Religion - Mockery - Protest

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
[ This is an edited version of a piece that I wrote on 2/8/2006. In my opinion, it's as applicable now as it was 9 years ago. ]

Religion - Mockery - Protest

Exercising the right of free speech doesn’t always exercise “RIGHT”. While some are amused when we put to print those illustrations poking fun at certain groups, people, places, or events, others are offended, and rightfully so. The sensitivity of religious groups should always be respected whether we agree with the teaching of a group or not.

When we use mockery of a religion to drive a point home, we’re violating the common sense rules of human behavior. Those insulted should speak out against such insensitive and unethical acts. Though violent and criminal protest by those offended is just as wrong as the act which caused the protest, the justification for protest can’t be denied.

Allowing and condoning disrespect aimed at a religion should always be severely punished, else to say that we’re civil, moral, and ethical, is a falsehood. We can’t hold our heads up while looking down on a person’s faith or religious beliefs.

The association made in reference to religions tied to horrible acts has been common place for several years now. This especially applies to those religions dominant in the Middle East. While it’s true that horrible acts have been committed in the name of certain religions, not all members of those religions condone such acts. We must respect those that peacefully practice their faith, just as we would expect the same considerations regarding our own religious practices.
Allowing and condoning disrespect aimed at a religion should always be severely punished, else to say that we’re civil, moral, and ethical, is a falsehood. We can’t hold our heads up while looking down on a person’s faith or religious beliefs.

As a man of faith, I could not disagree with you more. Each person has the freedom to practice their religion. We all have the freedom to tell others about our religion. They have the freedom to tell us to shove it up our ass. To say that disrespecting a religion should be punished is unfathomable to me. That's the exact mentality of Islamic extremists who kill people for mocking Muhammad.
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Allowing and condoning disrespect aimed at a religion should always be severely punished, else to say that we’re civil, moral, and ethical, is a falsehood. We can’t hold our heads up while looking down on a person’s faith or religious beliefs.

As a man of faith, I could not disagree with you more. Each person has the freedom to practice their religion. We all have the freedom to tell others about our religion. They have the freedom to tell us to shove it up our ass. To say that disrespecting a religion should be punished is unfathomable to me. That's the exact mentality of Islamic extremists who kill people for mocking Muhammad.
Well, maybe the word "punished" is a little strong. But, it should never be condoned. Extremists have been proven to me exceptions. What they do is not religious in the same sense that religion is normally thought to be. Sure, I agree, we have the right, and obligation, to tell others about our faith and religion. I never ever said nor implied differently. The terrorists that claim religious beliefs as excuses to justify their terrible and horrible acts, are not practicing a religion as such, but using the word religion to justify inhumane and barbaric acts. Those people are not what was intended nor meant to express in the article. Yes, you're absolutely correct in that everyone has the right to practice their faith and religion, I never said nor implied any differently.
Allowing and condoning disrespect aimed at a religion should always be severely punished, else to say that we’re civil, moral, and ethical, is a falsehood. We can’t hold our heads up while looking down on a person’s faith or religious beliefs.

As a man of faith, I could not disagree with you more. Each person has the freedom to practice their religion. We all have the freedom to tell others about our religion. They have the freedom to tell us to shove it up our ass. To say that disrespecting a religion should be punished is unfathomable to me. That's the exact mentality of Islamic extremists who kill people for mocking Muhammad.

I believe Sonny Clark is a Catholic. It's ingrained into their thinking. Punish anyone who disrespects Catholicism. Especially when they go to Catholic schools, colleges, universities that have Jesuits teaching them. The Jesuits have taken an oath to "punish" all who resist the authority of their Pope and all who refuse to acknowledge the Roman Institution as the "one true faith" and "The Church"..( it's a cult not a church). The Black pope - the Jesuit General is their god. The White Pope poses as the one who speaks "FOR God" and he gets his scripts from the black Pope. It's quite a set up.
Well, maybe the word "punished" is a little strong. But, it should never be condoned.

Well I think people of faith should defend their faith. I don't think they should just take someone's BS and not respond. What I don't endorse is retaliation. I think society "over-punishes" as it is. In the state of things right now, a person can lose their entire livelihood just because they said something that pissed off someone else. That's BS. Disagreement often creates advancement.

I agree on the rest
Allowing and condoning disrespect aimed at a religion should always be severely punished, else to say that we’re civil, moral, and ethical, is a falsehood. We can’t hold our heads up while looking down on a person’s faith or religious beliefs.

