Red Band: Engaging Father Fascism [Fox/Archangel Comics]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism-consciousness elegy for our modern age of media and the wide proliferation of justice-themed and war-patriotic films such as Justice League and Three Kings and Patriots Day in honor of Veteran's Day.

Cheers (signing off),



As American school and universities began embracing school-uniform policies to ensure that students were not distracted by fashion trends and socioeconomic differences revealing disparities in class and background, social pundits wondered if such policies were pseudo-socialist or democratic. How students dressed was as important as what they learned, because this was the 'flavor' of the era of networking and hence socialization. A Great Tribulation regarding the 'ethics of aesthetics' was approaching, and no one was prepared, least of all journalists.


American consumerism-based companies such as Toys 'R Us and Wal-Mart were compelled to deal with questions like, "What toys are prudent/wise to sell?" Parental-controls on cable-TV boxes and movie-ratings helped adults screen what kids had access to in the age of media. However, the Internet was still proliferating a panorama of imagery, making regulation and monitoring quite challenging. Social pundits wondered if politicians should address more seriously everyday consumerism-oriented questions like, "Do water-guns promote violence among children?"


After the U.S. Army dealt with Iraq in the Gulf War, which was largely petroleum-based, civilians cared about the quality of journalism and how global conflicts were covered in the press/media. Hollywood (USA) made countless films about various wars across America's history, and it seemed like all this cinematic imagery was promoting healthy dialogue. However, all this 'media-buzz' actually drew the attention of an alien-army of darkness from Venus which wanted to 'test' Americans/humanity for its 'faith' in modern global capitalism. The U.S. army would be tested more than ever, so what the Trump Administration prepared?


This virulent alien 'army of darkness' from Venus came on cloaked horseback, making themselves invisible at some times and visible at others. This army was hideous. They wore metal masks reminiscent of Christian calvary-omens about Golgotha. This army of darkness from Venus wanted to frighten humanity's sensibilities regarding 'over-confidence' in media and capitalism by reminding Americans of the need for strength and daring in a time of great capitalism-based networking (i.e., European Union, NATO). The army of darkness advanced on the U.S. army in Iceland, since Iceland was a place where eco-reform became a prominent 'feature' of journalism. This army of darkness from Venus was called 'Red Band' [RB].


The army of darkness brought with it numerous giant predatory mechanical insects known as 'Insecticons.' These predatory 'creatures' would basically rip through any U.S. soldier when the soldier became disarmed or discoordinated because of mental nervousness/anxiety regarding basic patriotism. These Insecticons were basically 'fear-terminators' and the army of darkness from Venus considered them 'diplomats' of war itself. The U.S. soldiers knew they were dealing with a real force of antagonism. Was capitalism/democracy/America worth all the sweat?


After the war ended, the the U.S. army miraculously managed to drive the Insecticons and the virulent army of darkness from Venus that commandeered the creatures back to their home-planet. President Trump declared this the greatest achievement in American history, since it promoted great enthusiasm towards American power. The U.S. government was now required to 'spin' this 'war' correctly so as to promote the right dose of patriotism and remind civilians through journalists that wartime courage in America reflected a real interest in commerce-based imagination. President Trump began advertising commemorative Last Supper (of Christ) paintings (by Leonardo da Vinci) distribution on the Internet, so supporters of U.S. forces across the world securing democracy/capitalism would never forget the faith required to exorcise that virulent army of darkness from Venus.


The commander of the U.S. forces credited with the expulsion from that army from Venus was General Clooney, who decided to commemorate his great battle with a series of child-like stick-figure doodles of 'evil elves' meant to remind Americans that the USA was able to expel a terrible antagonistic force with sheer imagination and restore confidence in America's idealism towards Christmas consumerism. Clooney believed that Americans needed to decorate more Christmas trees and celebrate Christmas-elf folklore to put behind the nation's mind (forever) that nagging and disturbing notion that capitalism was a thing of piracy and anarchy.


Clooney's elf-doodles and editorials were published in The Post, and this drew the attention of Hollywood (USA) super-celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise who chose to adapt Clooney and the heroics of his forces in a series of global-war themed fabled inspired by America's engagement with the Insecticons and the army of darkness from Venus. Hanks and Cruise created a comics-enterprise with comics writer/artist William Gibson called Archangel Comics. Their second story-series published by Archangel Comics titled Insecticon Invasion was adapted into a Steven Spielberg film titled Venus/Insects: Army Day and starring Josh Hartnett (as General Clooney!). The film was produced by Fox rather than DreamWorks. Was consumerism finally safe? Would capitalism always be safe from the dangers of fascism?



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