Regret Sets in as Never Trump Tries to Cope


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Regret Sets in as Never Trump Tries to Cope​

19 Aug 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
The “adults” were back in the room. Competence had returned to the White House. Decorum, empathy, and decency abounded. Those were some of the jubilant proclamations made by a certain segment of the right after Joe Biden took office. For them, it was all fun and games with the bad orange man gone — until it wasn’t.
That’s the situation Never Trump figures, especially those that cashed in with MSNBC appearances and subscription newsletters, find themselves facing. The brutal collapse of Afghanistan mixed with Biden’s cold, incompetent response have opened the floodgates on a sea of regret. And while those “Republicans” who made it their mission to put Biden into the Oval Office in 2020 will never truly admit it, things aren’t going as planned.
These reactions are also pathetic in that they attempt to shift blame. Never Trump wanted Biden. They got Biden. They do not get to sit on the sidelines now and pretend to float above it all as if they predicted the disaster that we are now seeing. For four long years, Never Trump insisted that Trump voters owned every single mean tweet and decision the former president made. The rules don’t suddenly change because it’s convenient.
Every single awful decision that Biden has made, from Afghanistan to the border to the economy, is owned by Never Trump. They had the chance during 2020 to stay out of the mix, leave their ballots blank, and hold onto some semblance of the high ground. Instead, they soaked up cable news hits and actively sought to elect the most incapable, morally disastrous president in the nation’s history (yes, morality does extend beyond the bounds of tweeting).
And now they want to act shocked this is all happening?

Who could have possibly foreseen this except almost everyone? I was hardly alone in shouting from the rooftops that Biden was an incompetent phony that had never been right about much of anything over his entire career, especially regarding foreign policy. The idea that personality should be the preeminent quality in a president was always foolhardy. Policies are ultimately what affect the lives of Americans.
Further, the obsession over morality regarding Trump’s decades-old transgressions eschewed the fact that morality regarding policy is far, far more relevant in a presidency. I didn’t like that Trump had moral failings a decade prior to taking office. But I much more don’t like seeing Afghans shot in the streets while Americans are left to fend for themselves. Which is more immoral from a governmental standpoint? That’s an easy question to answer, and that so many Never Trumpers refused to even make that calculus was always disturbing.
When you put it all together, the blame-shifting we are now seeing is laughable. As RedState’s Kira Davis opined in response, just take some responsibility for once.

By the very standard they laid out during the Trump era, Never Trump owned what we are seeing now. They helped put this man in office. They did this. Preening and obfuscating from their overpriced beltway residences doesn’t change that. Their regret is palpable, even if their egos won’t let them admit to it.

Democrat strategists and Never Trumpers': "Perhaps our brilliant plan wasn't so brilliant after all."
Seems like Biden's tirades anytime he's confronted with an actual question(s) (e.g., the Stephanopoulos dumpster fire) could be reduced by the promise of an extra helping of ice cream.
These Never Trump self-deluded elitists are bitter now that they find themselves without a home on either side.
Conservatives have nothing but contempt for them and PMS/DSA Democrat CPUSA Leftists have no further use for them.
So - in their isolated bitterness - they impotently lash out at both sides.
Perhaps we have missed this completely, Joey Xi Bai Dung isn’t making any decisions. Susan Rice is in the Whitehouse executing Obama’s instructions. The sooner we focus on that and a stolen election the sooner we’ll get our country back. I know there’s no retro remedy for the stolen election but we have to be willing to push that story to get ready for 2022.
The PMS/DSA Democrat-CPUSA has no intention of EVER losing another election. Their false sense of absolute moral and intellectual superiority had made it impossible for them to part with power again.
The recriminations and consequences of this quagmire is just Joey Xi Bai Dung's opening act! There is MUCH more to come. As already mentioned in other posts, Taiwan is next! Then lets see what happens with Iran and North Korea. This time NK pajama Kim Jung Un won't be targeting his missiles at water!

