Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice

What about descendants of black slave owners........ Would they pay or be paid? SMH
Most black slave owners purchased family members who were enslaved. Perhaps you do some research before you ask dumb questions.
Here we have a Korean bitch trying to talk about blacks. Meanwhile 75 percent of all Asians vote democrat. That's the same party that put them in interment camps. So why do Asians reject the republican party? For the same reason we blacks do. Racism. So a Korean sellout and coolie spewing tons of hot air is just a dumb ass wannabe white with low self esteems who hates herself for being Asian.

This mornings lesson


The major problem with the excuses is that America had every chance not to implement slavery. We are told how the so-called founders of this country created the way to end slavery when they wrote the constitution. Many will cite the fact they made the importation of slaves illegal by 1808 as evidence. But refusing to stop importing slaves did not end the slaving business in the United States. What it produced was an original American industry-slave breeding.

"During the fifty-three years from the prohibition of the African slave trade by federal law in 1808 to the debacle of the Confederate States of America in 1861, the Southern economy depended on the functioning of a slave-breeding industry, of which Virginia was the number-one supplier."

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry

You see, if America had continued to import slaves, it would have diluted the market thereby driving down the costs of slaves. Slave sellers could not have this. So instead of the truth, we are told that “our nearer to God than thee” founders in all their benevolent glory, looked towards a future whereby slavery would be no more. According to some, the so-called founders had a dream whereby little black boys and little black girls would no longer be enslaved because of the color of their skin. This is the story we are supposed to believe. However, reality does not show that.

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry

To be blunt, America had slave breeding “factories” where slaves were forced to breed. I call them factories but in most cases they are described as farms. These “farms” generally had at least a 2:1 female to male ratio. In some states, slave production was the number 1 industry. Virginia led the nation in slave production and PRESIDENT Thomas Jefferson was one of the main producers. The slave breeding industry has been hidden and left out of the annals of American history. This was done on purpose.

So when we talk about what the media doesn't cover or discuss relative to our history....

Let's continue.

Slaves worked for free. But that did not mean they had no value. Indeed, slaves were literally more valuable than gold. Ned & Constance Sublette wrote “The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry “ the following passage is from a blog titled “A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry in the United States,” by Jason Kottke who quotes from a Pacific Standard review of the book:

“By a conservative estimate, in 1860 the total value of American slaves was $4 billion, far more than the gold and silver then circulating nationally ($228.3 million, “most of it in the North,” the authors add), total currency ($435.4 million), and even the value of the South’s total farmland ($1.92 billion). Slaves were, to slavers, worth more than everything else they could imagine combined.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry

Slaves were worth more than the total currency plus all the farmland in the South combined yet did not receive a dime. As I write this America has 1.9 trillion dollars of total currency in circulation according to the federal reserve. In 1860 the total value of slaves was 17- and one-half times more than the money circulating in the economy. Giving todays amount of currency in circulation, the same equivalence in comparison to the value of slaves would make slaves worth 33,250,000,000,000 dollars. Remember that slaves were considered property. Because they were, the following activity could occur.

During slavery, more specifically during the 19th century, wealthy slaveowners looking for a way to get additional capital to buy more slaves came up with an idea- slave backed securities. Your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Slaveowners securitized slavery. Cornell professors Edward E. Baptist and Louis Hyman detailed how it was done in an article published by the Chicago Sun-Times on its website dated March 7, 2014. This is from the article:

In the 1830s, powerful Southern slaveowners wanted to import capital into their states so they could buy more slaves. They came up with a new, two-part idea: mortgaging slaves; and then turning the mortgages into bonds that could be marketed all over the world.

First, American planters organized new banks, usually in new states like Mississippi and Louisiana. Drawing up lists of slaves for collateral, the planters then mortgaged them to the banks they had created, enabling themselves to buy additional slaves to expand cotton production. To provide capital for those loans, the banks sold bonds to investors from around the globe — London, New York, Amsterdam, Paris. The bond buyers, many of whom lived in countries where slavery was illegal, didn’t own individual slaves — just bonds backed by their value. Planters’ mortgage payments paid the interest and the principle on these bond payments. Enslaved human beings had been, in modern financial lingo, “securitized.”

As slave-backed mortgages became paper bonds, everybody profited — except, obviously, enslaved African Americans whose forced labor repaid owners’ mortgages. But investors owed a piece of slave-earned income. Older slave states such as Maryland and Virginia sold slaves to the new cotton states, at securitization-inflated prices, resulting in slave asset bubble. Cotton factor firms like the now-defunct Lehman Brothers — founded in Alabama — became wildly successful. Lehman moved to Wall Street, and for all these firms, every transaction in slave-earned money flowing in and out of the U.S. earned Wall Street firms a fee.

