) so everyone could interact more easily when they wanted to.

The whole idea was that American people were responsible for their own fates. They worked and grew food, built houses, built vehicles and roads if they wanted to, and produced stuff they and other people wanted so they could consume and/or trade. And they looked out for each other, helped their neighbors or got help as needed.

And government didn't. That was the people's job, not government's.

The idea that government should take care of the people, is distinctly Un-American. And it is wrong. Because it simply doesn't work. It fails every time it's tried.

There are a growing number of people who don't see that. But their ignorance and misguided notions don't make it right. They push the notion of robbing Peter to pay Paul, by pointing out how much good it does for Paul. While glossing over the fact that it's grossly unfair to Peter, and eventually persuades Peter to stop producing or accumulating any wealth. And so the whole country slides downhill as a result.

Those people will also scream how much it would hurt Paul if the program were stopped. While still ignoring the fact that it's far more unfair to Peter to keep it going. Or they will say Peter deserved to be robbed for some reason. They are lying.

If you want to vote American, vote for government that stays small and out of people's faces. The country is the people, not the government.

And run away as fast as you can from people who say "Government is here to help you". It's not. Government is here to keep other people from hindering you. And that's the ONLY thing it's here for.
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I don't vote party, I vote for who will actually right the wrong that the middle class has been through the last 3-4 decades.
Of course there are other critical issues that concern me too, ie; the unbridled cost of healthcare, the US's foreign policy, the environment, domestic security without trampling our freedoms and just plain taking care of the US first.
It's too bad, that I feel that the GOP and Democratic parties are out of touch with a vast majority of Americans but that's the reality of the situation. And the hate between the two ideologies has created a weaker United States. Instead of pointing fingers at each other, they should be pointing fingers at themselves.
I don't vote party, I vote for who will actually right the wrong that the middle class has been through the last 3-4 decades.
Only the middle class? So you don't care if you screw everybody else?

Or have you convinced yourself that everybody else deserved the screwing you give them?
I don't vote party, I vote for who will actually right the wrong that the middle class has been through the last 3-4 decades.
Only the middle class? So you don't care if you screw everybody else?

Or have you convinced yourself that everybody else deserved the screwing you give them?

Please tell me who has been screwed over more than the working middle class.
I don't vote party, I vote for who will actually right the wrong that the middle class has been through the last 3-4 decades.
Only the middle class? So you don't care if you screw everybody else?

Or have you convinced yourself that everybody else deserved the screwing you give them?

Who in your mind, would get screwed over in order to stop the screwing over of the working middle class? Also, why would you think that?
[ This is a piece that I wrote on 6/11/2005. It still remains true today, especially considering the upcoming elections in 2016. ( edited version ) ]


Political affiliation and personal preference guide voters when choosing our policy makers. The right to vote, and have that vote counted, is one of the most important privileges of a free society. Way too often in America, citizens vote along party lines without actually looking at which candidate has the best plan. If someone has voted Republican all their lives, they usually vote Republican, even if they disagree with the general position their candidate takes on important issues. The same can be said for Democrats, as well as Independents and other political parties.

America needs voters that vote for America. We need to get away from party affiliations and vote for candidates that have the best plan for making America a military and economic super power. No one can claim that their party has done the most good for America, and that our problems are the fault of one particular party. Republicans and Democrats alike have contributed to the problems we face as a nation. Being loyal to one party or the other hasn’t, and never will solve the problems we face as a nation. On the other hand, being loyal to America, and voting for those having the best plan for America, is the only logical choice when choosing our representatives.

Before we vote, the most important things we can do is ask the tough questions, and demand straight answers. Politicians are masters at avoiding answering tough questions detailing plans. Job scared moderators on television repeatedly let politicians off the hook when given the opportunity to pin them down on tough issues. Moderators asking questions during candidate debates are equally as guilty of letting tough questions go unanswered. Smooth talking, silver-tongued politicians have conned many Americans into voting for them. If an issue is important to you, ask the tough questions until you get satisfactory answers.

