Rent moratorium question?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
The landlords weren't bailed out, were they? Guy's have mortgages. If they aren't bailed out, they're still on the hook for all the unpaid back rent. Congress approved like 50 billion dollars for states to parcel out. WTF? The Treasury under mUnchkin paid out billions to businesses that NEVER reopened.

If I'm a renter, I'm sure the back rent would be a bitch. But homeowners didn't get bailed out, did they? I know I kept paying my mortgage and helping my kid's rent even though our incomes took hits. The renters can't get a free lunch here. If there's no way for them to make up the back rent (and I suspect there is not) then the landlords have to get some help, if they haven't already.
It isn't only mortgages. There is no moratorium on property taxes. There is no relief from repairs. When something goes wrong these non rent paying tenants are still quick to call the landlord. The government is hoping that these landlords will eventually just abandon the properties. The government can then seize them and assign housing. Just like communist countries everywhere.
The moratorium was an unconstitutional overstep by the federal government and never should have happened. That aside, there are also far reaching consequences and ripple affects as a result of this type of interference that the government had no business weighing in on.
It isn't only mortgages. There is no moratorium on property taxes. There is no relief from repairs. When something goes wrong these non rent paying tenants are still quick to call the landlord. The government is hoping that these landlords will eventually just abandon the properties. The government can then seize them and assign housing. Just like communist countries everywhere.
It's not about communism. There was a valid reason to not have evictions. And even the gop stepped up to fund biz owners. But now we have people like AOC, who imo view landlords as the enemy.
Both mortgage holders and rent payers got moratoriums...renters and mortgage holders will be responsible for all back payments. (You are in good shape)

Mortgage holders usually have an option to refinance (so long as they are employed) the unpaid payments on their homes that have increased in value. (Roughly 20% over two years by national average)

When the moratoriums are ended (they kept kicking the end dates down the street) the shift is going to be dramatic.
It isn't only mortgages. There is no moratorium on property taxes. There is no relief from repairs. When something goes wrong these non rent paying tenants are still quick to call the landlord. The government is hoping that these landlords will eventually just abandon the properties. The government can then seize them and assign housing. Just like communist countries everywhere.
The bank will posses them long before the govt.
It's not about communism. There was a valid reason to not have evictions. And even the gop stepped up to fund biz owners. But now we have people like AOC, who imo view landlords as the enemy.

It’s all about fucking over property owners and having the banks and state take over ownership. Whether it’s the state(communism), or banks(fascism), the end result is the same: Americans get their property seized and elites prosper. The radical left don’t care how it happens, as long as the middle class is destroyed and everyone is equally worthless under the rule of the elites in power.
Some people always make the mistake of thinking all landlords are rich...they are not all rich....some make their 2nd home payments from paycheck to paycheck....not quite sure where their quarterly tax payment will come from....all this will do is force sales and a reduction of rental property....
Both mortgage holders and rent payers got moratoriums...renters and mortgage holders will be responsible for all back payments. (You are in good shape)

Mortgage holders usually have an option to refinance (so long as they are employed) the unpaid payments on their homes that have increased in value. (Roughly 20% over two years by national average)

When the moratoriums are ended (they kept kicking the end dates down the street) the shift is going to be dramatic.
Yeah, I suspect landlords are sorta similar to mortgage holders. I refinanced. I'd been avoiding it despite my higher interest rate because I didn't want to add years. But it worked out ok. I suspect landlords with mortgages can do the same, and pretty much fold in their uncollected back rents into their new principal. But the fed allocated money to take care of this, at least partially. And some states are just saying to hell with it, and letting the tenants get evicted. I agree that at some point this all has to end. And THERE ARE JOBs and no cost vaccinations. So people need to get back to work, like my family has done.

But I can't see the "good" in seeing people get evicted if there's federal money appropriated to let them stay in their apts and let landlords pay down their unpaid mortgages or refis. I guess that means renters get a better govt deal than I and other homeowners got, but I'm better with that than permanently expanding the child tax credits
The landlords weren't bailed out, were they? Guy's have mortgages. If they aren't bailed out, they're still on the hook for all the unpaid back rent. Congress approved like 50 billion dollars for states to parcel out. WTF? The Treasury under mUnchkin paid out billions to businesses that NEVER reopened.

If I'm a renter, I'm sure the back rent would be a bitch. But homeowners didn't get bailed out, did they? I know I kept paying my mortgage and helping my kid's rent even though our incomes took hits. The renters can't get a free lunch here. If there's no way for them to make up the back rent (and I suspect there is not) then the landlords have to get some help, if they haven't already.
The Biteme Biden admin failed to provide funds for landlords so many are hurting on their payments to the bank. Rentee's have had a full year to get off their ass and get a job in Biteme's "roaring" economy, yet like typical slaves of the Dems, just sat on their asses and let the clock run out. Fuck em, throw the bums out..

Black Rock is paying upwards of 25% over market value on properties.

Your politicians always had you in mind. Trust me.
Black Rock is a progressive organization...

Black Rock is a progressive organization...

Black Rock encompasses everything that is evil, and generally screwed up in our current system.
If the politicians intend to screw the landlords with a rent moratorium we need to screw the politicians with a salary and tax moratorium.
The landlords weren't bailed out, were they? Guy's have mortgages. If they aren't bailed out, they're still on the hook for all the unpaid back rent. Congress approved like 50 billion dollars for states to parcel out. WTF? The Treasury under mUnchkin paid out billions to businesses that NEVER reopened.

If I'm a renter, I'm sure the back rent would be a bitch. But homeowners didn't get bailed out, did they? I know I kept paying my mortgage and helping my kid's rent even though our incomes took hits. The renters can't get a free lunch here. If there's no way for them to make up the back rent (and I suspect there is not) then the landlords have to get some help, if they haven't already.
Right-wingers had a problem with the extra in unemployment compensation so individuals would be able to pay on their rents.
The landlords weren't bailed out, were they? Guy's have mortgages. If they aren't bailed out, they're still on the hook for all the unpaid back rent. Congress approved like 50 billion dollars for states to parcel out. WTF? The Treasury under mUnchkin paid out billions to businesses that NEVER reopened.

If I'm a renter, I'm sure the back rent would be a bitch. But homeowners didn't get bailed out, did they? I know I kept paying my mortgage and helping my kid's rent even though our incomes took hits. The renters can't get a free lunch here. If there's no way for them to make up the back rent (and I suspect there is not) then the landlords have to get some help, if they haven't already.
Ya they were bailed with 50 billon in funds for rent and 5 billion in utilities as well as forbearance. Basically allowing those payments to go to back end of the loan.
They could have if it were consistent.
I would not have been using my stimulus checks to pay rent if there was a moritorium on eviction. Even now I wouldn't use my savings to pay back rent. Evict my ass, and I'll rent elswhere. Better yet, evict my ass and give me the shot, and I'll rent elsewhere with my new job income.

I think renters got a better deal with the stimulus than homeowners and even landlords who refinanced and folded in missed payments.

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