The infant American financial industry nourished itself on profits taken from financing slave traders, cotton brokers and underwriting slave-backed bonds. But though slavery ended in 1865, in the years after the Civil War, black entrepreneurs would find themselves excluded from a financial system originally built on their bodies.

Edward E. Baptist and Louis Hyman, American Finance Grew on the Back of Slaves

American banks and financial services companies that have financed the growth of American business to this very day were built by slavery. So then the very jobs people work today are in existence because those same banks provided capital to white entreprenuers to start businesses.

According to the Sublettes, 400 to 500,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860 there were 4 million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860 the number of slaves increased by at least 1,000 percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for between 400 to 500 thousand slaves. What about the 3.5 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them. Whites did this through forced human breeding for business and for pleasure. “Africans sold each other into slavery”, says the racist. Not

“Again and again, African-American individuals and families have worked hard to produce wealth, but American finance, whether in the antebellum period or today, has snatched black wealth through bonds backed by asset securitization.”

Edward E. Baptist and Louis Hyman, American Finance Grew on the Back of Slaves

Here endeth the lesson.
Make the descendants of slave owners and the party who fought the idea of freeing the slaves pay.

Democrats would drop this idea quickly.

One particular organization is, if any are, responsible for the claimed plight of black Americans. And that organization is called the Democrat Party.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.
Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.
Who has damages? Black folks
Who is responsible for those damages? The Democrat Party
Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation? The Republican Party

Clearly, no Republicans should be responsible for paying reparations. In fact, the debt was paid off by the nation in the mid-nineteenth century.

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption

But.....if there is a fiduciary falls on the Democrats.
Now, for the accounting: Once the monetary figure due is determined, the voter rolls should be consulted, and the total number of registered Democrats should be divided into that dollar amount. And the bills sent.

How long before there’d be a massive Republican enrollment?

See how the Republican Party would grow and magnify?

“When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Proverbs 21:15
More retarded shit. The republican parry of today defends the same confederacy that held slaves, so if you want to make reparations about slavery, it's bipartisan. But that's what history shows us anyway since republicans tried making slavery constitutional when they tried passing the Corwin Amendment.

No vulgarity, no matter how you were brought up.

Adults only.
Most black slave owners purchased family members who were enslaved. Perhaps you do some research before you ask dumb questions.

Most eh? Who's the dumb one here?

Also, were the white slaves purchased because they were family members also?

The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America ...

Most Slaves In America Were White – Political Vel Craft

Make the descendants of slave owners and the party who fought the idea of freeing the slaves pay.

Democrats would drop this idea quickly.

One particular organization is, if any are, responsible for the claimed plight of black Americans. And that organization is called the Democrat Party.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.
Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.
Who has damages? Black folks
Who is responsible for those damages? The Democrat Party
Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation? The Republican Party

Clearly, no Republicans should be responsible for paying reparations. In fact, the debt was paid off by the nation in the mid-nineteenth century.

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption

But.....if there is a fiduciary falls on the Democrats.
Now, for the accounting: Once the monetary figure due is determined, the voter rolls should be consulted, and the total number of registered Democrats should be divided into that dollar amount. And the bills sent.

How long before there’d be a massive Republican enrollment?

See how the Republican Party would grow and magnify?

“When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Proverbs 21:15
More retarded shit. The republican parry of today defends the same confederacy that held slaves, so if you want to make reparations about slavery, it's bipartisan. But that's what history shows us anyway since republicans tried making slavery constitutional when they tried passing the Corwin Amendment.
Are these states still practicing slavery? What have they done that needs to be defended, vote Republican?

You are truly a special kind of idiot, you NAZI moron.

BTW, your hero Abraham Lincoln supported the Corwin Amendment.
Biden thinks black people are stupid. his disdain for minorities comes out everytime he candidly opens his mouth. they replaced the fake racist with a real racist!
If Reparations were to be enacted, I would spend my money exclusively with Honky vendors and look for stores that have strictly Honky employees.

The way I would figure is that the government is taking care of the blacks through reparations, so they won't have any money for whites, so we should stick together until this bill is paid.
Make the descendants of slave owners and the party who fought the idea of freeing the slaves pay.

Democrats would drop this idea quickly.

One particular organization is, if any are, responsible for the claimed plight of black Americans. And that organization is called the Democrat Party.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.
Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.
Who has damages? Black folks
Who is responsible for those damages? The Democrat Party
Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation? The Republican Party

Clearly, no Republicans should be responsible for paying reparations. In fact, the debt was paid off by the nation in the mid-nineteenth century.

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption

But.....if there is a fiduciary falls on the Democrats.
Now, for the accounting: Once the monetary figure due is determined, the voter rolls should be consulted, and the total number of registered Democrats should be divided into that dollar amount. And the bills sent.

How long before there’d be a massive Republican enrollment?

See how the Republican Party would grow and magnify?