Being a Liberal, a Moderate, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, Independent, Republican, or a Democrat doesn’t mean American loyalty. Labels can be put on anything, but it’s the actions and desire for fairness and justice that count in the end. Don’t label yourself anything other than American, and don’t vote for anyone labeled other than American. Your vote is important, as well as the future of your children and grand children. How will you vote? AMERICAN?

An American, is one who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres TO the principles that define America.

It is in this that we can know; as no less an authority than a mod on this very site recently noted:


And this is because: Nature precludes the means for one to SIMULTANEOUSLY adhere to BOTH the Thesis and the Antithesis.

It simply cannot be done.

So, your attempt to pretend that just being in the Americas, creates an America, is false.

There's no potential point of pride in the geography where one is present... the pride comes in the unapologetic adherence to and application of principles, which provide for the sustainable, viable pursuit of the fulfillment of one's life.
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There are a growing number of people who don't see that. But their ignorance and misguided notions don't make it right. They push the notion of robbing Peter to pay Paul, by pointing out how much good it does for Paul. While glossing over the fact that it's grossly unfair to Peter, and eventually persuades Peter to stop producing or accumulating any wealth. And so the whole country slides downhill as a result.
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul.
The only hard requirements I have for a Democrat to get my vote is that they be pro-life and not hostile to US security or interests. The only hard requirements I have for a Republican is that they aren't for abolishing welfare or starting wars we don't need to start. I've yet to vote.
The only hard requirements I have for a Democrat to get my vote is that they be pro-life and not hostile to US security or interests. The only hard requirements I have for a Republican is that they aren't for abolishing welfare or starting wars we don't need to start. I've yet to vote.

That's smart... Good for you!
[ This is a piece that I wrote on 6/11/2005. It still remains true today, especially considering the upcoming elections in 2016. ( edited version ) ]


Political affiliation and personal preference guide voters when choosing our policy makers. The right to vote, and have that vote counted, is one of the most important privileges of a free society. Way too often in America, citizens vote along party lines without actually looking at which candidate has the best plan. If someone has voted Republican all their lives, they usually vote Republican, even if they disagree with the general position their candidate takes on important issues. The same can be said for Democrats, as well as Independents and other political parties.

America needs voters that vote for America. We need to get away from party affiliations and vote for candidates that have the best plan for making America a military and economic super power. No one can claim that their party has done the most good for America, and that our problems are the fault of one particular party. Republicans and Democrats alike have contributed to the problems we face as a nation. Being loyal to one party or the other hasn’t, and never will solve the problems we face as a nation. On the other hand, being loyal to America, and voting for those having the best plan for America, is the only logical choice when choosing our representatives.

Before we vote, the most important things we can do is ask the tough questions, and demand straight answers. Politicians are masters at avoiding answering tough questions detailing plans. Job scared moderators on television repeatedly let politicians off the hook when given the opportunity to pin them down on tough issues. Moderators asking questions during candidate debates are equally as guilty of letting tough questions go unanswered. Smooth talking, silver-tongued politicians have conned many Americans into voting for them. If an issue is important to you, ask the tough questions until you get satisfactory answers.

Being a Liberal, a Moderate, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, Independent, Republican, or a Democrat doesn’t mean American loyalty. Labels can be put on anything, but it’s the actions and desire for fairness and justice that count in the end. Don’t label yourself anything other than American, and don’t vote for anyone labeled other than American. Your vote is important, as well as the future of your children and grand children. How will you vote? AMERICAN?

An American, is one who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres TO the principles that define America.

It is in this that we can know; as no less an authority than a mod on this very site recently noted:


And this is because: Nature precludes the means for one to SIMULTANEOUSLY adhere to BOTH the Thesis and the Antithesis.

It simply cannot be done.

So, your attempt to pretend that just being in the Americas, creates an America, is false.

