Renaming Climate Change: Can a New Name Finally Make Us Take Action?


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.

As a professional namer, I create names for companies, products and services. After the global climate strike this past September, I found myself thinking about the terms “climate change” and “global warming.” Are these scientific terms too neutral? Do they do enough to grab attention and inspire people to take action?


Scorched Earth
It's time to take the gloves off and stop pretending. Sometimes a brand name needs to be hyperbolic to truly capture hearts and minds. If we don’t take massive action now, Earth will be uninhabitable -- an irreversible barren wasteland. Plants and animals will die. Humans won’t be able to survive extreme weather like floods, droughts and fires. If we don’t change, we won’t even be able to spend time outside. "Scorched Earth" paints the direst picture of what’s to come and what we must avoid and is likely the edgiest brand name from our exploration.
In other words:

"How can we best emotionally manipulate you into doing what we want?"

Emotionally-driven people will fall for it.

Rational people will not.
The oligarchy is beyond rational thinking, they will trash the planet like they did Europe and attempt to manifest destiny their way into space.
I see the sea levels rising.
I see taxes on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightnin'.
I see weird times today.

Go Cow down or fight
But it's bound to poon your life,
There's a world of climate lies....

I hear partisans a blowing.
I know the oilman's scheming tune
I fear coffers over flowing.
I hear the voice of green buffoons...

Go Cow down or fight
But it's bound to poon your life,
There's a world of climate lies....

All right!

Hope you got your hvac together.
Hope you are quite prepared to fry.
Looks like those led's sell whether.
Our lies are quantified.....

~S~ {w/apologies to CCR)
Maybe if we just told everyone it was going to kill us all in 30 years....

Oh wait....

20... years....

Oh wait....

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