“When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Proverbs 21:15
More retarded shit. The republican parry of today defends the same confederacy that held slaves, so if you want to make reparations about slavery, it's bipartisan. But that's what history shows us anyway since republicans tried making slavery constitutional when they tried passing the Corwin Amendment.

No vulgarity, no matter how you were brought up.

Adults only.
So, you're Asian?? You're really full-blown gone. The saddest thing is Martin and all those brave souls marched, were beaten and some killed so all minorities and women could be treated equally. I guess she, like alot of these "new" Americans forget that the same people that hate Blacks, hate them too. Unless of course they think and act like they want them too..
Biden thinks black people are stupid. his disdain for minorities comes out everytime he candidly opens his mouth. they replaced the fake racist with a real racist!
No thats your Orange Fuhrer. It really baffles me that all of the sudden you racist care about If Biden hates blacks or not, when you clearly do...
Were they raped against their will?
You're black, aren't you? LOL
I can tell you're white..and corny

I already said I was, your turn.

Roflmao, you came to this thread and are receiving a beat down. Know why? You're clueless and have zero knowledge about history

Best you run along
You couldn't beat down anything, clown. You're knowledge like most is edited to discriminate and discredit something or someone who is better than you...
From your sig picture I know you're, a hateful twit, that couldn't get a woman to save your life. So you spew hatred, mad because you're a undesirable bitch.
Calm down, we don't want you to be attacked by one of those racist heart attacks.
Make the descendants of slave owners and the party who fought the idea of freeing the slaves pay.

Democrats would drop this idea quickly.

One particular organization is, if any are, responsible for the claimed plight of black Americans. And that organization is called the Democrat Party.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.
Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.
Who has damages? Black folks
Who is responsible for those damages? The Democrat Party
Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation? The Republican Party

Clearly, no Republicans should be responsible for paying reparations. In fact, the debt was paid off by the nation in the mid-nineteenth century.

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption

But.....if there is a fiduciary falls on the Democrats.
Now, for the accounting: Once the monetary figure due is determined, the voter rolls should be consulted, and the total number of registered Democrats should be divided into that dollar amount. And the bills sent.

How long before there’d be a massive Republican enrollment?

See how the Republican Party would grow and magnify?

“When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Proverbs 21:15
Nobody's enrolling in the Republican party. Alot of the evil doers are old, or dead. More are leaving,
especially young people. This country is changing, because more people see the hypocrisy in Government on both sides. Some Republicans justify their's by love of country, when it's hate of everyone else.

I have your remedial lesson here.....please take notes so you sound the future.

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Knights of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens

14. No shared values, not an American party…they oppose free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one’s religion.

15. Recent development prove the Democrats to be, as well, the party of rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists.

Democrats: Bull Connor, George Wallace, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Al Gore, Sr., Bill Clinton….all racists, all Democrats.

Be sure to let me know if you find even a single error in this lesson....

....and when you can't.....figure out what that means.
You wrote a whole essay to explain your opinions? You're talking about the Democrats and their history, but you're describing present day Republican party.

I mean, Republicans sure rolled out the red carpet for the extremists..

"You wrote a whole essay to explain your opinions?"
No, you prove you as dumb as asphalt.
There are no opinions there.....they are all facts as you proved by being unable to dispute a single one.

"I mean, Republicans sure rolled out the red carpet for the extremists.."

Watch me rip you another new one.

There are no 'extremists' outside of the Democrat Party.

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

Watch me make you prove it:

As documented in a number of threads, there is no Far Right in America, but certainly is a Far Left, radicals who have taken over one of the parties….the Democrats. A reminder: To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Subservient to the master they serve, that fire and brimstone guy, the Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Talk about “Far”!!!!

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

Now, don't you wish you had a real education rather than the indoctrination of government schooling?
Real education? You're a brainwashed nitwit. You can't school me on anything! You're wrong opinions or your made up ones, don't mean a hill of beans to me. The Republicans or the party of Racists and the whole world sees and knows it. Those spineless twerps just want power.
As divisive as this is, it's unlikely to ever happen, but even if it were to move forward it's unconstitutional on its face.

Despite the enormity of the task behind the legislation known as H.R. 40 — named for the "40 acres and a mule" that has come to symbolize the post-Civil War government's failure to help formerly enslaved people — the bill has new political momentum since its last introduction in 2019, when the GOP controlled the White House and Senate. The nationwide protests last summer following George Floyd’s killing have raised public awareness of racial injustice and kick-started a national conversation that advocates for a reparations dialogue see as valuable.

I think it's a nod to the base...there are too many other contentious but critical issues facing us - Covid, Economy, Infrastructure, Immigration...that we need bipartisan support for.

How does this help with bipartisan voting?
Biden thinks black people are stupid. his disdain for minorities comes out everytime he candidly opens his mouth. they replaced the fake racist with a real racist!
No thats your Orange Fuhrer. It really baffles me that all of the sudden you racist care about If Biden hates blacks or not, when you clearly do...

