Regarding The 'My President, Right or Wrong' Threads


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
I apologize for starting a 3rd thread, just getting a headache reading the two.

The op had the basis of those that are married to a candidate when she cited voting twice for Bush without being informed other than one issue. These are the folks that have failed to inform themselves enough to develop their own political philosophy and parameters of what's acceptable and what is not, according to their own reasonings.

No candidate or office holder is going to do or say everything in alignment with what you think, if you think. However, if you vote for someone that you believe, based on their stands on issues, you expect their reasoning and votes on issues will match up most of the time. You would not expect them to pull a 180 on major import issues.

Truth is, I've seen much more of this with GOP candidates than DNC candidates. Thus the rise of tea parties.

Bush was roundly criticized in his second half of second term, by many here and certainly by the conservative media. Obama is now facing the same but in 2nd half of 1st term. He's got a problem and it's not his supporters, but himself.
I don't have a headache, and I can't say I'm really surprised that partisan hacks can't stop being partisan hacks for one or two simple threads. I just can't see any way that either of the two gentlemen are 100% pure, unadulterated crap in which people can find no good thing.

Aaaaand apparently I was wrong. They would literally rather show their ass than admit that Obama has done any one thing right.
I don't have a headache, and I can't say I'm really surprised that partisan hacks can't stop being partisan hacks for one or two simple threads. I just can't see any way that either of the two gentlemen are 100% pure, unadulterated crap in which people can find no good thing.

Aaaaand apparently I was wrong. They would literally rather show their ass than admit that Obama has done any one thing right.

Those that see 'no good' are totally blinded by partisanship, something they believe will take care of their own lack of information. 'If I vote for (D/R) I'll mostly be ok. At least for the (R) that's not working so well anymore. Too many are looking at 3rd parties as an alternative, my guess is partially because of too many politicians with that branding that fail to be fiscal conservatives. Sadly, many because those elected are not 'far right' enough, but that battle will be fought out. It's not the tea parties in general, certainly not by stated convictions that emphasize social conservatism.

Obama lost the far left to a real degree with the health care reform he failed to lead on. Then there were the wars, Guantanamo, etc. These folks were critical while the decisions were being made and policies formed.

Now he's losing his real base, those that have been devastated by the economy, since it's the lowest on the socioeconomic scale that always get hit first, most, and last. They tend not to have the time or interests to follow along with politics on a regular basis, but get hit enough and conclusions are reached. Sometimes even with lack of information, some decisions are inevitable.

Anyone that has an opinion based on philosophy can find good and bad decisions, opinions, motivations by their own guys and the opposition.

I think Obama is a believer in his ideological framing. He is a true believer in the state knows best. He doesn't think the people are very smart. He's an elitist and feels true responsibility for those that aren't.

Thus his ideas on health care, expansion of social safety net, are principled.

Bush had a lot of the same ideas, especially in improving schools and such.

I think both wanted the right things, neither though could or do see when to pull back or reformulate how to get where they want to go.
I don't have a headache, and I can't say I'm really surprised that partisan hacks can't stop being partisan hacks for one or two simple threads. I just can't see any way that either of the two gentlemen are 100% pure, unadulterated crap in which people can find no good thing.

Aaaaand apparently I was wrong. They would literally rather show their ass than admit that Obama has done any one thing right.

So says the biggest hack on USMB....


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