Red States Refusing MediCaid Expansion Costing People Billions!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Abraham Lincoln had famously set the White People of the United States into a genocidal slaughter, in no small measure thanks to medical technology. The Party of Abraham Lincoln is still around, having refused the federally funded expansion of the low-income, MediCaid program. The framers(?) had not expected the opt-out provision created by the Conservatives of the Supreme Court. That too, leaves millions vulnerable, with the Red States having to be extra-taxed to pay for their lethal, policy shenanigans. Here you have the Spirit of Abraham Lincoln, again upon the ravaged land!

States losing billions in refusing to expand Medicaid, report finds - NBC

What anyone sees here, the Conservatives call "Trickle Down(?)!" In a word--or maybe at least a dozen(?)--It Don't Work Like That! In fact, "Trickle Down," famously has never worked at all--Going back to ancient Sumeria. In their world, you store the grain, You get a coin. You can use that for a fertility. . .ritual rite. Even in the modern world, many can be reminded that babies probably do come about that way. More grain, more fertility. By the time of Code of Hammurabi, the male could sell the household into slavery, for relief of debts.

Just somehow, whatever was supposed to "Trickle Down," was really off to a bad start(?)! George Bush, allied with the Cheney Family Feud, would start the First Term Presidency, more or less in the same manner. No, The Tax Cuts wouldn't work! Nearly half the tax filers had zero income tax liability, already. The way economists explain these matters--suddenly there was nothing to stimulate(?). . .or stimulate, with(?)! Economists conclusion? Bill Clinton actually had invented sex education, on a broad(?), international scale. People learned really, what great leaders do. . .for work(?)!

Liberals even now, can easily come back to these kinds of explanations. In the Alternative--Ted Cruz, McConnell. . .John McCain, Ryan. . .Boehner, Cantor. . .Paul, Paul, et. al.!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington, Clinton, could understand ancient Sumeria--even though many seemed to have a problem with that(?)!)
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Since my state just elected a Democratic Governor, I am hoping Texas's loss will be Virginia's gain...The collective ignorance of the GOP is astounding!
The Hate-Christ-Daily, Conservative Christian brand: Has therefore(?) clearly been against lower income markets, doing any spending, going back even before, Adam Smith.

Humanity first breached the sense of common community in ancient Sumeria. By the time of Code of Hammurabi, it was becoming even legal to create a lower slave class, a consequence of inability to pay off debts. The Code of Moses mainly addressed relationship rules. Usury was prohibited--not in all dealings, but only those within the Community of Hebs. They were either smart, or they were not.

Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "O'Christ," would celebrate more the conquering pantheon of Greece and Rome. In Matthew 25:14-30, the Pythagrean Theorem of Greek religions can be applied. Not just enslavement, but out and out foreclosure(?), became the outcome of inattention to the lower income Market. Personally caused by RNC, and Ronald Reagan, Bush, Bush, Boehner, McConnell, Paul, Paul, et. al.: In fact the recent foreclosure crisis seems like only yesterday(?)! Anyone is reminded that Ronald Reagan had paid for that microphone. Righteous Brother(?) Rev. Jerry Falwell got millions to pay for his microphone. Money would then be far less likely to be spent in the stores. The Make Work Pay, Refundable Tax Credit, (Matt. 20:1-16), would not be preached! Liberals would do that, instead. . . .or something. . .and generally be thought Communits(?)!

And so the Red States have done what the Christ-Hating tradition tends to do.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe board yacht of billionaire Russian, dressed like Concierge, and toss helicopters into the sea!)

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