Relatives with extreme political views


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
How are you dealing with them?

I had a major blow out in August of 2020 with my peeps. Like.............stand up in each other's face. Things became gradually worse over time and plans for the holidays were cancelled. They leave right before Thanksgiving and returned at the end of January. So, this last weekend I got a phone call and I apologized for my part in this debacle because I am not sure that I could live with myself if I didn't try to make amends and either of them passed away. Honestly, I made amends with one but not the other (really) and that one was a bit lacking.

But, what does she do? Launch into another commentary on the political leanings of another relative.

But, I will have to go down next month. I don't want to. I have to do it. I just don't know if I can keep my mouth shut and for how long. I have tried reciting that I love these people over and over.
How are you dealing with them?

I had a major blow out in August of 2020 with my peeps. Like.............stand up in each other's face. Things became gradually worse over time and plans for the holidays were cancelled. They leave right before Thanksgiving and returned at the end of January. So, this last weekend I got a phone call and I apologized for my part in this debacle because I am not sure that I could live with myself if I didn't try to make amends and either of them passed away. Honestly, I made amends with one but not the other (really) and that one was a bit lacking.

But, what does she do? Launch into another commentary on the political leanings of another relative.

But, I will have to go down next month. I don't want to. But, I have to do it. I just don't know if I can keep my mouth shut and for how long. I have tried reciting that I love these people over and over.

Just smile and change the subject.. over and over again if you have to.
How are you dealing with them?

I had a major blow out in August of 2020 with my peeps. Like.............stand up in each other's face. Things became gradually worse over time and plans for the holidays were cancelled. They leave right before Thanksgiving and returned at the end of January. So, this last weekend I got a phone call and I apologized for my part in this debacle because I am not sure that I could live with myself if I didn't try to make amends and either of them passed away. Honestly, I made amends with one but not the other (really) and that one was a bit lacking.

But, what does she do? Launch into another commentary on the political leanings of another relative.

But, I will have to go down next month. I don't want to. But, I have to do it. I just don't know if I can keep my mouth shut and for how long. I have tried reciting that I love these people over and over.

Just smile and change the subject.. over and over again if you have to.

I just wrote the same thing in a long winded way!
Luckily, all my relatives believe in liberty.
My best friend, however, is a fucking pinko. So we dont really talk about politics much.
Luckily, all my relatives believe in liberty.
My best friend, however, is a fucking pinko. So we dont really talk about politics much.

I told you that because I believed in Trotsky Fourth Element of Communism does not make me a Pinko!

Anyhoo, as you digest that the best way to defuse a political conversation is say what a beautiful day it is... Well unless they start talking about Climate Change!

I swear people have made everything political!
Luckily, all my relatives believe in liberty.
My best friend, however, is a fucking pinko. So we dont really talk about politics much.
So do mine. Their interpretation of it at any rate.
How are you dealing with them?

I had a major blow out in August of 2020 with my peeps. Like.............stand up in each other's face. Things became gradually worse over time and plans for the holidays were cancelled. They leave right before Thanksgiving and returned at the end of January. So, this last weekend I got a phone call and I apologized for my part in this debacle because I am not sure that I could live with myself if I didn't try to make amends and either of them passed away. Honestly, I made amends with one but not the other (really) and that one was a bit lacking.

But, what does she do? Launch into another commentary on the political leanings of another relative.

But, I will have to go down next month. I don't want to. I have to do it. I just don't know if I can keep my mouth shut and for how long. I have tried reciting that I love these people over and over.

My family are all yellers, so I grew up used to arguing. It's what we all did after supper, sit at the table jacked up on caffeine and argue all night. Nobody ever got permanently pissed off over it, so I don't know what to tell you; if your family are the quiet non-confrontational types, then I guess you should stop being loud and confrontational? If it's them who are opinionated and unable to cope with dissent then obviously ITS NOT YOUR PROBLEM, so don't worry about it, let them run around all butt hurt. If it's the reverse of that, and you are the problem, then try to just shut the hell up and quit being an asshole. It's not like the world is going to change to suit everybody or anything.
The first time I took my lady to meet my father, I ended up yelling at him because of a political argument. He's the sort of person who thinks the 'other side' is the cause of all problems, the root of all evil. Luckily, he knows he gets out of control when it comes to political discussion, so most of the time he ends up stopping himself so we can avoid that sort of fighting.

As other people have said, try to change the subject, subtly let people know that you don't want to have a political argument, or just flat out tell them you don't want to talk politics. If you don't think you can avoid a political fight, and if you really don't want to have it....don't go. I get that you want to see your family, but if it's going to leave everyone angry and miserable, is it worth it? :dunno:
How are you dealing with them?

My mother is a huge Trumper and firm believer that not just that election was stolen, but pretty much every election a Democrat wins is stolen. I've almost flipped my lid a couple of times when she brings this crap up, but I just try to change the subject and steer her away from it as quickly as possible.
My uncle back in 1968 showed up in the yard with a George Wallace for president bumper sticker on his car. It was the last time I seen him on the property. He was banished for life. My mom and dad were big on'' Lyndon Bains(May God bless him) Johnson'' .After Johnson dropped out they liked Bobby Kennedy, so there real touchy when it comes to politics. There southern yellow dog democrats. Like the other posters I found ways to change the subject when politics came up in the conversation.
How are you dealing with them?

I had a major blow out in August of 2020 with my peeps. Like.............stand up in each other's face. Things became gradually worse over time and plans for the holidays were cancelled. They leave right before Thanksgiving and returned at the end of January. So, this last weekend I got a phone call and I apologized for my part in this debacle because I am not sure that I could live with myself if I didn't try to make amends and either of them passed away. Honestly, I made amends with one but not the other (really) and that one was a bit lacking.

But, what does she do? Launch into another commentary on the political leanings of another relative.

But, I will have to go down next month. I don't want to. I have to do it. I just don't know if I can keep my mouth shut and for how long. I have tried reciting that I love these people over and over.
The best thing about being an adult is you don't have to listen to your family anymore
The first time I took my lady to meet my father, I ended up yelling at him because of a political argument. He's the sort of person who thinks the 'other side' is the cause of all problems, the root of all evil. Luckily, he knows he gets out of control when it comes to political discussion, so most of the time he ends up stopping himself so we can avoid that sort of fighting.

As other people have said, try to change the subject, subtly let people know that you don't want to have a political argument, or just flat out tell them you don't want to talk politics. If you don't think you can avoid a political fight, and if you really don't want to have it....don't go. I get that you want to see your family, but if it's going to leave everyone angry and miserable, is it worth it? :dunno:

I'm a liberal. One side is so far to the left that clearly you are a Republican if you don't think exactly like them and all of societies ills boil down to anybody right of the extreme left.

I'm trying to keep it from getting to the point of where I just stop all contact.

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