Regrettable': Germany reacts to Trump plan to withdraw US troops


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Donald Trump’s plans to withdraw roughly a third of the US troops stationed in Germany have been criticised in the country by conservatives and welcomed by leftwing politicians.

The US president has reportedly ordered the Pentagon to reduce the number of troops by 9,500 from the 34,500 permanently assigned in Germany as part of a long-standing arrangement with Washington’s Nato ally.

Johann Wadephul, the deputy chair of the parliamentary group of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), described the withdrawal as a wake-up call. “The plans show that the Trump administration is neglecting an elementary task of leadership, to bind coalition partners into decision-making processes,” he said.

“Everyone profits from the alliance sticking together, only Russia and China profit from discord. Washington should pay more attention to that.”

The leader of the parliamentary group of the leftwing party Die Linke welcomed the development. “The federal government should accept it with gratitude and promptly start preparing the complete withdrawal of US soldiers with the Trump administration,” said Dietmar Bartsch.

This is an interesting development.
I don't know if pulling out these troops is right or not, it certainly would appear to benefit China, Russia and any other potential threats in the region. However, the U.S is still leaving 25,000, and it is clear Trump has had enough of E.U leadership. Germany is funding Russia buy purchasing their oil. Couldn't they at least do America a solid and import U.S oil as a slight expression of gratitude?

Since they won't, Germany should do what is right and agree to immediately meet the 2% target to NATO. America has been shouldering this for a long time, everyone knows it. It's just taken for granted, while European countries spend on domestic social issues and the U.S has to fund excessively at more than twice the agreed upon rate.
I don't know if pulling out these troops is right or not, it certainly would appear to benefit China, Russia and any other potential threats in the region. However, the U.S is still leaving 25,000, and it is clear Trump has had enough of E.U leadership. Germany is funding Russia buy purchasing their oil. Couldn't they at least do America a solid and import U.S oil as a slight expression of gratitude?

Since they won't, Germany should do what is right and agree to immediately meet the 2% target to NATO. America has been shouldering this for a long time, everyone knows it. It's just taken for granted, while European countries spend on domestic social issues and the U.S has to fund excessively at more than twice the agreed upon rate.
Germany will not meet its 2 percent REQUIREMENT until what was what 2031 and that is only if the next couple Governments don't change the plan. I think Russia is a threat but I agree we should not defend those who won't defend themselves.
Why should we be the world's police force.............let them defend Europe themselves............Let our troops be stationed here and spend money here instead of supporting their economy.........

Bring them all back..........doesn't bother me a bit.
..should've been done LOOOONG ago
1. we stop spending mucho $$$$ to Germans for German services and spend them on American services in America
2. we stop WASTING mucho $$$ sending troops and families/etc there then bringing them back
3, those troops will spend their $$$ in America and not Germany
should've been done LOOOONG ago
..the economical advantages are exponential
...and there is no change strategically or tactically
The Germans can all learn Russian and be invaded for all I care.
German started 2 World Wars......why the hell should we care about them anymore........

Let them defend themselves........And let them be China's bitches as well...........
The Germans are smart people. The Japanese are smart people. After WW 2 we made sure that Germany and Japan were our friends and we clipped one of their wings of each in doing so. However, Western Europe seems to have self destructed and has forgotten the horrors of war. They may have internal wars for their immigration policies in the future. The United States hegemony is a bit reduced as our economic power has been reduced a bit in real terms. The costs of us defending and building military hardware has escalated greatly. We have pressures at home as we see today. We are soft. They are softer.
The Germans can all learn Russian and be invaded for all I care.
German started 2 World Wars......why the hell should we care about them anymore........

Let them defend themselves........And let them be China's bitches as well...........
The Germans are smart people. The Japanese are smart people. After WW 2 we made sure that Germany and Japan were our friends and we clipped one of their wings of each in doing so. However, Western Europe seems to have self destructed and has forgotten the horrors of war. They may have internal wars for their immigration policies in the future. The United States hegemony is a bit reduced as our economic power has been reduced a bit in real terms. The costs of us defending and building military hardware has escalated greatly. We have pressures at home as we see today. We are soft. They are softer.
They need us more than we need them.......but our country has been DIVERSIFIED........LOL

I'm sure one day China or the Muzzies will care about our Diverseity........LOL

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