As a man of faith, I could not disagree with you more. Each person has the freedom to practice their religion. We all have the freedom to tell others about our religion. They have the freedom to tell us to shove it up our ass. To say that disrespecting a religion should be punished is unfathomable to me. That's the exact mentality of Islamic extremists who kill people for mocking Muhammad.
Well, maybe the word "punished" is a little strong. But, it should never be condoned. Extremists have been proven to me exceptions. What they do is not religious in the same sense that religion is normally thought to be. Sure, I agree, we have the right, and obligation, to tell others about our faith and religion. I never ever said nor implied differently. The terrorists that claim religious beliefs as excuses to justify their terrible and horrible acts, are not practicing a religion as such, but using the word religion to justify inhumane and barbaric acts. Those people are not what was intended nor meant to express in the article. Yes, you're absolutely correct in that everyone has the right to practice their faith and religion, I never said nor implied any differently.

Nah. You had it right the first time. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, Sonny. You're selling interfaithism here - with the Roman Vatican ruling as king of the mountain. They are looking to deceive the entire world this time so they can get them on board with their inquisitions part two - hunting down Protestants that resist their demand to submit to the anti- Christ Pope. Your agenda is crystal clear.
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Allowing and condoning disrespect aimed at a religion should always be severely punished, else to say that we’re civil, moral, and ethical, is a falsehood. We can’t hold our heads up while looking down on a person’s faith or religious beliefs.

As a man of faith, I could not disagree with you more. Each person has the freedom to practice their religion. We all have the freedom to tell others about our religion. They have the freedom to tell us to shove it up our ass. To say that disrespecting a religion should be punished is unfathomable to me. That's the exact mentality of Islamic extremists who kill people for mocking Muhammad.

I believe Sonny Clark is a Catholic. It's ingrained into their thinking. Punish anyone who disrespects Catholicism. Especially when they go to Catholic schools, colleges, universities that have Jesuits teaching them. The Jesuits have taken an oath to "punish" all who resist the authority of their Pope and all who refuse to acknowledge the Roman Institution as the "one true faith" and "The Church"..( it's a cult not a church). The Black pope - the Jesuit General is their god. The White Pope poses as the one who speaks "FOR God" and he gets his scripts from the black Pope. It's quite a set up.
WRONG !!!! -- I am NOT a Catholic in any sense of the word. I was raised a Southern Baptist in the great state of Alabama. I do NOT agree with the Catholic religion, period.
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Well, maybe the word "punished" is a little strong. But, it should never be condoned.

Well I think people of faith should defend their faith. I don't think they should just take someone's BS and not respond. What I don't endorse is retaliation. I think society "over-punishes" as it is. In the state of things right now, a person can lose their entire livelihood just because they said something that pissed off someone else. That's BS. Disagreement often creates advancement.

I agree on the rest
I do NOT condone violence, nor approve of attacking someone based on their religious beliefs. Everyone has the right to believe as they wish, no exceptions. I'm a firm believer in freedom of religion. Yes, I agree, society punished us every single day, and I have being saying that for many years now. I also agree that that some are unjustly punished for saying something that offended another. Again, I have said that same thing many times in the past.
Do you know how many Jesuit trained Catholics have infiltrated the Southern Baptist Church thus far? Who call themselves Baptists? Christians? Estimates could be as high as Jim Jones - the Jesuit trained infitrator who posed as a Christian in order to destroy the Protestants reputations and the name of Christianity.

Someone claiming to be a Southern Baptist means nothing. See the Alberto Rivera series by Jack Chick publications. The Catholic Jesuits are trained liars.
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Well, maybe the word "punished" is a little strong. But, it should never be condoned.

Well I think people of faith should defend their faith. I don't think they should just take someone's BS and not respond. What I don't endorse is retaliation. I think society "over-punishes" as it is. In the state of things right now, a person can lose their entire livelihood just because they said something that pissed off someone else. That's BS. Disagreement often creates advancement.

I agree on the rest
I do NOT condone violence, nor approve of attacking someone based on their religious beliefs. Everyone has the right to believe as they wish, no exceptions. I'm a firm believer in freedom of religion. Yes, I agree, society punished us every single day, and I have being saying that for many years now. I also agree that that some are unjustly punished for saying something that offended another. Again, I have said that same thing many times in the past.

I am not saying you do condone violence. I am just saying that when you start punishing people for speaking out against religion you are opening a very dangerous door. In some cases, extreme cases, that can result in oppression. Take Guno, posting above. Personally, I think the opinions he expresses regarding religion are rather obtuse, and I rarely see him offer much to a conversation that has much substantive value...BUT...I completely defend his right to say whatever he wants.
Allowing and condoning disrespect aimed at a religion should always be severely punished, else to say that we’re civil, moral, and ethical, is a falsehood. We can’t hold our heads up while looking down on a person’s faith or religious beliefs.

