Reporter asks Trump why grocery stores and restaurants are still open.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
A reporter found something else to badger Trump about. It seems Trump is putting us at risk by leaving grocery stores and restaurants open.

“There are grocery stores that are open, fast food places,” Jensen continued. “Why even take a little chance? Just shut it all down.”

“We’ll answer that question later,” Trump responded.

"Just shut it all down" doesn't sound like a question. I'm shocked that a White House reporter is trying to dictate policy to the President! :wink_2:
A reporter found something else to badger Trump about. It seems Trump is putting us at risk by leaving grocery stores and restaurants open.

“There are grocery stores that are open, fast food places,” Jensen continued. “Why even take a little chance? Just shut it all down.”

“We’ll answer that question later,” Trump responded.

What a DOOFUS.. what was this reporters name? Jeremiah Johnson?
A reporter found something else to badger Trump about. It seems Trump is putting us at risk by leaving grocery stores and restaurants open.

“There are grocery stores that are open, fast food places,” Jensen continued. “Why even take a little chance? Just shut it all down.”

“We’ll answer that question later,” Trump responded.

Yikes! Reporters like this one really ARE mindless sh*theads. Journalism really IS dead.....
A reporter found something else to badger Trump about. It seems Trump is putting us at risk by leaving grocery stores and restaurants open.

“There are grocery stores that are open, fast food places,” Jensen continued. “Why even take a little chance? Just shut it all down.”

“We’ll answer that question later,” Trump responded.

"Just shut it all down" doesn't sound like a question. I'm shocked that a White House reporter is trying to dictate policy to the President! :wink_2:

I'm not shocked at all, the reporter is from EWTN.

A reporter found something else to badger Trump about. It seems Trump is putting us at risk by leaving grocery stores and restaurants open.

“There are grocery stores that are open, fast food places,” Jensen continued. “Why even take a little chance? Just shut it all down.”

“We’ll answer that question later,” Trump responded.

I suppose we should go out and like Joe Biden, take that shotgun along with us so we can hunt wild turkeys. I got enough of those who roam the neighbor hood. This is all starting to make sense now.
A reporter found something else to badger Trump about. It seems Trump is putting us at risk by leaving grocery stores and restaurants open.

“There are grocery stores that are open, fast food places,” Jensen continued. “Why even take a little chance? Just shut it all down.”

“We’ll answer that question later,” Trump responded.

I suppose we should go out and like Joe Biden, take that shotgun along with us so we can hunt wild turkeys. I got enough of those who roam the neighbor hood. This is all starting to make sense now.

Like the last three times a Republican screwed up, you need a Democrat to fix the mess.
A reporter found something else to badger Trump about. It seems Trump is putting us at risk by leaving grocery stores and restaurants open.

“There are grocery stores that are open, fast food places,” Jensen continued. “Why even take a little chance? Just shut it all down.”

“We’ll answer that question later,” Trump responded.

What a DOOFUS.. what was this reporters name? Jeremiah Johnson?

Hell you don't need no store, just go out and git ya a griz!
Question is why are they even being invited to the press conference? Then you have to ask why is Trump even calling on them?
Well most restaurants appears to be just doing call in and drive in of the ones that I am aware of. Grocery stores well obviously you can't close grocery stores. I have notice more and more people wearing masks. They are also putting up glass or plastic at check out counter in some stores. Smaller stores are even started to limit the number of people in the store by locking the door and letting people in as people leave. Closing grocery stores is to draconian but then again most grocery stores are running low on basic items as panic grips the mindless and they start hording. This just causes problems for others who can't buy items because the store is out.

Still Trump should have answered the question instead of really saying "I do not know". Just explain it to the reporter but Trump gets into trouble when he opens his mouth. He could have said some of the things that stores are doing but it seems he not even aware of it. Does he not get briefed or does he easily forget.

I would bet reporters know that Trump will say something stupid and they will get a sound bite to report. So they ask question knowing he can't handle it. This time he kept quite. Is he learning something new here. Trump should let someone else do these appearances before the press. This pandemic is way over his head. Let the experts talk.
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Well most restaurants appears to be just doing call in and drive in of the ones that I am aware of. Grocery stores well obviously you can't close grocery stores. I have notice more and more people wearing masks. They are also putting up glass or plastic at check out counter in some stores. Smaller stores are even started to limit the number of people in the store by locking the door and letting people in as people leave. Closing grocery stores is to draconian but then again most grocery stores are running low on basic items as panic grips the mindless and they start hording. This just causes problems for others who can't buy items because the store is out.

Still Trump should have answered the question instead of really saying "I do not know". Just explain it to the reporter but Trump gets into trouble when he opens his mouth. He could have said some of the things that stores are doing but it seems he not even aware of it. Does he not get briefed or does he easily forget.

I would bet reporters know that Trump will say something stupid and they will get a sound bite to report. So they ask question knowing he can't handle it. This time he kept quite. Is he learning something new here. Trump should let someone else do these appearances before the press. This pandemic is way over his head. Let the experts talk.

I see the grocery stores doing fine. If anything the initial panic buying seems to be over. Mine even had my preferred brand of toilet paper, last time I was in.

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