Reid triggers ‘nuclear option’ to change rules, prohibit filibusters ( Dem Dictators


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Reid triggers ‘nuclear option’ to change rules, prohibit filibusters ( Dem Dictators Take Over) ^ | October 6 2011 | A.Bolton

In a shocking development Thursday evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) triggered a rarely used procedural option informally called the “nuclear option” to change the Senate rules.

The surprise move stunned Republicans, who did not expect Reid to bring heavy artillery to what had been a humdrum knife fight over amendments to China currency legislation.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Its war!!! These commie bastards! The house shouldn't give them shit the rest of Obama's term! No budget or anything. Lock it down.
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Republicans had considered using this maneuver, dubbed the “nuclear option,” in 2005 to change Senate rules to prohibit the filibuster of judicial nominees. Democrats decried the plan and the crisis was resolved by a bipartisan agreement forged by 14 rank-and-file senators known as the Gang of 14.
The Democrats were against it, before they were for it.
What a waste to even do this. What exactly can the Senate do on it's own? lol

I seem to recall Democrats screaming to high heaven when Republicans talked about using this option. Now they are all for it, Just so Reid and the Democrats in the Senate can use their tiny Majority to Pass a bunch of Shit they know the House will never pass, and try and say look we tried, we passed all this stuff, But Republicans said no. Never mind that we had both houses for 2 long years and didn't get anything but a Health Care bill nobody wanted, and a failed Stimulus Done, It's all Republicans Fault.

Childish as hell. Reid is a Partisan Hack who will always put Political Gain for him and His Party above all else.
eh... I hate Reid but the filibuster has been abused by both parties for the last 100 yrs with increasing abuse over the last few years
The dems are cutting thier own throat. They'll only have the Senate for another 14 months, then they'll be screaming when it is used against them.:cool:
The house shouldn't pass another fucking bill until the next congress. Period.

Nah, what they should do is each time the Senate sends them a bill. They should take anything in it they do like, and write there own bill, Cutting Regulations or What ever, and send that back to the Senate.

That way they didn't just say no, they said no not that way, lets do this.
The dems are cutting thier own throat. They'll only have the Senate for another 14 months, then they'll be screaming when it is used against them.:cool:

Nah they will change the rules back in their last days in Session. Then the Republicans who already showed once they have to much Respect for our Tradition and Precedent to make such a Drastic Change will not change it back.
The house shouldn't pass another fucking bill until the next congress. Period.

You people aren't practical... I hate to be like the left but you should really let those who know something speak for you.

If the house doesn't pass any bills, Obama will win and all those seats that were won in surprise districts will immediately go back to democrats.

Not to mention it won't solve the problem, some of you are so ignorant and short sighted. I hate Obama but standing in defiance by offering absolutely nothing in an attempt to ruin his presidency gives the left evidence to be manipulated to fulfill every stereo type about the tea party and right. They need to come up with a plan, if they can't come up with a specific solution as how to govern they are no better than those idiots in the middle east or wall st who want to protest everything but have no plan to rule.

This would be disastrous if the house right listened to you.
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If you are going to be in the minority after the next election, you should not eliminate the rights of the minority to affect legislation.

The Democrats are going to regret this for a long time.
I agree with Reid. These procedural tactics have been abused too much.

Reid’s move strips the minority of the power of forcing politically-charged procedural votes after the Senate has voted to cut off a potential filibuster and move to a final vote, which the Senate did on the China measure Tuesday morning, 62-38.

Reid said motions to suspend the rules after the Senate votes to end debate — motions which do not need unanimous consent — are tantamount to a renewed filibuster after a cloture vote.

The house shouldn't pass another fucking bill until the next congress. Period.

You people aren't practical... I hate to be like the left but you should really let those who know something speak for you.

If the house doesn't pass any bills, Obama will win and all those seats that were won in surprise districts will immediately go back to democrats.

