Reporter Tells Truth About Obama's Foreign Policy


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
You might remember Lara Logan. She was gang raped by the supposedly peaceful, democracy-seeking protesters during the Arab spring. The left didn't express outrage and the crime had minimal coverage. Lara has been covering wars for years now and she gave a speech recently that laid bare the truth about what is really going on. Unlike the Obama administration, she doesn't sugar-coat the truth about terrorists and the threat to America and our allies.

The taliban and al Qaeda are growing stronger and continue to pose a threat. To listen to Obama, you'd think all the evil ones are at the bottom of the sea and only the friendly ones remain. Couldn't be further from the truth and considering that the radicals hold the power, that makes them far more dangerous than before.

Reporter Lara Logan brings ominous news from Middle East

Reporter Lara Logan brings ominous news from Middle East - Chicago Sun-Times
Seems like republicans would love the president to continue the scare tactics of the Bush administration where the threat level stayed at brown all the time.
Pew now has Romney up nationally by 4%.

Starting to put the Obamanation in the rear-view mirror.

Too bad republicans and Al Qaeda are on the same side in wanting another tough talking cowboy running our foreign policy.
Pew now has Romney up nationally by 4%.

Starting to put the Obamanation in the rear-view mirror.

Too bad republicans and Al Qaeda are on the same side in wanting another tough talking cowboy running our foreign policy.

Considering that Mittens wants to do tax cuts and spin up wars in more places overseas, I'm pretty sure that AQ and the Taliban would be pretty happy.


Because we'd go broke, and that is one of the things that OBL wanted to do was hurt us financially.
I think al Qaeda and the taliban prefer the left to be in power. They know cowboys like to kick people asses when they attack our people.
Pew now has Romney up nationally by 4%.

Starting to put the Obamanation in the rear-view mirror.

Too bad republicans and Al Qaeda are on the same side in wanting another tough talking cowboy running our foreign policy.

Considering that Mittens wants to do tax cuts and spin up wars in more places overseas, I'm pretty sure that AQ and the Taliban would be pretty happy.


Because we'd go broke, and that is one of the things that OBL wanted to do was hurt us financially.

Oh yeah, an American president inflating their threat and prestige rather than just killing them with little comment was the best thing that ever happened to AQ.
I think al Qaeda and the taliban prefer the left to be in power. They know cowboys like to kick people asses when they attack our people.

Cowboys also like to make a lot of noise and scare their own citizens, make no mistake GWB created far more terrorists then he ever killed by trying to act like RR, he actually told them to "bring it on", taunting them like a fucking fool, this is the inspired leadership republicans crave. It is far better that terrorists die unremarked and unknown rather than becoming a lurid news story and eulogized by a president looking to scare his citizens into supporting him.
Too bad republicans and Al Qaeda are on the same side in wanting another tough talking cowboy running our foreign policy.

Considering that Mittens wants to do tax cuts and spin up wars in more places overseas, I'm pretty sure that AQ and the Taliban would be pretty happy.


Because we'd go broke, and that is one of the things that OBL wanted to do was hurt us financially.

Oh yeah, an American president inflating their threat and prestige rather than just killing them with little comment was the best thing that ever happened to AQ.

BBM Are fucking kidding me? Obama mentioned the killing of Osama countless times, it became part of his campaign theme, it was mentioned 21 times at the DNC convention (where they booed God and Israel) and now a damn movie is coming out about it. Wow, if that is what the left thinks is little comment, I guess we should we glad he didn't boast or it would probably be tattooed on our foreheads.
Seems like republicans would love the president to continue the scare tactics of the Bush administration where the threat level stayed at brown all the time.

Instead of making your defensive knee jerk comments, why don't you actually read the article?
Considering that Mittens wants to do tax cuts and spin up wars in more places overseas, I'm pretty sure that AQ and the Taliban would be pretty happy.


Because we'd go broke, and that is one of the things that OBL wanted to do was hurt us financially.

Oh yeah, an American president inflating their threat and prestige rather than just killing them with little comment was the best thing that ever happened to AQ.

BBM Are fucking kidding me? Obama mentioned the killing of Osama countless times, it became part of his campaign theme, it was mentioned 21 times at the DNC convention (where they booed God and Israel) and now a damn movie is coming out about it. Wow, if that is what the left thinks is little comment, I guess we should we glad he didn't boast or it would probably be tattooed on our foreheads.

Anyone would crow about that, otherwise, Obama has not made a big deal over killing more known AQ terrorists than Bush did and he has certainly not went in TV night after night spreading the terror at home. Is that what you a want? A return to the days when fear of terrorist attacks made all the republicans agree to the patriot act, the Iraq war and other horrible things we never needed.
Seems like republicans would love the president to continue the scare tactics of the Bush administration where the threat level stayed at brown all the time.

Instead of making your defensive knee jerk comments, why don't you actually read the article?

I read it, seems republicans want a much more propagandist war on terror and a uniformly confrontational policy on Islamic countries, what else is new?
It would seem that one of the perks of a Romney presidency will be that the news media might actually start... oh, I dunno... reporting the NEWS. :rolleyes:
They'll have more time to do it too, when they're not spending all their time trying to think of interesting ways to paper over Obama's incompetence.
Pew now has Romney up nationally by 4%.

Starting to put the Obamanation in the rear-view mirror.

Too bad republicans and Al Qaeda are on the same side in wanting another tough talking cowboy running our foreign policy.

Too bad liberals and Al Qaeda are on the same side in wanting the same idiot running our foreign policy, who is still pretending that Al Qaeda was destroyed when Bin Laden was killed.
Pew now has Romney up nationally by 4%.

Starting to put the Obamanation in the rear-view mirror.

Too bad republicans and Al Qaeda are on the same side in wanting another tough talking cowboy running our foreign policy.

Too bad liberals and Al Qaeda are on the same side in wanting the same idiot running our foreign policy, who is still pretending that Al Qaeda was destroyed when Bin Laden was killed.

I think you hate the president worse than AQ, how else do you explain detesting the guy who has exterminated more of those vermin than anyone else?
Romney promises to get us more involved in Syria. How about that all you who bashed Obama for Egypt and Libya?

Mitt Romney: The US must help Syrian rebels oust Assad

How about we just turn the entire middle east into a gigantic sand dune, and take all their oil? :badgrin:


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