Released Gitmo prisoners return to evil ways


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
WASHINGTON — More than 100 prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay went right back to being terrorists when they got out, according to a new report.

Out of 647 detainees who were released, 116 — or 18 percent — have been confirmed as “re-engaging” in terrorism, according to the report by the Director of National Intelligence.

Of those, 25 are dead and 23 are back behind bars.

Another 11 percent of those released are “suspected” of re-engaging in their jihadi ways, according to the annual summary that is required by Congress.

The trend is likely to continue, even as President Obama works to clear out the prison he has vowed to close.

The report predicts that prisoners still in custody will follow a similar path when they get out.

“Based on trends identified during the past eleven years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred,” said the report.

Transfers to countries with ongoing conflicts and internal instability as well as active recruitment by insurgent and terrorist organizations pose particular problems.”

The government also expects the Gitmo goons to keep in touch with each other after they’re freed.

“Former GTMO detainees routinely communicate with each other, families of other former detainees, and previous associates who are members of terrorist organizations,” the report found.

“The reasons for communication span from the mundane (reminiscing about shared experiences) to the nefarious (planning terrorist operations).”

Last month, US forces in Afghanistan killed a jihadi who had been released from Gitmo in 2007 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

The recidivism rate has actually improved over time.

During the administration of President George W. Bush, who opened the facility in 2002, the rate was 21 percent.

The rate during the Obama administration has been 5 percent.

Obama in his State of the Union Address vowed to keep pushing prisoners out the door, citing incarceration costs of $3 million a year per prisoner.

“Since I’ve been president, we’ve worked responsibly to cut the population of Gitmo in half. Now it is time to finish the job,” he said in January.

Last month, the administration dispatched prisoners to Oman and Estonia.

An estimated 122 remain.

Last year, the administration identified 12 former detainees — six released under Bush and six under Obama — who were back fighting against the US and Western interests.
Released Gitmo prisoners return to evil ways report New York Post


Bravo Mr President!! From we the people! Bravo!!!!
Gee, you mean incarceration doesn't rehabilitate offenders? I'm shocked.
Rehabilitation has pretty well been proven to by a myth.

Rehab idea came about long ago when US prisons had deporable, 3rd world type conditions. "Let's actually rehabilitate offenders" someone suggested. So they tried that. Prison conditions got better, deterrence to prison lessened, crime rates soared, and now we're stuck with a system that for some offenders has better living conditions incarcerated than they had free.
After all we did for them they return to terrorism?

Where is their loyalty?
This is what happens when you invade someone's country,rape,murder,steal etc and then lock them up after all that...of course it turns them into freedom fighters..shall we remember WHO started 2 wars in the ME? Yes your buddy BUSH.
It may have been helpful if the Bush administration had gathered evidence, pressed charges and tried these men in a court of law rather than just lock them up and throw away the key
Aaaaaand the fucking left blame boooosh for the dirtbags being released. You think they think there were never terror attacks before booooooosh?

How fucking pathetic are they? Honestly, if they all fucking caught on fire, I would laugh.

Not kidding.
The left wants to treat these guys with respect and dignity using the code of law...
These terrorists will kill babies for fun and laugh at it.
Yeah lets be the good guys and follow the rules because ISIS and their buddies do the same...

How naive.
Its not nearly as bad as I thought it would be....

under Bush 21% returned to fighting and terrorism again.


under Obama only 5% have returned to fighting and terrorism.

18% with both presidencies combined.

That means 82% have NOT returned to terrorism.

That's pretty darn good in my book.

And CERTAINLY NOT statistics that support what Sassy recommended which is that we should have just killed them ALL.... sheesh Sassy
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It was obvious that by closing Guantanamo, Obama will reach only another 9\11. These people were terrorists since the beginning of their lives and everybody understand(except few couples of HRA's)that they will become terrorists again!
The left wants to treat these guys with respect and dignity using the code of law...
These terrorists will kill babies for fun and laugh at it.
Yeah lets be the good guys and follow the rules because ISIS and their buddies do the same...

How naive.

Then let's bring evidence that they are killing babies for fun and prosecute them. Locking someone up for what you claim they might do is contrary to the principles this nation was founded on
This is what happens when you invade someone's country,rape,murder,steal etc and then lock them up after all that...of course it turns them into freedom fighters..shall we remember WHO started 2 wars in the ME? Yes your buddy BUSH.
And Obama successfully ended one, before he screwed it up again.
This is what happens when you invade someone's country,rape,murder,steal etc and then lock them up after all that...of course it turns them into freedom fighters..shall we remember WHO started 2 wars in the ME? Yes your buddy BUSH.
And Obama successfully ended one, before he screwed it up again.
How did Obama screw up ANY war?
He ended the Iraq war successfully, then didn't listen to his advisors and let Iraq go to crap. Letting all those soldiers to die in vain.

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