The Fuhrer was a socialist, just like you and your party.

The difference between you Democrats and the actual Nazis is hardly 1° different.

Did you know that the Nazis claimed to have used the Democrat Party as its model?

It's a fact

  • 1. Know what else the Nazis learned from the Progressives/Democrats?

    “…history of laws against miscegenation—interracial marriage or procreation—in the United States.

    Under the influence of Darwinism, racial science and an associated eugenics movement emerged in the late nineteenth century, grew with the Progressive movement, peaked in the 1920s, and disappeared during World War II. (Its enthusiastic embrace by Hitler did not help it…” The Race Against Race

    “The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.”
    Adolph Hitler
    Untitled Document

  • 2. “At Nuremberg, the Nazis sought to preserve Nordic racial purity by outlawing racial intermarriage with Jews in much the same manner that Democratic anti-miscegenation laws outlawed racial intermarriage with blacks.” Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

    3. Guess were Adolph got the idea for sterilization of ‘undesirables’???
“…Hitler learned from progressive sterilization laws that had been enacted in America through the influence of activists like Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. “I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would in all probability be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.”

Hitler’s views—which closely parallel Sanger’s—provided the basis for the Nazi sterilization laws of 1933 which began by targeting “imbeciles” and the mentally retarded, and later expanded to cover Jews, gypsies, and other social undesirables.” Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

  • Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his “The Case for Sterilization.”
    (Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)

    German race science stood on American progressive’s shoulders.

  • 4. The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.
    In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’
“Let’s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.” Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

  • 5. From the LATimes:
“At a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes
Make the descendants of slave owners and the party who fought the idea of freeing the slaves pay.

Democrats would drop this idea quickly.

One particular organization is, if any are, responsible for the claimed plight of black Americans. And that organization is called the Democrat Party.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.
Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.
Who has damages? Black folks
Who is responsible for those damages? The Democrat Party
Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation? The Republican Party

Clearly, no Republicans should be responsible for paying reparations. In fact, the debt was paid off by the nation in the mid-nineteenth century.

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption

But.....if there is a fiduciary falls on the Democrats.
Now, for the accounting: Once the monetary figure due is determined, the voter rolls should be consulted, and the total number of registered Democrats should be divided into that dollar amount. And the bills sent.

How long before there’d be a massive Republican enrollment?

See how the Republican Party would grow and magnify?

“When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Proverbs 21:15
More retarded shit. The republican parry of today defends the same confederacy that held slaves, so if you want to make reparations about slavery, it's bipartisan. But that's what history shows us anyway since republicans tried making slavery constitutional when they tried passing the Corwin Amendment.

No vulgarity, no matter how you were brought up.

Adults only.
So, you're Asian?? You're really full-blown gone. The saddest thing is Martin and all those brave souls marched, were beaten and some killed so all minorities and women could be treated equally. I guess she, like alot of these "new" Americans forget that the same people that hate Blacks, hate them too. Unless of course they think and act like they want them too..
Yep she's a round trip ticket paying passenger on the crazy train. Not to be confused with the soul train, where good music was played. She loses every argument and tries to save herself by whining about vulgarity. There would be no vulgarity if this asian beyoooch quit pandering to white racists and concerned herself with fixing the racism Asians face instead of validating and enabling anti black racism with her ignorant, factless, long winded, internalized racism filled rants.
Biden thinks black people are stupid. his disdain for minorities comes out everytime he candidly opens his mouth. they replaced the fake racist with a real racist!
Why do you white motherfuckers think your punk asses get to speak for us? Trump was a real racist you stupid son of a bitch .

“Times have changed and the worst enemy that the Negro has today is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and claims to be calling out liberals. Following these white conservatives will continue perpetuating problems that Negros have. The Negro cannot be taken, tricked or deceived by the white conservatives, and must continue to get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in 21st Century America, the history of the white conservative has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal is the one with the problem. Our problems will never be solved by the white man, liberal or conservative.” -- Malcolm X, 2021
Most black slave owners purchased family members who were enslaved. Perhaps you do some research before you ask dumb questions.

Most eh? Who's the dumb one here?

Also, were the white slaves purchased because they were family members also?

The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America ...

Most Slaves In America Were White – Political Vel Craft

View attachment 461835
The history of white slaves in America is forgotten because there weren't any. Go do some research insted of posting shit from white supremacist websites.
If Reparations were to be enacted, I would spend my money exclusively with Honky vendors and look for stores that have strictly Honky employees.

The way I would figure is that the government is taking care of the blacks through reparations, so they won't have any money for whites, so we should stick together until this bill is paid.
I'm almost positive that you're doing that already. So, Don't worry you're money wouldn't be needed
  • Thanks
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