As a man of faith, I could not disagree with you more. Each person has the freedom to practice their religion. We all have the freedom to tell others about our religion. They have the freedom to tell us to shove it up our ass. To say that disrespecting a religion should be punished is unfathomable to me. That's the exact mentality of Islamic extremists who kill people for mocking Muhammad.
Well, maybe the word "punished" is a little strong. But, it should never be condoned. Extremists have been proven to me exceptions. What they do is not religious in the same sense that religion is normally thought to be. Sure, I agree, we have the right, and obligation, to tell others about our faith and religion. I never ever said nor implied differently. The terrorists that claim religious beliefs as excuses to justify their terrible and horrible acts, are not practicing a religion as such, but using the word religion to justify inhumane and barbaric acts. Those people are not what was intended nor meant to express in the article. Yes, you're absolutely correct in that everyone has the right to practice their faith and religion, I never said nor implied any differently.

Nah. You had it right the first time. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, Sonny. You're selling interfaithism here - with the Roman Vatican ruling as king of the mountain. They are looking to deceive the entire world this time so they can get them on board with their inquisitions part two - hunting down Protestants that resist their demand to submit to the anti- Christ Pope. Your agenda is crystal clear.
Whether I was right the first time around doesn't matter. It's the body of the message that was intended to stir thought. I'm NOT selling anything. I'm expressing what I believe to be ethical, moral, and civil common sense. Also, I wasn't speaking to the Catholic church alone, but to religion as a whole, inclusive. I do NOT approve of the Catholic religion, but I respect the rights of those that do. I do NOT condemn based on a person's religious beliefs. I respect the right to worship and belief as one sees fit.
Well, maybe the word "punished" is a little strong. But, it should never be condoned.

Well I think people of faith should defend their faith. I don't think they should just take someone's BS and not respond. What I don't endorse is retaliation. I think society "over-punishes" as it is. In the state of things right now, a person can lose their entire livelihood just because they said something that pissed off someone else. That's BS. Disagreement often creates advancement.

I agree on the rest
I do NOT condone violence, nor approve of attacking someone based on their religious beliefs. Everyone has the right to believe as they wish, no exceptions. I'm a firm believer in freedom of religion. Yes, I agree, society punished us every single day, and I have being saying that for many years now. I also agree that that some are unjustly punished for saying something that offended another. Again, I have said that same thing many times in the past.

I am not saying you do condone violence. I am just saying that when you start punishing people for speaking out against religion you are opening a very dangerous door. In some cases, extreme cases, that can result in oppression. Take Guno, posting above. Personally, I think the opinions he expresses regarding religion are rather obtuse, and I rarely see him offer much to a conversation that has much substantive value...BUT...I completely defend his right to say whatever he wants.
I understand what you mean. As I stated before, maybe "punished" is too strong of a word. Maybe not punished in the sense of fines or jail, but certainly shamed and ridiculed. One's faith is a personal matter, and should be respected as such.
Well, maybe the word "punished" is a little strong. But, it should never be condoned.

Well I think people of faith should defend their faith. I don't think they should just take someone's BS and not respond. What I don't endorse is retaliation. I think society "over-punishes" as it is. In the state of things right now, a person can lose their entire livelihood just because they said something that pissed off someone else. That's BS. Disagreement often creates advancement.

I agree on the rest
I do NOT condone violence, nor approve of attacking someone based on their religious beliefs. Everyone has the right to believe as they wish, no exceptions. I'm a firm believer in freedom of religion. Yes, I agree, society punished us every single day, and I have being saying that for many years now. I also agree that that some are unjustly punished for saying something that offended another. Again, I have said that same thing many times in the past.

I am not saying you do condone violence. I am just saying that when you start punishing people for speaking out against religion you are opening a very dangerous door. In some cases, extreme cases, that can result in oppression. Take Guno, posting above. Personally, I think the opinions he expresses regarding religion are rather obtuse, and I rarely see him offer much to a conversation that has much substantive value...BUT...I completely defend his right to say whatever he wants.

Two things, Phantom. Jesus said, Ye shall know them by their fruits.

The Roman Catholics have a history of "punishing" all who do not submit to the Roman Vatican - to the Roman Vatican and Jesuits everyone who is not a Catholic is a heretic and deserving of death.

The oath the Jesuits take vows total obedience to the Jesuit General - the Black pope - and to infiltrate every denomination of Protestant Church in order to destroy the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their speciality is lies, deception, pretending to be a Christian. That is how they operate. But still............