Regret Sets in as Never Trump Tries to Cope​

19 Aug 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
The “adults” were back in the room. Competence had returned to the White House. Decorum, empathy, and decency abounded. Those were some of the jubilant proclamations made by a certain segment of the right after Joe Biden took office. For them, it was all fun and games with the bad orange man gone — until it wasn’t.
That’s the situation Never Trump figures, especially those that cashed in with MSNBC appearances and subscription newsletters, find themselves facing. The brutal collapse of Afghanistan mixed with Biden’s cold, incompetent response have opened the floodgates on a sea of regret. And while those “Republicans” who made it their mission to put Biden into the Oval Office in 2020 will never truly admit it, things aren’t going as planned.
These reactions are also pathetic in that they attempt to shift blame. Never Trump wanted Biden. They got Biden. They do not get to sit on the sidelines now and pretend to float above it all as if they predicted the disaster that we are now seeing. For four long years, Never Trump insisted that Trump voters owned every single mean tweet and decision the former president made. The rules don’t suddenly change because it’s convenient.
Every single awful decision that Biden has made, from Afghanistan to the border to the economy, is owned by Never Trump. They had the chance during 2020 to stay out of the mix, leave their ballots blank, and hold onto some semblance of the high ground. Instead, they soaked up cable news hits and actively sought to elect the most incapable, morally disastrous president in the nation’s history (yes, morality does extend beyond the bounds of tweeting).
And now they want to act shocked this is all happening?

Who could have possibly foreseen this except almost everyone? I was hardly alone in shouting from the rooftops that Biden was an incompetent phony that had never been right about much of anything over his entire career, especially regarding foreign policy. The idea that personality should be the preeminent quality in a president was always foolhardy. Policies are ultimately what affect the lives of Americans.
Further, the obsession over morality regarding Trump’s decades-old transgressions eschewed the fact that morality regarding policy is far, far more relevant in a presidency. I didn’t like that Trump had moral failings a decade prior to taking office. But I much more don’t like seeing Afghans shot in the streets while Americans are left to fend for themselves. Which is more immoral from a governmental standpoint? That’s an easy question to answer, and that so many Never Trumpers refused to even make that calculus was always disturbing.
When you put it all together, the blame-shifting we are now seeing is laughable. As RedState’s Kira Davis opined in response, just take some responsibility for once.

By the very standard they laid out during the Trump era, Never Trump owned what we are seeing now. They helped put this man in office. They did this. Preening and obfuscating from their overpriced beltway residences doesn’t change that. Their regret is palpable, even if their egos won’t let them admit to it.

Democrat strategists and Never Trumpers': "Perhaps our brilliant plan wasn't so brilliant after all."
Seems like Biden's tirades anytime he's confronted with an actual question(s) (e.g., the Stephanopoulos dumpster fire) could be reduced by the promise of an extra helping of ice cream.
These Never Trump self-deluded elitists are bitter now that they find themselves without a home on either side.
Conservatives have nothing but contempt for them and PMS/DSA Democrat CPUSA Leftists have no further use for them.
So - in their isolated bitterness - they impotently lash out at both sides.
Perhaps we have missed this completely, Joey Xi Bai Dung isn’t making any decisions. Susan Rice is in the Whitehouse executing Obama’s instructions. The sooner we focus on that and a stolen election the sooner we’ll get our country back. I know there’s no retro remedy for the stolen election but we have to be willing to push that story to get ready for 2022.
The PMS/DSA Democrat-CPUSA has no intention of EVER losing another election. Their false sense of absolute moral and intellectual superiority had made it impossible for them to part with power again.
The recriminations and consequences of this quagmire is just Joey Xi Bai Dung's opening act! There is MUCH more to come. As already mentioned in other posts, Taiwan is next! Then lets see what happens with Iran and North Korea. This time NK pajama Kim Jung Un won't be targeting his missiles at water!

Perhaps there should be a subforum where conservatives can go to discuss how sad they are that we're not sending our military en masse to die for nothing in Dubya's wars anymore.

Regret Sets in as Never Trump Tries to Cope​

19 Aug 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
The “adults” were back in the room. Competence had returned to the White House. Decorum, empathy, and decency abounded. Those were some of the jubilant proclamations made by a certain segment of the right after Joe Biden took office. For them, it was all fun and games with the bad orange man gone — until it wasn’t.
That’s the situation Never Trump figures, especially those that cashed in with MSNBC appearances and subscription newsletters, find themselves facing. The brutal collapse of Afghanistan mixed with Biden’s cold, incompetent response have opened the floodgates on a sea of regret. And while those “Republicans” who made it their mission to put Biden into the Oval Office in 2020 will never truly admit it, things aren’t going as planned.
These reactions are also pathetic in that they attempt to shift blame. Never Trump wanted Biden. They got Biden. They do not get to sit on the sidelines now and pretend to float above it all as if they predicted the disaster that we are now seeing. For four long years, Never Trump insisted that Trump voters owned every single mean tweet and decision the former president made. The rules don’t suddenly change because it’s convenient.
Every single awful decision that Biden has made, from Afghanistan to the border to the economy, is owned by Never Trump. They had the chance during 2020 to stay out of the mix, leave their ballots blank, and hold onto some semblance of the high ground. Instead, they soaked up cable news hits and actively sought to elect the most incapable, morally disastrous president in the nation’s history (yes, morality does extend beyond the bounds of tweeting).
And now they want to act shocked this is all happening?