Not to mention it won't solve the problem, some of you are so ignorant and short sighted. I hate Obama but standing in defiance by offering absolutely nothing in an attempt to ruin his presidency gives the left evidence to be manipulated to fulfill every stereo type about the tea party and right. They need to come up with a plan, if they can't come up with a specific solution as how to govern they are no better than those idiots in the middle east or wall st who want to protest everything but have no plan to rule.

This would be disastrous if the house right listened to you.
You give the dems far too much credit.
Additionally, suggesting the GOP controlled House simply give in to democrat Senate demands is idiotic.
No. The GOP in the Senate needs to concentrate on Reid and drag him across the coals.
The American people don't like technicalities. This is one of those.
The democrat senators running for office next fall will have to answer for Reid's decision.
Anything that comes out of Congress is not going to be what Obama wants because everything Obama wants has a tax increase attached to it. Even Dems will not pass anything with a tax increase now.
SO Reid can play his silly game. Let him.
The GOP will take the high road. Reid will look like a vindictive politician and if no legislation is passed, Reid and the democrats will get the blame.
So let me get this straight.

In order to get rid of yet ANOTHER fucking filibuster from the Republicans (which is being used over and over again, and starting to piss me off) someone actually takes up the reigns and DOES something in congress?

How is this a bad thing? Congress as it stands has some of the absolute bottom of the barrel approval ratings in history, and someone decides to do something about it and he's still damned?

Fuck I'm not even on the left and I find this to be refreshing.
So let me get this straight.

In order to get rid of yet ANOTHER fucking filibuster from the Republicans (which is being used over and over again, and starting to piss me off) someone actually takes up the reigns and DOES something in congress?

How is this a bad thing? Congress as it stands has some of the absolute bottom of the barrel approval ratings in history, and someone decides to do something about it and he's still damned?

Fuck I'm not even on the left and I find this to be refreshing.

Personally I am not against the filibuster. But there should be a limit.

It's absurd that each and every bill or appointment requires 60 votes.
Republicans had considered using this maneuver, dubbed the “nuclear option,” in 2005 to change Senate rules to prohibit the filibuster of judicial nominees. Democrats decried the plan and the crisis was resolved by a bipartisan agreement forged by 14 rank-and-file senators known as the Gang of 14.
The Democrats were against it, before they were for it.

Republicans were for it before they were against it.
The house shouldn't pass another fucking bill until the next congress. Period.

You people aren't practical... I hate to be like the left but you should really let those who know something speak for you.

If the house doesn't pass any bills, Obama will win and all those seats that were won in surprise districts will immediately go back to democrats.

Not to mention it won't solve the problem, some of you are so ignorant and short sighted. I hate Obama but standing in defiance by offering absolutely nothing in an attempt to ruin his presidency gives the left evidence to be manipulated to fulfill every stereo type about the tea party and right. They need to come up with a plan, if they can't come up with a specific solution as how to govern they are no better than those idiots in the middle east or wall st who want to protest everything but have no plan to rule.

This would be disastrous if the house right listened to you.
You give the dems far too much credit.
Additionally, suggesting the GOP controlled House simply give in to democrat Senate demands is idiotic.
No. The GOP in the Senate needs to concentrate on Reid and drag him across the coals.
The American people don't like technicalities. This is one of those.
The democrat senators running for office next fall will have to answer for Reid's decision.
Anything that comes out of Congress is not going to be what Obama wants because everything Obama wants has a tax increase attached to it. Even Dems will not pass anything with a tax increase now.
SO Reid can play his silly game. Let him.
The GOP will take the high road. Reid will look like a vindictive politician and if no legislation is passed, Reid and the democrats will get the blame.

Did you even read his post? He didn't say anything about giving in to Dems. He basically said that the GOP should DO SOMETHING other than simply say 'no' to everything. Unlike the extreme-right who would rather blow up Congress than work with Dems, he realizes that the strategy of blocking everything just to defeat Obama is not a wise move.

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