There's no potential point of pride in the geography where one is present... the pride comes in the unapologetic adherence to and application of principles, which provide for the sustainable, viable pursuit of the fulfillment of one's life.
You're mistaken. I made no such attempt. You're assuming that I have made such an attempt. That's completely wrong. And, I have never ever said nor implied that living in the Americas make one an American. You're assuming way too much here. You're injecting points that are not present in the root article.
Sonny, I honestly think you need to make your points more concisely instead of blaming everybody else for not receiving them the way you intended. Often the point is vague and says not too much in a lot of words.
Sonny, I honestly think you need to make your points more concisely instead of blaming everybody else for not receiving them the way you intended. Often the point is vague and says not too much in a lot of words.
I appreciate your opinion, thanks.
Your vote is important, as well as the future of your children and grand children. How will you vote? AMERICAN?
I've voting Republican. No Democrat for major office has any where near my values. Libertarians serve only to give the opposite side the votes, a sign of mental illness.
a sign of mental illness
voting for either democrats or republicans.....yep....
I used to vote purely republican when I owned my business. Now, the republican party has been taken over the the tea party of which I simply cannot relate to. I feel left out and will either vote democrat or simply wont vote. But a vote for corporatist America to me is a threat to the middle and lower class of which I am one. From here on out its all about class, NOT about America. Both sides have turned it into that. Now they get what they asked for. If you ask me there is no such thing as American exceptionalism. That's long gone.
[ This is a piece that I wrote on 6/11/2005. It still remains true today, especially considering the upcoming elections in 2016. ( edited version ) ]


Political affiliation and personal preference guide voters when choosing our policy makers. The right to vote, and have that vote counted, is one of the most important privileges of a free society. Way too often in America, citizens vote along party lines without actually looking at which candidate has the best plan. If someone has voted Republican all their lives, they usually vote Republican, even if they disagree with the general position their candidate takes on important issues. The same can be said for Democrats, as well as Independents and other political parties.

America needs voters that vote for America. We need to get away from party affiliations and vote for candidates that have the best plan for making America a military and economic super power. No one can claim that their party has done the most good for America, and that our problems are the fault of one particular party. Republicans and Democrats alike have contributed to the problems we face as a nation. Being loyal to one party or the other hasn’t, and never will solve the problems we face as a nation. On the other hand, being loyal to America, and voting for those having the best plan for America, is the only logical choice when choosing our representatives.

Before we vote, the most important things we can do is ask the tough questions, and demand straight answers. Politicians are masters at avoiding answering tough questions detailing plans. Job scared moderators on television repeatedly let politicians off the hook when given the opportunity to pin them down on tough issues. Moderators asking questions during candidate debates are equally as guilty of letting tough questions go unanswered. Smooth talking, silver-tongued politicians have conned many Americans into voting for them. If an issue is important to you, ask the tough questions until you get satisfactory answers.

Being a Liberal, a Moderate, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, Independent, Republican, or a Democrat doesn’t mean American loyalty. Labels can be put on anything, but it’s the actions and desire for fairness and justice that count in the end. Don’t label yourself anything other than American, and don’t vote for anyone labeled other than American. Your vote is important, as well as the future of your children and grand children. How will you vote? AMERICAN?

I think many folks have completely lost track of this. There are parts of the union I'm ashamed to call American. But not a one of them I would die to protect, as they are in the end, my brothers and sisters.

And the sick shit I've read about 'liberals need to be put up against a wall and shot' or 'non-constitutionalists need to be eradicated' or inane babble about a so called 'civil war' is just a dramatic demonstration of this loss of perspective.
The only hard requirements I have for a Democrat to get my vote is that they be pro-life and not hostile to US security or interests. The only hard requirements I have for a Republican is that they aren't for abolishing welfare or starting wars we don't need to start. I've yet to vote.

Refusing to vote does nothing. Quite literally. Laws still get made. Policy is still enacted. You just don't get a say in it.

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