Who could have possibly foreseen this except almost everyone? I was hardly alone in shouting from the rooftops that Biden was an incompetent phony that had never been right about much of anything over his entire career, especially regarding foreign policy. The idea that personality should be the preeminent quality in a president was always foolhardy. Policies are ultimately what affect the lives of Americans.
Further, the obsession over morality regarding Trump’s decades-old transgressions eschewed the fact that morality regarding policy is far, far more relevant in a presidency. I didn’t like that Trump had moral failings a decade prior to taking office. But I much more don’t like seeing Afghans shot in the streets while Americans are left to fend for themselves. Which is more immoral from a governmental standpoint? That’s an easy question to answer, and that so many Never Trumpers refused to even make that calculus was always disturbing.
When you put it all together, the blame-shifting we are now seeing is laughable. As RedState’s Kira Davis opined in response, just take some responsibility for once.

By the very standard they laid out during the Trump era, Never Trump owned what we are seeing now. They helped put this man in office. They did this. Preening and obfuscating from their overpriced beltway residences doesn’t change that. Their regret is palpable, even if their egos won’t let them admit to it.

Democrat strategists and Never Trumpers': "Perhaps our brilliant plan wasn't so brilliant after all."
Seems like Biden's tirades anytime he's confronted with an actual question(s) (e.g., the Stephanopoulos dumpster fire) could be reduced by the promise of an extra helping of ice cream.
These Never Trump self-deluded elitists are bitter now that they find themselves without a home on either side.
Conservatives have nothing but contempt for them and PMS/DSA Democrat CPUSA Leftists have no further use for them.
So - in their isolated bitterness - they impotently lash out at both sides.
Perhaps we have missed this completely, Joey Xi Bai Dung isn’t making any decisions. Susan Rice is in the Whitehouse executing Obama’s instructions. The sooner we focus on that and a stolen election the sooner we’ll get our country back. I know there’s no retro remedy for the stolen election but we have to be willing to push that story to get ready for 2022.
The PMS/DSA Democrat-CPUSA has no intention of EVER losing another election. Their false sense of absolute moral and intellectual superiority had made it impossible for them to part with power again.
The recriminations and consequences of this quagmire is just Joey Xi Bai Dung's opening act! There is MUCH more to come. As already mentioned in other posts, Taiwan is next! Then lets see what happens with Iran and North Korea. This time NK pajama Kim Jung Un won't be targeting his missiles at water!

But we got no more mean tweets in exchange so.....
Perhaps there should be a subforum where conservatives can go to discuss how sad they are that we're not sending our military en masse to die for nothing in Dubya's wars anymore.
How many troops were killed between 2009-2016, Gomer Pyle?

Was there one single finger lifted to draw down and leave?
Trump started ZERO wars. Made peace with 11 countries.

Barry Soetoro set the record for the number of countries bombed back to the Stone Age at.... wait for it..... 7. With a specialty of bombing weddings and funerals.

The Dims are soulless animals that shit on everything they come in contact with.... prove me wrong.

Regret Sets in as Never Trump Tries to Cope​

19 Aug 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
The “adults” were back in the room. Competence had returned to the White House. Decorum, empathy, and decency abounded. Those were some of the jubilant proclamations made by a certain segment of the right after Joe Biden took office. For them, it was all fun and games with the bad orange man gone — until it wasn’t.
That’s the situation Never Trump figures, especially those that cashed in with MSNBC appearances and subscription newsletters, find themselves facing. The brutal collapse of Afghanistan mixed with Biden’s cold, incompetent response have opened the floodgates on a sea of regret. And while those “Republicans” who made it their mission to put Biden into the Oval Office in 2020 will never truly admit it, things aren’t going as planned.
These reactions are also pathetic in that they attempt to shift blame. Never Trump wanted Biden. They got Biden. They do not get to sit on the sidelines now and pretend to float above it all as if they predicted the disaster that we are now seeing. For four long years, Never Trump insisted that Trump voters owned every single mean tweet and decision the former president made. The rules don’t suddenly change because it’s convenient.
Every single awful decision that Biden has made, from Afghanistan to the border to the economy, is owned by Never Trump. They had the chance during 2020 to stay out of the mix, leave their ballots blank, and hold onto some semblance of the high ground. Instead, they soaked up cable news hits and actively sought to elect the most incapable, morally disastrous president in the nation’s history (yes, morality does extend beyond the bounds of tweeting).
And now they want to act shocked this is all happening?

