Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths

Oh fer Pete's sake. Stop with the bullshit already. People need to get back to work. If the old and feeble get sick that's their fault. They should have stayed home. But the young and strong need to get back to work. Every year the regular flu kills about 60,000 and no one bats an eye. But now that the lazy democrats think that they can stay home and collect, its their dream excuse.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths

Bertie the LOON strikes again. Hilarious!
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths

No, wisconsin has one of the lowest death totals in the united states.

Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths

No, wisconsin has one of the lowest death totals in the united states.

They are the 25th lowest.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


So your saying in two weeks time people have left their house. Bypassed the incubation period. Then subsequently died. All in 14 days?

You sir are an idiot.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


What makes you think that the CDC was wrong when they suggested a 2 week temporary lockdown, expressing the opinion that the number of infections won't be changed but the curve would flattened? Why would a reasonable person think that this virus can "be beat". Its an absurd idea on its face. BTW, 40 million or more people have already come down with a case of the coronas so far,based upon the death rate of 1/4% and 100,000 deaths. My own opinion is that its actually a lot less deadly than the CDC guessed and closer to 150 million have got the disease.
Oh fer Pete's sake. Stop with the bullshit already. People need to get back to work. If the old and feeble get sick that's their fault. They should have stayed home. But the young and strong need to get back to work. Every year the regular flu kills about 60,000 and no one bats an eye. But now that the lazy democrats think that they can stay home and collect, its their dream excuse.

Trump 2020- Granny was gonna Die Anyway!!!!

I live is badgerland...our economy is fully open with about a 25 percent participation rate co.pared to previrus by shoppers which is a good sign. Things are skyrocketing.
Oh fer Pete's sake. Stop with the bullshit already. People need to get back to work. If the old and feeble get sick that's their fault. They should have stayed home. But the young and strong need to get back to work. Every year the regular flu kills about 60,000 and no one bats an eye. But now that the lazy democrats think that they can stay home and collect, its their dream excuse.

Trump 2020- Granny was gonna Die Anyway!!!!

To quote the Bible "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment"

So that's true enough. But there is no proof that the lockdowns save anyone's life.

But it wasn't supposed to , the lockdowns were designed to "Flatten the curve" and spread out the illnesses a bit so the healthcare system wouldn't become overstressed.
Oh fer Pete's sake. Stop with the bullshit already. People need to get back to work. If the old and feeble get sick that's their fault. They should have stayed home. But the young and strong need to get back to work. Every year the regular flu kills about 60,000 and no one bats an eye. But now that the lazy democrats think that they can stay home and collect, its their dream excuse.

Trump 2020- Granny was gonna Die Anyway!!!!

To quote the Bible "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment"

So that's true enough. But there is no proof that the lockdowns save anyone's life.

But it wasn't supposed to , the lockdowns were designed to "Flatten the curve" and spread out the illnesses a bit so the healthcare system wouldn't become overstressed.
In could say it was a success--but it's time open it up and let it rip...If that is the will of the locals. If some states or areas choose a more conservative approach...that's their prerogative. Of course...there is the danger of a 'perfect storm' when flu season gets here..but people can address the polls, right? on fire, hair on fire! More people have it!

I wonder if the OP has ever figured out that MORE People have had it prior to the ruling and just didn't report it because it did not harm them?

Probably not. The fucking moron equates people getting covid-19 to all of them will die.
The ruling doesn’t MAKE people at risk leave their homes.

It allows those not at risk to leave their homes.

How do you lefties not get it?
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


Okay, a few preliminaries first.

If you cut-and-pasted that incoherent, morally-repugnant rant above, then you need to credit your source, or you're plagiarizing. If you actually wrote it yourself, then you are an evil, human-shaped ball of mucus from a diseased camel, and you should be aware of of that. Real humans know that that sort of glee over "I hoped people would die so I could be right, and THEY DID!" is repellent.

Now that I have addressed the deficiencies wrought by your shoddy upbringing, let's turn to the specifics of your cited article, versus your melodramatic and abhorrently pleased interpretation of it.

First of all, your linked article says that, on the 27th (the day of the record high that you're licking your disgusting chops over), there were 599 new reported cases; you said 642. The Wisconsin DHS website agrees with your article. Care to tell us where you got your number? Or do you not know, because you were so frantically cutting-and-pasting your triumphant find that you didn't bother to read it over?

To be continued . . .
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


Do you think Conservatives care if a couple hundred people die each day?

It is the trade off they made
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


Do you think Conservatives care if a couple hundred people die each day?

It is the trade off they made

Gee.....after a while it could look like....






Where people are dying like crazy.

The morons running those states are....wait for it.....democrats.

Fuck off.
Reopened For Only Two Weeks and Wisconsin Conservatives’ Court Victory Is Becoming a Death Sentence for Many

Wisconsin’s right-wingers were tickled pink when the conservative laden state supreme court ruled 4-3 to revoke the Democratic governor’s stay-at-home orders. However, those same right-wingers felt betrayed by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, believing his vote should have made the decision 5-2.

Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are elected to a ten-year term, and during his campaign Hagedorn warned voters he would not be guided by partisanship, but by the law as written, without fear or favor, in every case.

Hagedorn’s record as state supreme court justice is unique for a conservative, in that he has, so far, refused to knuckle under to party leaders’ demands, and instead, kept his campaign promise to base all decisions in the law as written, refusing to legislate from the bench.

But, the Republicans’ court victory comes at the cost expected by progressives. Two weeks to the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s “Safer at Home” order, a one-day record was set for new coronavirus cases, as 642 positive cases were identified in the past twenty four hours, bringing the total to 16,565 -- and increasing the number of currently active cases by more than ten percent.

Additionally, the day was the deadliest so far, as twenty two people succumbed to COVID-19 since this time Tuesday, bringing the total death toll to 539.

The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive also rose from 3.6% to 5.8% in the past twenty four hours.

The largest local increase in new cases today was in Milwaukee County, with 271 new cases and 21% of tests coming back positive.

Yes, Wisconsin conservatives’ court victory is becoming a death sentence for many, but those who die are not what is important. What is important, is progressives lost, proving conservatives have the constitutional right to spread this deadly disease to anyone they choose, anywhere.

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases, deaths


What a retard load of bullshit.

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