Out of the abundance of the heart. The mouth speaks. The devil always overplays his hand. All you have to do is wait and watch.
Do you know how many Jesuit trained Catholics have infiltrated the Southern Baptist Church thus far? Who call themselves Baptists? Christians? Estimates could be as high as Jim Jones - the Jesuit trained infitrator who posed as a Christian in order to destroy the Protestants reputations and the name of Christianity.

Someone claiming to be a Southern Baptist means nothing. See the Alberto Rivera series by Jack Chick publications. The Catholic Jesuits are trained liars.
I said that I was raised a Southern Baptist, and NOT that I am a Southern Baptist. I am a Christian without a church. I believe in GOD and Jesus Christ as my savior. I do NOT associate myself with any church.
Two things, Phantom. Jesus said, Ye shall know them by their fruits.

The Roman Catholics have a history of "punishing" all who do not submit to the Roman Vatican - to the Roman Vatican and Jesuits everyone who is not a Catholic is a heretic and deserving of death.

The oath the Jesuits take vows total obedience to the Jesuit General - the Black pope - and to infiltrate every denomination of Protestant Church in order to destroy the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their speciality is lies, deception, pretending to be a Christian. That is how they operate. But still............

Out of the abundance of the heart. The mouth speaks. The devil always overplays his hand. All you have to do is wait and watch.

Thanks for the education. That's sarcasm by the way. You really have a hard on for the Jesuits, huh?
[ This is an edited version of a piece that I wrote on 2/8/2006. In my opinion, it's as applicable now as it was 9 years ago. ]

Religion - Mockery - Protest

Exercising the right of free speech doesn’t always exercise “RIGHT”. While some are amused when we put to print those illustrations poking fun at certain groups, people, places, or events, others are offended, and rightfully so. The sensitivity of religious groups should always be respected whether we agree with the teaching of a group or not.

When we use mockery of a religion to drive a point home, we’re violating the common sense rules of human behavior. Those insulted should speak out against such insensitive and unethical acts. Though violent and criminal protest by those offended is just as wrong as the act which caused the protest, the justification for protest can’t be denied.

Allowing and condoning disrespect aimed at a religion should always be severely punished, else to say that we’re civil, moral, and ethical, is a falsehood. We can’t hold our heads up while looking down on a person’s faith or religious beliefs.

The association made in reference to religions tied to horrible acts has been common place for several years now. This especially applies to those religions dominant in the Middle East. While it’s true that horrible acts have been committed in the name of certain religions, not all members of those religions condone such acts. We must respect those that peacefully practice their faith, just as we would expect the same considerations regarding our own religious practices.
When a ridiculous idea is spread and takes hold of a society and this idea is the justification for thinking and doing wrong it is our responsibility to point out why it is a ridiculous idea.
Do you know how many Jesuit trained Catholics have infiltrated the Southern Baptist Church thus far? Who call themselves Baptists? Christians? Estimates could be as high as Jim Jones - the Jesuit trained infitrator who posed as a Christian in order to destroy the Protestants reputations and the name of Christianity.

Someone claiming to be a Southern Baptist means nothing. See the Alberto Rivera series by Jack Chick publications. The Catholic Jesuits are trained liars.
I said that I was raised a Southern Baptist, and NOT that I am a Southern Baptist. I am a Christian without a church. I believe in GOD and Jesus Christ as my savior. I do NOT associate myself with any church.
What is it you dont like about churches?
Allowing and condoning disrespect aimed at a religion should always be severely punished, else to say that we’re civil, moral, and ethical, is a falsehood. We can’t hold our heads up while looking down on a person’s faith or religious beliefs.

As a man of faith, I could not disagree with you more. Each person has the freedom to practice their religion. We all have the freedom to tell others about our religion. They have the freedom to tell us to shove it up our ass. To say that disrespecting a religion should be punished is unfathomable to me. That's the exact mentality of Islamic extremists who kill people for mocking Muhammad.
Well, maybe the word "punished" is a little strong. But, it should never be condoned. Extremists have been proven to me exceptions. What they do is not religious in the same sense that religion is normally thought to be. Sure, I agree, we have the right, and obligation, to tell others about our faith and religion. I never ever said nor implied differently. The terrorists that claim religious beliefs as excuses to justify their terrible and horrible acts, are not practicing a religion as such, but using the word religion to justify inhumane and barbaric acts. Those people are not what was intended nor meant to express in the article. Yes, you're absolutely correct in that everyone has the right to practice their faith and religion, I never said nor implied any differently.
What about us athiests? We feel its important to make people realize that there is no god. Mocking the impossible stories in your holy book is part of our schtick. I mean the Joseph smith stories? Did you see southparks Mormon episode? If not youtube it.

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