Who could have possibly foreseen this except almost everyone? I was hardly alone in shouting from the rooftops that Biden was an incompetent phony that had never been right about much of anything over his entire career, especially regarding foreign policy. The idea that personality should be the preeminent quality in a president was always foolhardy. Policies are ultimately what affect the lives of Americans.
Further, the obsession over morality regarding Trump’s decades-old transgressions eschewed the fact that morality regarding policy is far, far more relevant in a presidency. I didn’t like that Trump had moral failings a decade prior to taking office. But I much more don’t like seeing Afghans shot in the streets while Americans are left to fend for themselves. Which is more immoral from a governmental standpoint? That’s an easy question to answer, and that so many Never Trumpers refused to even make that calculus was always disturbing.
When you put it all together, the blame-shifting we are now seeing is laughable. As RedState’s Kira Davis opined in response, just take some responsibility for once.

By the very standard they laid out during the Trump era, Never Trump owned what we are seeing now. They helped put this man in office. They did this. Preening and obfuscating from their overpriced beltway residences doesn’t change that. Their regret is palpable, even if their egos won’t let them admit to it.

Democrat strategists and Never Trumpers': "Perhaps our brilliant plan wasn't so brilliant after all."
Seems like Biden's tirades anytime he's confronted with an actual question(s) (e.g., the Stephanopoulos dumpster fire) could be reduced by the promise of an extra helping of ice cream.
These Never Trump self-deluded elitists are bitter now that they find themselves without a home on either side.
Conservatives have nothing but contempt for them and PMS/DSA Democrat CPUSA Leftists have no further use for them.
So - in their isolated bitterness - they impotently lash out at both sides.
Perhaps we have missed this completely, Joey Xi Bai Dung isn’t making any decisions. Susan Rice is in the Whitehouse executing Obama’s instructions. The sooner we focus on that and a stolen election the sooner we’ll get our country back. I know there’s no retro remedy for the stolen election but we have to be willing to push that story to get ready for 2022.
The PMS/DSA Democrat-CPUSA has no intention of EVER losing another election. Their false sense of absolute moral and intellectual superiority had made it impossible for them to part with power again.
The recriminations and consequences of this quagmire is just Joey Xi Bai Dung's opening act! There is MUCH more to come. As already mentioned in other posts, Taiwan is next! Then lets see what happens with Iran and North Korea. This time NK pajama Kim Jung Un won't be targeting his missiles at water!

My only regret is that I only voted for Joe in 8 states instead of all 11 battleground states. LOL
Trump started ZERO wars. Made peace with 11 countries.

Barry Soetoro set the record for the number of countries bombed back to the Stone Age at.... wait for it..... 7. With a specialty of bombing weddings and funerals.

The Dims are soulless animals that shit on everything they come in contact with.... prove me wrong.
"Wait for it"

You're wrong.
Who's coping now?

The War Against Syria.
Trump started ZERO wars.
That's kind of the thing about appeasers of totalitarians.

If Trump was in office on 9/11, he probably would have exchanged love letters with Osama bin Laden.

If he was in office in 2021, Putin would be in Kyiv right now.
But we got no more mean tweets in exchange so.....
We got record deficits and an idiotic far left tariff war which widened our trade gap with China to a new record.

There was also the attempted coup to circumvent the Constitution.

And then there were the record number of scandals, indictments, and convictions of Trump's "best people".

The Swamp was made wider, longer, and deeper.

The strike was the first unilateral military action by the United States targeting the Syrian government during the Syrian Civil War.[9][10] President Trump stated shortly thereafter, "It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons."[11][12]

2017 Shayrat missile strike - Wikipedia
That's kind of the thing about appeasers of totalitarians.

If Trump was in office on 9/11, he probably would have exchanged love letters with Osama bin Laden.

If he was in office in 2021, Putin would be in Kyiv right now.
Your mental illness is amusing.

The doctors need to show you some tough love and explain to you, "you don't actually hate Trump, you're just stupid"....

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